With our new house faction, the french one, doesn't there need to be a bad guy/faction group to be counter frenchie? Brainstorm here. BTW i'm trying to find a cool french pirate name.
Now now, although I'm far from French, I am from a country close to a country that the French once pillaged, razed, rebuilt, and colonized. And I'd be happy to show you a taste of real ze real powear of ze frrranch!
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?