The Kusari Republic 1st Northern Pacification Campaign is the first military campaign performed by the Republic and it’s Kusari Naval Forces.
Following the Blood Dragon’s assault on the Planet Tomioka Colony in the Nagano system, and the increased threat of the Revolutionary forces and other criminals in the unstable northern edges of Kusari space, the KNF admiralty decided it was time to attempt a major campaign with the aim of not only curb the advances of the Blood Dragon forces, but to also make a decisive effort of ending the threat of the hidden Shogun forever.
The KNF 3rd Fleet, in charge of the northern sector of Hokkaido and the connecting systems has been designated the spearheading force of the campaign, with sporadic involvement of Kusari State Police and Kempeitai forces in assisting roles.
Kusari Fleet Command North (3rd Fleet Group)
Commanding Officer: (Admiral Mochizuki Tatsuya)
Assigned area of Operations: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Rishiri (Nagano, Chugoku, Lyonnais)
This operation, while not diverting from the usual posture of the KNF in the Hokkaido and Rhishiri systems, differs from it in the scope and goals it tries to achieve. With increased assets and a more assertive patrolling and scouting posture, the Northern Sea Route operations, also known as Hokkaido Operation ,counts with the direct oversight of Fleet Admiral Mochizuki Tatsuya, while commander of the 3rd Fleet and Naval Forces.
=Secure Hokkaido and Rishiri corridors from enemy activity, providing a safe backline for forward operations in the Northern Territories.
=Assemble and stage exercises in preparation of a major offensive against the Blood Dragon strongholds in locations yet to determine. Training of installation bombardement, installation manned assault, and large fleet engagements are the priorities.
=Suppress all enemy movements in the Hokkaido system, determine patrol and routes of enemy forces, and finally locate passageways that can be used to attack desired objectives in other secluded regions.
Following the reports of the Blood Dragon Assault on the Nagano system, KNF intelligence central reported a decrease of active enemy patrols in the Tohoku system. Data gathered from the satellite network from operation Blue Dawn has revealed with the certain degree of certainty that the Dragons have diverted forces from whatever garrisons they have on Tohoku to support their wild campaigns in the Tomioka colony. The Naval Forces Admiralty has determined that this is a golden opportunity to counter attack in a weakened position, and possible inflict the first heavy blow of the campaign of pacification.
This Operation, taking the name of a famous battle of the history of Kusari ancestors, under the command of veteran Rear Admiral Hideaki ishikawa, is to locate and assault the major Blood Dragon strongholds in the Tohoku system, cutting an arm of their operations and possibly crippling their forces and production capabilities as much as possible.
=Using a wide search effort, pinpoint any major and secondary installations in the Tohoku system, as well as any major security forces. Cut and jam any contacts from the system forces that might alert Blood Dragon command to the threat of our operation.
=Draw out and obliterate any mobile targets of opportunity that can be found defending the Blood Dragon’s lines. This includes possible foreign and mercenary elements.
=Swifty assault major compounds from where the Dragons base themselves, before reinforcements can be called from outside of the region.
Secure any passage routes that might lead into further Blood Dragon outposts in other systems. Chart and secure any other links that might constitute supply routes for the rebels.
While the Admiralty has given priority to offensive operations in Tohoku, the assault on Nagano cannot go unanswered. Naval Forces 3rd Fleet command has assembled a small task force that is expected to be boosted in the future. This task force, spearheaded by the 8th Battlecruiser Division, seeks to disrupt any advances that the Dragons seek to perform in the Nagano system and southwards towards Rishiri, by using hit and run tactics. Command hopes that the taskforce will delay the dragons long enough while other important operations achieve success.
Yalu, name of a river in ancient Earth region of Korea, formed a natural barrier where borders of countries and several known conflicts were waged upon. The Naval Forces hope that this operation will draw a line in of the Blood Dragon expansion into the Northern Territories of Kusari.
=- Conduct striking operations against troop and supply transports of the Blood Dragons heading to Planet Tomioka, or any other installation or outposts in the Nagano region.
=- Avoid any large engagement with the Blood Dragon forces, that could cause the loss of essential KNF power in the frontline.
=Evaluate the presence of foreign and mercenary elements in the systems, determine their allegiance in the conflict. Refrain from disrupting 3rd party operations that are aimed against the Blood Dragon advances.
- Report and delay any Blood Dragon offensives that might indicate a push south of the of the Planet Shirane - Planet Kodo axis.
With large operations to occur in the Tohoku system, the Tokkeitai command has alerted to the danger of leaving the Heaven’s Gate unattended by the careful watch of the Battleship Sado and it’s forces, now concentrated on taking the fight to the Blood Dragons. The Admiralty has delegated the Tokkeitai the task of containing the activity surrounding (and coming from) the Heaven’s Gate, and in this way protect the Ishikawa Sentai flanks in the system. For such operation the Naval Forces has deployed the new Mixed Carrier Special Division to act as a staging point for the Tokkeitai group, as well as support from the venerable 72nd Flight Wing from the south theater fleet.
While there are several historical references to Yashima, the Naval Command declined to identify the inspiration for the selection of the name for this Operation.
[color=#FF0000]- Observe, contain, and report all the actions from occupiers of the Heaven’s Gate, and prevent any attacks from the Iseijin and Nomad into KNF operations and rearguard installations.
-Prevent any attempts of the Blood Dragons, Order, or any other agencies contrary to the interests of the Republic of Kusari, of accessing or occupying the Heaven’s Gate.
-Examine strategies or environmental factors that might benefit future actions of assault and extermination of infected agents from the installation, and its recovery into the Naval Forces ownership.
By order of the Admiralty, the plans contained within this campaign are no longer valid, and all units shall remain on defensive duties until new orders arrive.