Although things aren't going that great so far for the game, while the server was taking a bit of rest, I was building some stuff. Some people already know, I'm pretty dedicated to give OSC ships that is worth flying. With all due, the current Luxury Liner is not only not a peasure to fly with all it's trade lane problems, but will never be able to make the same profit as trade vessels, therefore will always be less attractive to people. Second thing, inRP it's about a 100 year old concept.
With that being said, here's what I've cooked up, along with the guys at OSC chat.
I would also like to thank @Swallow , @Jinx, @Adam_Spire and everyone who helped me with ideas, comments and everything else.
Please note, these are just my ideas of how they could be and are nowhere near final.
#1.) Armoured / Security Shuttle : - In game already
Mainly designed to transport high value personel mostly between their transports ships and stations or planets. With higher armour then average freighter vessels and good deffensive capabilities, it's passenger count is limited. Some of the type were modified to be used by security teams.
Statistics could be something similar to the Mjolnir SHF, as it's size is somewhat similar.
#2.) Passenger Shuttle - In game already
A fast and easy way of domestic passenger transportation, mainly used for in-system travels or for planetary boarding of people. Having the size of a large freighter class vessel, it is capable of taking a moderate amount of people to medium distances, however its cargo space sacrafices armor and defensive options.
Size is similar to the Kerstel freighter, as it's stats could resemble that as well. ( Maybe a bit less hull points. )
#3.) Luxury Liner - Texturing and hardpointing needed
With the Enterprise-class getting old and worn , a new design was made, with-up-to date technology and all the internal possibilities that a spaceship can handle. When it comes to luxury travels, the logical use of space becomes irrelevant, so the ship is sacraficing useful living space to house spa and wellness facilities, restaurants, sports and entertainment modules at the cost of passanger housing capabilities. ( This is the revision of my first concept after learning some things the hard way )
Link to
Size is a bit smaller then the Enterprise and cargo space should somewhere be around 3.3 - 3.5 K to reflect that. Stat wise, it should be somewhere between the current Passenger Liner and Luxury Liner
#4.) Passenger Superliner - Texturing and hardpointing needed
(Before you read any further, please note that this ship is intended to be OSC only, with both inRP and OoRP reasons, cause OSC is simply not as profitable as any other trading faction is due to not having capable ship for profit. The idea with this ship was to give people something that has the cargo space toactually make profit with and get somewhere closer to the profits cargo trading factions can make )
With the increasing demand of mass passenger transportation due to events of war and other demographic events, a ship was needed which is capable of transporting the most amount of people possible, while still being able to use trade lanes and jumpgates safely. The ship design uses every inch of space to accomodate passengers during their travel, at the cost of deffensive weaponry.
Link to
Size is somewhere between the Liberty Dreadnought and the Liberty Carrier. Yes, no mistake there, it's suppose to be big ! 5k cargo space, weapons and armor should resemble the 5k cargo ships , maybe a bit more turrets ( 7 - 9 ) due to it's size, but that's devs turf. Also, should be flyable with OSC ID only ! ( see Zoner Whale for refference )
Also, here I'd like to point out that the original concept belongs to @Jinx , I made this model with his permission and help.
#5.) Passenger Liner / Transport - Texturing WIP
Designed for both orbital and space flights, the vessel is a cheap alternative to anyone wishing to fly people around. Due to not having a dedicated hangar bay big enough to house a landing shuttle, the ship itself was made to be capable of performing planetary landings and takeoffs on a regular basis withlout any danger.
it's size is somewhere near a mid size transport (2.2 k cargo maybe) similar to the Geisha, which means it should follow that somewhat stat vice.
So after fighting through all this stuff, I'd like to know ideas, thoughts and constructive critics. One thing I'd like to point out as a head start , I don't want to replace the Luxury liner model, we were thinking of different solutions, probably some inRP things, as some people seem to like it pretty much.
You have made an impressively great progress from what you have started at. While I am amazed and envy that I couldn't have managed it that fast when I was studying it myself, I am also proud of you being a competent 3D artist by now.
But you are only halfway there - your next stage is texturing, which is more time-consuming job than meshing. I am looking forward to see you excelling in texturing as well.
(11-18-2015, 03:26 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Awesome. That's all what needs to be said.
Well, thank you, tbh, I wasn't really expecting this positive reaction, I'm happy you like them
(11-18-2015, 05:00 PM)Swallow Wrote: You have made an impressively great progress from what you have started at. While I am amazed and envy that I couldn't have managed it that fast when I was studying it myself, I am also proud of you being a competent 3D artist by now.
But you are only halfway there - your next stage is texturing, which is more time-consuming job than meshing. I am looking forward to see you excelling in texturing as well.
For that, I might be bothering you a few times, also, thank you for all the compliment, you are making me blush
(11-18-2015, 05:09 PM)Chuba Wrote: I'd love to fly those ships
There's just something about those models that tingles my senses simply by looking at them. Fully agree with Thyrzul, those ships are awesome given shape.
Do what you must and bring them in for flying, my aesthetic eye yearns for those ships.
These are definitely improvements and with a bit more variation put into the shape and detail of some of the more bland areas of these models, I would certainly consider implementing them as long as the texture job held up.
(11-19-2015, 04:38 AM)Durandal Wrote: These are definitely improvements and with a bit more variation put into the shape and detail of some of the more bland areas of these models, I would certainly consider implementing them as long as the texture job held up.
That would be awesome. An OSC shipline is something we need to see.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Great work there , i like it all !
If i may throw a little suggestion ,
#3.) Luxury Liner should be more armored , armed and agile , to serve as good battle-transport , since it only has around 3500 cargo .