DR enters the pub. Ah a new pub, just built in buffalo. He starts to take a seat at the nearest stool.
"whatll it be sir?"
"one of your best"
"right away"
when he finally gets his drink, he drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks til finally.......
Gneisenau walks into the Pub. He looks around and see some lightweight laying on the floor. He walks over and kicks him in the side.
"Heha, what a fool, Barkeep, Gimme some o' yer best Caramine and some Rum, tonight. I drink for this little one."
"Aye sir. We got the bes' in jus' fer you. Good ta sees you coming in an' visin' us, o' Gneisenau ol' boy."
"Yep. der be youngen's About, they need be taught a lesson in how ta drink like a man!"
................*Falls to the floor*
A man clad entirely in dark robes walks in casually. His movements seem short, almost robotic. His face is hidden in a hood, only a robotic arm sticks out of the robes. He walks up to the bar and whispers to the bartender, as if unable to speak plainly.
"The same as last time."
The bartender quickly prepares a meal and something to drink. Shade sits down at a table, silently.
A young lad enters, wearing junker clothes, yet there is an outcast cross on his chest right below the junker insignia. He carelessly oversteps the two fainted man and sits down, tanking Gneisenau's drink and frowning ''For the love of...'' He shakes his head ''Bartender...cardi rum please'' he then looks into the drink before him that the previous owner had ''The real one...'' He murmured ''Last shipment got you enough of the stuff, so put enough in the drink as well, please''
The bartender only shrugged and started to rummage around while the lad John Elter loked around the pug, then shruged, poking the two fallen ones with a boot ''Hey...guys...come, up ya go, there is no need for carpeting hereohwhat ever....'' he trailed off to a murmur and simply dragged the two and pushed them both underneath a table, further away from others.
He then returns to find his drink ready, he smiles and promptly drinks it all, like a thirsty man of his age would, his nose twitching and tears popping to his eyes ''oooh.....yeah....thats the real deal...'' He says before kicking his head back and grinning, wiping off the newly formed nosebleed with the back of his palm.
DR is now awake, but.....under a table?? He does not recall fainting under a table. So this man gets up, puts his dark cloak on. This cloak is pure black and anyone who stares at him in the eyes for at least 30 sec, they perish. The outfit was made of pure evil, and covered up his entire body.
"what the hell, am i doing laying beside this vermin??, ah il deal with him later....."
takes a seat at the nearest stool, and takes a glance at the man beside him...
"junker cloths? but outcast symbol? so then where does your allieagence lie?"
John took a side way glance to the man and continued to sip the last parts of his drink before motioning the bartender for a refil and pointed at the clear glass screen that showed the docking section of the base, a sabre docked not far.
''Im not from around here, lad....yet for a while, atleast this keeps me to some memories'' he said and sipped his drink, which was indeed strong, as the nosebleed started once more and John was forced to look up once more....
''Ah yes...'' he added and grinned ''I dont care who you are, but if you do die or faint, keep yer corpse off the floor, will ya?''
John looked down to look the man straight to the face, yet the blood from his nose now dripped over his lips, down his chin and into his drink, he did not seem to pay atention though.
''My alliance is what i wish it to be, yet be glad that the transports get here....bounty hunters are starting to attack junker ships that support this base with the proper utilities...so here i am''
The man hummed quietly and shrugged before sipping his drink once more, now mixed a bit with blood.
''Aye..that i am...''
He then reised an eyebrow at the odd relocation of the other fainted man, yet he shrugged off and stood up ''Back to Rochester, next shipment in two days.'' he said and walked out the door to the hangar and away.