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* ID: James Blackwood
* Location: OSC|Atlantis
* Subject: OSC Survey
* Priority : Ultra
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Lord Commander,
Orbital Spa and Cruise has completed our survey of Commonwealth Space. Please read the report attached at the end of this transmission. We are happy to note that both Planet Iridescencia and Planet Guadalajara meet most if not all of Orbitals specifications for a location worthy of the Orbital brand. While we will leave the final location choice up to the Commonwealth; Orbital is ready to discuss the finer details of our operation. Rather than attempt to station a Liner immediately within your space, given the large initial costs. Orbital is opting to instead place a Yacht at the selected location until such time that interest is generated enough to pay for the operating costs of a Liner.
However before we can proceed we would like to know the Commonwealths thoughts on our survey and if there is anything further they would like to add for consideration.
I apologize for the delay in responding, as we've become swamped with work. The Lord Commander is currently unavailable, but will respond as soon as he is able. I ask for your patience in this matter, and thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Commonwealth.
To: Director James Blackwood From: Secretary Michelle Sarno, Guadalajara, Vespucci System
Good morning, Mister Blackwood. My name is Michelle Sarno, the Commonwealth's Secretary of State. I do feel it important to note that while the Legion is an integral facet of the Commonwealth's existence, we are a government. It is not our military's job to handle the Commonwealth's domestic affairs. Please do not address any non security related concerns to Legion Command.
With that out of the way however, the Commonwealth is so inclined as to grant Orbital Spa & Cruise permission to set up a vessel of your choosing in orbit of Iridescencia. The yacht will be taxed accordingly as a Core I space station, 10,000,000 Sirian Credits per month. A full inspection of the vessel by Legion personnel will also be conducted prior to it's opening to the public. This should not take more than a day and after that, Sirians from abroad will be able to experience the breathtaking vistas of Vespucci for themselves.
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* ID: James Blackwood
* Location: OSC|Atlantis
* Subject: OSC Survey
* Priority : Ultra
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Secretary of State,
Thank you for your response. Orbital is excited to enter into our agreement with the Commonwealth of Liberty. Please forward your account information to me and I'll have our offices submit a payment.
While I have your ear. Orbital believes that with the completion of this deal our respective organizations should become more mutually agreeable to each other. Not only will this allow the Legion to inspect our Yacht easier it will, more importantly, allow our supply crews access to locally sourced goods for our facility thus bolstering the local economy.
James Blackwood
Director of New Business
Message Ended
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