Thallia, about Nancy... I noticed she's moving when she's sleeping. Very freely. I told her about it when she was awake, but once she was, she was unable to move herself again, limp as hell. I thought I tell you that. Wouldn't that mean it's something psychological? I mean, I don't know to what extend she was able to move during sleep, but it included her legs and her arms at least, as she... eh, well, she had a different position when I woke up than before, and I doubt it was me moving her around. She also could roll herself to the side, I saw it.
And before you ask, no, I didn't do anything to her. Chastity at it's best.Driving me insane.
Aside from this, Thallia, what's with the project you want me to work with? Any news about it?
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