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_______________________________ To: Geoffrey Enfield. From: Enma Loyola.
Good day, Geoff,
Sadly out last meeting was interrupted by... Well I think we shall meet again shortly and this time we shall choose more quiet place than Maltese orbit.
I think you have to know such places what we need, right?
...Encrypted Communication Stream...
Geoffrey Enfield "Find your bliss."
To: Emma Loyola
I understand your concern and this will be done, but i feel as if the coat over my main badge won't stay in the dark for long, mainly for the fact that i do enjoy not being seen as an Agent of the Buro when i visit Malta and their people, and come some place to relax and talk, so i guess matters like this won't need the precaution to be hidden in the near future.
I'd also like to discuss the matters of where to talk with me and you, I'd suggest the area of Freeport 10 in Tau-37, it seems like a nice place and also quiet and with the protection of the Freeport i guess it gives us the peace of not being shot at... I hate being shot at.
I'll look forward to speaking with you Miss Loyola.
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_______________________________ To: Geoffrey Enfield. From: Enma Loyola.
I'm agrred with you in the case of Freeport 10, this must be on of the best places in whole Sirius to conversations on our kind. I'm about to finish current performing of my dutys on Malta and then I will be there as soon as possible.
As the additional incentive I think I will share with you some of my credits if I will get the information that will be useful. It maybe will not covers all risks, but Im still keeping your little sectet. And I will also may have a huge problems if you will be uncovered, I would even say that we are at the same boat now.
Unlike you I'm not the agent and that means I have no skills to sweeping tracks and other intelligence tricks. I would not worry about the uncover If I were you, it's just a job and you must be doing it well. Also if you do afraid you may just say farewell to Malta right now to be not disappointed in the future.
...Encrypted Communication Stream...
Geoffrey Enfield "Find your bliss."
To: Emma Loyola
Good, I've already taken a fighter down there, it be nice to see you. Could i possibly expect you within the next half an hour? I might be in a bit of a rush. Not much to say, but I'll look into every detail you can give me, I'll be looking forward to see you.