Frank Davies is a Libertonian mass murderer, born on Planet Los Angeles in California.
Following a series of public shootings, Davies fled Los Angeles to the border worlds.
Contact with Lane Hackers & Outcasts has been confirmed.
Davies was captured once by the BPA, and later escaped during extradition to Liberty. He was taken into custody by Bretonian Bounty Hunter, Esther Carson. He then attempted to kill her before fleeing Planet Leeds.
Current location is unknown.
Davies is a sociopathic killer and will take great pleasure in the destruction of ships and the venting of innocents into space. He has been accorded TERRORIST status by the Crime Commission.
Mon'Star is believed to be a product of an attempt by the Liberty military to restart their supersoldier program. Mon'Star was an Outcast that was sold to Liberty for use in their experiments. It isn't completely known what modifications were made to Mon'Star. What is known is that part of the process used, cured Mon'Star of his Cardimine dependacy. Speculation is that the process that cured Mon'Star is the same one that drove him into complete insanity.
Mon'Star is known to have spread the plague known as "The Darkness" that claimed more than 6 million lives across not only Liberty but the rest of Sirius as well. He is also believed to have been the person responsible for the catastrophic attack on Planet Stuttgart in Rheinland space. Mon'Star is prone to violent and unprovoked attacks against anyone and anything he comes into contact with.
His known crimes include Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Destruction on Government Facilites Resulting in Death, Destruction of Government Property, Assassination a Public Officials, Terrorism, Kidnapping, Participation in Acts of Slavery, Torture, & Overall Crimes Against Humanity.
He has been accorded TERRORIST status by the Crime Commission.
Sophie Richthofen is a native of Rhienland who is known to have deep ties with the Libertonian slave markets as the last remaining member of the Slaver's Union, and is suspected of crimes ranging from kidnapping and torture to theft of military technology and impersonation of military officers.
PSI-Borg is the name given to an Artificial Intelligence stolen by Mon'star from a Kishiro Technologies secret research laboratory located in low orbit around Planet Cerebus, Sigma-19. "He" has been wholly corrupted by Mon'star. His original protocols have been replaced by an intense desire to "disinfect" humanity.
Like his Master, he has committed many acts of Terrorism, Murder, and Destruction of Property. The Master Copy of PSI-Borg resides on the Necrosis Mainframe, but he is capable of downloading copies of himself into ship computer systems, then using those ships to further his Master's destructive goals.
Wesley Richter is a former officer of the Rheinland Military.
He is known to have deserted in a Wrath class fighter vessel equipped with experimental technology. The armaments logistics last recorded were 1 Advanced Debilitator, 1 Improved Debilitator, 1 EXCALIBUR, 1 TWILIGHT and 1 DELUSION, as well as a Mini Razor.
He is an exceptional pilot, so it is advised to engage only if you have the odds heavily in your favor.
He is believed to be under the influence of Nomads, so anything he says cannot be trusted.
He is worth nothing alive; burn him and his ship - the Wilde can be shown no mercy.
The subject has a deviant background that began with minor social engineering phishing and maniacal hack and crack-ins in order to deprive the target of property, health or life. The subject was employed as a Security Officer in the research & development branch of Ageira Technologies.
The subject has assassinated several innocent victims in what seemed to be random order. That happened prior to his departure from Ageira because the situation had become "uncomfortable" for him as he had to track down, elude and kill everyone that had a clue about what his true intentions were.
Threat Assessment :
The subject is considered an extreme threat to the safety of all Ageira personnel.
The subject is considered a high level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira security protocols.
The subject is considered a moderate level threat in terms of potential financial and cargo losses.
The Sirius Crime Commission has accessed a full dossier on the criminal organisation known as the Lane Hackers, and it may be accessed here.
The Lane Hacker known as Phate is a priority target for crimes including, but not limited to, robbery, assassination and causing immense financial and cargo losses of sveral companies registered in Liberty, especially Interspace Commerce.
He is known to have murdered several Ageira employees by jettisoning them into space. He once beat an officer to death with a sign that read "Welcome to Ageira Technologies".
Considering the nature of his crimes, it should be pointed out that the maximum collectible reward on Phate is substantial and at the time of writing was in excess of 219 million credits.
Details of these may be found by accessing the links below. This may not be a complete list. The Sirius Crime Commission accepts no responsibility for any legal repercussions resulting from inaccuracies in these files.
Captain Salazar Kithe commanded the Alliance warship Vengeance. He was a passenger on the sleeper ship Bretonia. A malfunction in the cryogneic freezing process caused him to spend 800 years fully conscious. The effect on his mental health was disastrous, to say the least.
He has sworn revenge on Bretonia for many grievances. He is suspected to have been involved in the slaying of a Bretonian monarch. However the full details of his life are known to a handful of high-ranking members of the Bretonian nobility.
Kithe is no longer worth being considered human. He appears to command a fleet of drones that have perpetrated numerous acts of inhuman cruelty in Bretonian space and on its borders. His command ship The Immortal Hunter may be located in the Taus.
The Bretonian Monarchy is particularly interested in capturing Kith alive.