My suggestion would be to change your tactics then, as the OC Destroyer has other things in it's favour.
And load a turret on the blind spot capable of hitting smaller craft ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
no no no no no, the whole point in having 1 turret on the bottom is so the ship isnt overpowered.
and im not being biased, since i use one, i know how good those ships can be.
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
Now going under the gaming name: Seraxia
In all honesty the curent OC destroyer is a homeworld model. For a later mod someone should work on replacing it anyway. or at the very leaste copy the general design into somthing more freelancer.
' Wrote:In all honesty the curent OC destroyer is a homeworld model. For a later mod someone should work on replacing it anyway. or at the very leaste copy the general design into somthing more freelancer.
A overscailed Sabre maybe? Heh, but really, if you want a fighter off your underside, install a missile turret in the 8th slot.
' Wrote:In all honesty the curent OC destroyer is a homeworld model. For a later mod someone should work on replacing it anyway. or at the very leaste copy the general design into somthing more freelancer.
the only matter i took this ship cause i like the design... nothing other:)
' Wrote:In all honesty the curent OC destroyer is a homeworld model. For a later mod someone should work on replacing it anyway. or at the very leaste copy the general design into somthing more freelancer.
I believe Eppy has made a replacement model which is more in line with the OC shipline. Looks a bit like the current OC Battleship.