But yeah, after a conversation on skype with some guys, we found again one problem in Discovery.
The Storyline...
I have some questions, why we let the Devs plan the Storyline?
Why not the community (Disco player)?
I think the most guys from us, want to change something in the Storyline with some Events, Factions and RP Stuff. Why the hell, we the players can't change the storyline?
When a Faction dies it dies. When a House die it dies... when a big gallia fleet invade New London why the hell Bretonia can't lose this System??
We the players are here to have fun and to change something. I don't play a RP game when i can't change something when it can be changed...
Why the Devs can't open a Thread with a vote, what the community want? A "community story line" where the players can edit and on the other side a Dev storyline.
Please Devs, open one of this Threads... give it a try. When it doesn't work change it back... but currently disco is not so nice anymore... it was better.
Because they don't give a crap what players want. There is a select few who decide these things and push through what they want.
Look at faction perks. Many have applied for them and few receive any. LPI couldn't even get Sunbucks Donuts added as a commodity. After a few months being bounced btw admins and Devs I got nothing and finally gave up. It was apparently too much work for the Devs to add a commodity even though it's listed as a faction perks.
So if an official faction can't even get a simple perk why would the Devs care about what players want as far as a storyline?
Anything involving a little work makes the Devs run for cover.
One of the many reasons people are leaving left and right.
(07-21-2015, 01:45 AM)Jonas Valent Wrote: Because they don't give a crap what players want. There is a select few who decide these things and push through what they want.
Look at faction perks. Many have applied for them and few receive any. LPI couldn't even get Sunbucks Donuts added as a commodity. After a few months being bounced btw admins and Devs I got nothing and finally gave up. It was apparently too much work for the Devs to add a commodity even though it's listed as a faction perks.
So if an official faction can't even get a simple perk why would the Devs care about what players want as far as a storyline?
Anything involving a little work makes the Devs run for cover.
One of the many reasons people are leaving left and right.
RIP disco
I can only agree with what you sayed.
I was a Dev on "3" Arma 3 Altis life server, i scripted all the ... scripts and was the mapper on this 3 server's.
I know, sometimes you say, wtf no i don't add something cause currently i have other projects and other thinks to solve.
But when the whole community come and they want it ( here is it a faction leader with 30 Members who want it) you can ask the community what they want?
Should we finish first "A" and then "B" or first "B" and then "A"
I can understand the Devs and i know when we have a player storyline we can have big big problems who can destroy Disco maybe instandly.
But no risk no fun. Give us a try. Let the community be the "Storyline"
Players can, their called the official faction leaders and reps can. Dev's only follow what the faction leaders need and say. I can say like, the Kusari civil war? That was decided by all Kuasri leaders. The Omicron stuff? Decided by the leaders in the Omicrons. The devs have some say here and there, but mostly its up to the faction leaders. I have to say, I think its fair the official faction have more leway on the lore of the faction, because honestly, there would be so much crap that it would not be funny.
Dev's don't really have a say on the story line, they only listen to the official faction leaders. Honestly if you want a say, join an official faction, that's how most people get a say. Beyond that, all I can recommend is just to sit back and watch. This is why official factions exist, so players can't do stuff they can do as indies. An example would be like myself. I lead the Blood Dragons but I got a High Command of players who help me write the Blood Dragon lore. Then the players around the faction help it evolve. I normally speak with the Kusari leaders, Hubert and them about the upcoming civil war for Kusari which is underway needless to say.
These factions have worked hard on having a say, most the time the dev's only move in if its something major, like a full scale war like the Bretoina war with Gallia. The dev's have a good say but normally they talk with the faction leaders to see what to do next. I can say I've heard BAF leaders talking with GRN leaders on how to start events or even lore stuff. Its not the devs, its the faction leaders you should be talking to
it IS pretty discouraging, when you know that nothing you (or your fellow faction members do) matters at all. No amount of RP, (forum or ingame) or any pewpewing or trading, mining, or base-building will change a single thing come the next update.
The 'story' gets written around the changes in order to explain them, rather than changes being made as a reflection of the story that is happening in-game.
(07-21-2015, 01:52 AM)Shizune Wrote: Players can, their called the official faction leaders and reps can. Dev's only follow what the faction leaders need and say. I can say like, the Kusari civil war? That was decided by all Kuasri leaders. The Omicron stuff? Decided by the leaders in the Omicrons. The devs have some say here and there, but mostly its up to the faction leaders. I have to say, I think its fair the official faction have more leway on the lore of the faction, because honestly, there would be so much crap that it would not be funny.
Dev's don't really have a say on the story line, they only listen to the official faction leaders. Honestly if you want a say, join an official faction, thats how most people get a say. Beyond that, all I can recommend is just to sit back and watch. This is why official factions exist, so players can do stuff they can do as indies. An example would be like myself. I lead the Blood Dragons but I got a High Command of players who help me right the Blood Dragon lore. Then the players around the faction help it evolve. I normally speak with the Kusari leaders, Hubert and them about the upcoming civil war for Kusari which is underway needless to say.
These factions have worked hard on having a say, most the time the dev's only move in if its something major, like a full scale war like the Bretoina war with Gallia. The dev's have a good say but normally they talk with the faction leaders to see what to do next. I can say I've heard BAF leaders talking with GRN leaders on how to start events or even lore stuff. Its not the devs, its the faction leaders you should be talking to
After being a faction leader I can say this is simply not true. You mentioned the Omicrons. Yes those leaders got together and made the Omicrons their personal playground. Discouraging most indies from flying there. Wonderful change that was.
(07-21-2015, 01:55 AM)Gerhard Wolf Wrote: But what is with the "Rheinland Liberty War" which faction Leader sayed NO! i don't want this war anymore...?
The thing is, they tried, and that broke down into internal fighting. (Which I won't go into). The RM/LN war was to stop anyways, this was decided WEEKS, if not, MONTHS AGO. The war is mainly stopping due to this: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=130403
Which states clearly in fine print that if the war does not end, that the gate would blow up and destroy both Hudson and Hamburg. No one wants that. Anyways back to it, most factions agreed for the war to stop, even RM did.
(07-21-2015, 01:55 AM)Gerhard Wolf Wrote: But what is with the "Rheinland Liberty War" which faction Leader sayed NO! i don't want this war anymore...?
The thing is, they tried, and that broke down into internal fighting. (Which I won't go into). The RM/LN war was to stop anyways, this was decided WEEKS, if not, MONTHS AGO. The war is mainly stopping due to this: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=130403
Which states clearly in fine print that if the war does not end, that the gate would blow up and destroy both Hudson and Hamburg. No one wants that. Anyways back to it, most factions agreed for the war to stop, even RM did.
Thanks, i heared about this Gate situation but never from a faction leader. So thanks
But, what do you think about a only player storyline?
(07-21-2015, 01:55 AM)Gerhard Wolf Wrote: But what is with the "Rheinland Liberty War" which faction Leader sayed NO! i don't want this war anymore...?
The thing is, they tried, and that broke down into internal fighting. (Which I won't go into). The RM/LN war was to stop anyways, this was decided WEEKS, if not, MONTHS AGO. The war is mainly stopping due to this: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=130403
Which states clearly in fine print that if the war does not end, that the gate would blow up and destroy both Hudson and Hamburg. No one wants that. Anyways back to it, most factions agreed for the war to stop, even RM did.
Which was forced upon Liberty and Rheinland by the Devs. I know because I was volunteered to negotiate with Rheingov before I left LibGov