Roughly since the 14:00 hours, the Texas to New York Jump Gate only worked one way,from New York to Texas, forcing the traffic from Texas to New York to take the Jump Hole. How many innocent lifes where lost because of the dangerous detour that drops the travelers in the middle of the Badlands, the Liberty Rogues back garden. Here is an picture of the traffic waiting at the jump gate: traffic
But more important, what was the cause of this not working Jump Hole crysis:
Did Deep Space Engineering sleep on duty and the lack of maintenance the cause? Will a *slap* on their corporation shares price wake them up and prevent similar problems to happen in the near future?
Was some group,pirate or terrorist, pull off a stunt able to damage this marvellous pieces of technology used to travel between systems? If this is true, what should be done? Increse security? Develop more security measures? Hunt down the cultprits?
And finally, was this the cause:
(05-23-2016, 03:11 PM)Pavel Wrote: HOLD THE DOOOR!
Is it realy possible that the jump gate was waiting for this one?
Further evidence in favor of the later theory, was the appearance of unknown presence at the same time the crysis was resolved. Presence
What did realy happen in Texas today?
Disclaimer: only one junker ship was destroyed during this crysis.