Right, seems our roster system is out of date, so I'm going to rework it.
But, I need everyone's Name, Ranks, and Ships
Me to start.
[LN]-Stephanie.Malaign - Raven's Claw, Guardian, Executioner, Havoc Mk II
[LN]-LNS-Arizona -Liberty Dreadnought -Joint Command between all three Vice Admirals
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command, i know im not Navy per say but i work with you quite alot so i figured id submit my info
Rank: first liutenant,75th Marines guard CO Battlecruiser Louisbourg Fortress
status: on indefanate leave ships drydocked for mantince(funds permitting)
there you go as you know i just recewnly had a daughter so im spending time with my wife Louisbourgs battle ready just theres a few things my cheif wants looked at if you need me contact me
Mathers,Closeing comms
<transmission ends>
// yeah takeing a break from the game if you need me for patrols (ie nobodys on and your on a trader or something or even an event) shoot me a pm otherwie il lbe on to check charcters consider me fourm only posted here just so you would get the memo i know im Indie but well i work with you alot so it seemed fitting