(This was submitted earlier before the "great server crash of '15"; the thread listed as "Red Sky in the Morning" has lost a great deal of the completed deliveries screenshots, I have found no other major losses besides posts in that single thread)
1. Forum name of the owner:
2. What exactly are you requesting?
TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim Liner
Freelancer IFF
Freelancer ID
A Modified Engine Array colored Edge World Red
3. Exact name, identification and affiliation of the character:
Name: Roach.Coach
Id: Freelancer
Affiliation: Freelancer
4. Why is this request necessary for the continuation of this character's roleplay?
It’s not. But given the amount of time Ted (and quite a few others) has spent working to modify his ship in various small ways it would be nice to have a physical representation of his work viewable in the form of a prettier engine array.
5. What short-term and long-term goals are you planning to achieve on this character?
Short Term:
Continuation of the experimental work with the Cross
Continued Smuggling
Long Term:
Modifications to the vessels superstructure or power array
7. Provide a cliffnote/summary for the links provided above.
This is a running log of Ted’s various adventures
Ted managed to get his hands on an outdated Naval Gallic Report, trading the report with the Cross the Roach Coach, Teds vessel, was given an extensive engine upgrade
The delievery reporting page for the engine upgrade, this represents over 200,000 units of cargo moved ingame.
8. How long has this character been building its backstory?
The Ship was created sometime in early April – 2015, the main thread for the story was created 04/19/2015
9. If you feel that you would like to provide us with character references, specify whom.