I have a question for those experienced Freelancer modders out there: Would it conceivably be possible to make a Freelancer mod with just one single very large system, rather than a large starmap? And by very large, I mean many times larger than Newcastle. One large star with a number of (smallish) planets at various distance orbits, lots of bases in various places throughout, overall an extremely detailed system with lots of stuff to see all over the place. No trade lanes (they're stupid), but probably with an increased cruise speed. Is such a thing even possible in FL mechanics?? And if it is, would it suffer from so much lag that it'd be effectively impossible to make work?
I know for a fact that a Firefly mod was under development back when Lancer's Reactor was alive and kicking (As opposed to alive and moaning, right now.). They were doing just this.
' Wrote:It is indeed possible and has been done before.
Any links? I'd like to see how it worked out.
I can see everything possible in normal Freelancer, just all in one very large, very detailed system. Could even have some inter-system jump holes (like the one in NY) to link certain parts. It would take some very skilled system modders to create such a masterpiece, however.
And I imagine system chat would get even spammier than NY if there were very many people online... But it might be possible to make it so that all system chat uses the 'local chat' feature instead. No system-wide broadcasts.