Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Ships in Possession: BAF|LtCdr.Adolf.Acker
Activity: Low
Interest: Low - How much red is there to shoot at?
Skype Address: totallynotfakeskypeaccount
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Needs more pvp .
Rank: Ensign
Ships in Possession: BAF|Ens.William.Sutton (Templar)
Activity: Low
Interest: Medium
Skype Address: specsgaming
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: May not be as active as I want to. Life is happening, people are yelling. Will still be on when I can. Also, yeah. What Yber said. .
Rank: LieutenantCommander; Flag Officer
Ships in Possession: BAF|LtCdr.J.McIntire BAF|LtCdr;J.McIntire BAF|A-HMS-Elephant
Activity: High
Interest: High
Skype Address: Gagadug1213
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: more activity .
Sir George Richard Hall, Seeley French, Lowden Graves
Rank: Admiral, Commander, Lieutenant
Ships in Possession: BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk), BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Challenger), BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves (Templar)
Activity: Low
Interest: High
Skype Address: debeli_boda (shown as Thunderer)
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: I am busy studying these days and, after making this roll call, I am going to be even busier. @"Gagadug the Duck" has suggested to organize raids and the defense due to having more time, so I thank him for that and wish him and anyone who flies with him or hunts for froggies on their own, good luck. .
Ships in Possession: BAF|Cdr.NicoleBrennan (templar) BAF|A-HMS-Enterprise (dunkirk) BAF|HMS-Ambush ( bottlenose)
Activity: 7
Interest: 8
Skype Address: albert.wesker96
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: You need to declare war on the Hessains, I can think of a few inrp reasons. But currently GRN is focusing their attention on liberty. And the Corsairs are busy with the Core in the Omicrons. The mollys only fight every now and then.
Rank: Lieutenant
Ships in Possession: BAF|Lt.Jade.Roberts. - Challenger BAF|Lt.Jade.Roberts - Guardian
Activity: High
Interest: High
Skype Address: kieran.talmey
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: I am busy working Friday Nights, Saturdays and Sundayst mostly till about 5pm UK time but after that I am free to play normally .
Rank: Flag Officer
Ships in Possession: Dunkirk, Crecy and Churchill
Activity: Medium
Interest: High
Skype Address: the_rookieman
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Notmuch active as i used to before, but when i got time, and the call is given for help in skype, I'll be there. .
[Charles Davis, Oliver Davis, Olivia Sunderland, ]
Rank: Admiral,Captain,Commander, Lieutenant
Ships in Possession: Dunkirk, LABC, Challenger, Templar, Shire
Activity: 0
Interest: 10
Skype Address: bg.cpt.dimitrov
Comments: RL owns me at the moment, but I am expecting to become available in the summer. .