Half of the slaves you delivered died in within the first day of being on the Yard....
I can't say that this bodes well. I needed those for a large scale operation involving your friends up north. They aren't happy, and I can't say that I am either.
Since you and I have some history I'm not going to give you the usual lecture that I would give someone in this situation regarding the dungeons on the Junkyard because that doesn't apply to my friends on the first slip up and maybe not even the second. If you had been just some random Rogue there would be no second chances. They seemed to have some sort of plague, I'm not sure if you have encountered this on Niverton base. Its probably something the regulars there are immune to but you guests seemed to have little to no immunity to it. The ones that did survive and were delivered seem to be immune now. Please let me know when I can expect the rest of the my healthy slaves. I'll still pay ye what they base pays.
Sender ID:Tweaker Ted Location:NR-Roach.Coach Subject:Your Very Special Order Encryption:Better Than Usual Priority:High
Yeah I'll admit fault for the mass die off, the contract was well outside of what we usually could attempt on our own, we had to subcontract other dealers who don't care for the product like we do.
At any rate I got you another 3,500 healthy ones that came straight from Nivertion itself, and better yet I had them screened for biological...thingies by this cryer dude we have held hostage working for us.
I would have liked to have seen the rest of the shipment arrive in good health but you make a good point. I don't see why we can't conclude this deal on the final 3,500 being delivered in good condition.