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ID: Shana Nesho'en Location: Tau-37, Freeport 10 Encryption: Why? Subject: Very rude to call me a traitor. So you say that you invite those that have left the Dragons for "misguided" purposes to pledge themselves to the true successor of Hideyoshi once again. Oh well, isn't that cute. Words don't mean anything to the Nesho'en, only actions. The blood hungry clan is doing quite decent on its own in the Tau's. But, I am always interested in.. other proposals. My warriors are loyal and follow my every step. So depending on the status I would return to, if I return to the dragons and pledge myself to Hideyoshi, I might consider having the clan relocate itself back on Kyoto and get ready to battle till their deaths for your cause. Mostly I am interested in regaining my old status, and of course Mount Shirouma which was left at Mito docks with my banner still on it. I will patiently await your decision. Think your answer through carefully and don't get on the bad side of my blade.
I know of you and your clan, Shana-san. The Nesho'en still have a mighty legacy attached to their name. You are warriors above all else, and your swords were unrivaled before any other. But I'm sure you have not come to hear hollow words and empty praise. You desire something more concrete than empty platitudes.
Your people desire combat, do they not? And you have sat there listlessly in space, hoping for someone to hire you or give you a worthy foe once again. But all you find are random freelancers or criminals or Hispanians or maybe even some miners. I can offer you something far more worthy, Nesho'en-san. Join the Dragons once again, and you will be given the opportunity to strike down the Naval Forces' finest soldiers, the pigs of Samura, the veterans of the Exiles, the corrupt Hogosha... Perhaps even the Slomon K'Hara that continue to threaten us all. And if we win this war and restore the Shogunate to its true form, I can promise you even greater foes to face, Nesho'en-san.
Follow me into battle and I will give you the greatest fight of all your lives. Songs will be sung of our deeds and our enemies will cower and fear at our approach. Join the Shogunate once more and bring your steel to the battlefield to shed many gallons of blood in the name of the Hideyoshi Bakufu and Clan Nesho'en!
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ID: Shana Nesho'en Location: Tau-37, Freeport 10 Encryption: Why? Subject: -NA- Ahh! So it seems we once again have a bloodthirsty shogun. Shows promisse.. indeed it does. I am amused on how the dragons have been during the reign of the old shogun. Always running with their tails in between their legs. I see a lot of things changed. The Nesho'en are ready to stand by your side as long as your promise of great battle is fulfilled. And under the condition our flagship, the before mentioned Mount Shirouma, is returned to the clan of course. Arigato.. Yoshitsune-kun.