Pleased to make your acquaintance, your reputation precedes you. This is the reason why I am reaching out to regarding this matter. Frankly the Arbiter would like to see our two groups have a healthy mutually beneficial relationship in the future.
I happen to have a surplus of cardamine stashed away on a remote station. To make this short, the stash is too big and I know that you and your group fancy cardamine as much as I do. Normally the cardamine on the sells for 3400 on the station but seeing as how the Arbiter is trying to re-establish contact and mend somethings, I could part with the cardamine for half that price.
Please let me know if this is an acceptable agreement and how much cardamine you will be requiring.
Buonasera Mr Valesquez,
thank you for your transmission to our august organisation.
We would be happy to help you out by removing the mentioned product at the price shown. Please feel free to provide co-ordinates of your remote station and we can de-clutter your storage space. Clearing your entire stock would not prove problematic for our network to absorb.
Pleased to make your acquaintance, all of my experiences with your organization have been both profitable and beneficial. So far that status quo has been achieved and I have not reason to believe otherwise. Thank you for your reply, the cardamine is currently being sequestered on our outpost in Inverness "The Junkyard". As I said before the normal retail price the base sells for is 3400 credits or so, however as I said before I am willing to sell them to you for less than half of that. The problem with this scenario is that I don't to open up my store at this price to any random rogue or trader passing through. I propose that I can either open store with the stated price for an agreed amount of time or meet your transports at a place of your choosing with a pre-arranged amount of the cardamine.
Please let me know which way would be more accommodating for you and your pilots and I will happily comply.
How fortuitous that the material is stored in that system, I have just recently been investigating the system next door so visiting your station would be a delightful pleasure.
If you are amenable the least onerous from my perspective would be to temporarily allow your docking codes to recognise LH~Maria.Freudenstein as a friendly craft. I do hope that is not overstating the position, friends are important. If that is acceptable the station co-ordinates would say time.
It would also be an honour, if you are available, to share dinner as a way of helping cement the deal and possibly extend any mutual benefit for our organisations.
oh my Mr Rico I did not realise how voluminous it would be.
I hope we are still on for dinner but to move that level of supplies I will need to bring some of my friends to a mutually beneficial transfer point to fill up a number of transports.
I could pop in for dinner when convenient and during that tête à tête we could arrange a location and transfer time that was mutually advantageous.
It's always a pleasure to be contacted by you. Of course I would happy to play host to yourself and even an esteemed guest if you deem it necessary on my humble home in Inverness to discuss our business preceding. It seems that the minute details of the transaction might be a little much to discuss over distance, and it would be nice to have such an esteemed guest grace us with her presence.
Now when it comes to your preference of refreshments we have anything and everything available of course. Obviously orange is on the menu but feel free to sample some of our more exotic concoctions from Gallia (Nox) and any of alcoholic beverage of choice will be on hand.
I look forward to meeting you face to face. Please let me know in advance if you plan on bringing a friend.
We are eager to commence transportation operations but first require coordinates of your facility. If you wish to transmit those privately, you may do so to my private inbox and I will convey them to our operatives securely. We look forward to this mutual venture together.
I am humbled by your correspondence. As I was discussing with Maria before her leave of absence, there is a slight problem with opening up the facility to sell 40,000 units of cardamine at such a low cost to everyone else. A good solution to this problem would be to have one of my men on hand when your transports arrive to make sure that you get the lowered price. Please let me know when it would be convenient for your transports and I will make sure the cardamine is available at the low price previously discussed.
Thank you for your patience,
Rico Valesquez,
Congress Rheinland Director, Leader of the Sigma Junkers
It seems our transaction went down without incident. I assume you and your crew are happy with the quality of the merchandise, I have tested it myself and know for certain it is of the highest possible grade. Hopefully this little transaction of ours has brightened the lights that lead road on the way to the future between our groups. As I am sure you know through priding yourselves on the information at your disposal, the Junkers Congress does have some enemies. While we are great a moving selling illicit substances we don't have quite the knack for violent persuasion that your organization has made a name for. Would it be imprudent for me to call on you and your illustrious associates for some help in these matters in the future? Maybe you could stop by the Junkyard at your convenience to discuss the potential future the Sigma Junkers of congress have with the Lane Hackers.
I look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership,
Rico Valesquez
Sigma Junker
Junkers Congress
Rheinland Director