I have been tasked to arrange the transfer of a package to you, at the demand of a gentleman known as Sorrontis.
Please make the time to dock on Planet Manhattan to pick up the package soon, as the package contains a living animal. There is an encrypted audio recording attached to the package.
Thank you,
Marc Savage
Manhattan Port Authority
Good bye my friends. Good luck in space. Fly safe.
Balados walks into the parcel office on Planet Manhattan. He looks around, and then approaches the counter.
Balados: "Hello there, I think I'm looking for a Marc Savage. I got a transmission regarding a package. It's apparently an animal."
Clerk: "Unfortunately, Marc is off today. Do you have a copy of the message from Marc? We can continue from there."
Balados hands his data pad to the clerk.
"It's right here."
The clerk reads the message closely.
Marc Savage Wrote:Mr Johanssen,
I have been tasked to arrange the transfer of a package to you, at the demand of a gentleman known as Sorrontis.
Please make the time to dock on Planet Manhattan to pick up the package soon, as the package contains a living animal. There is an encrypted audio recording attached to the package.
Thank you,
Marc Savage
Manhattan Port Authority
"Okay great. Mr Johanssen, do you have you proper identification proofs. I will go get a crate. I really hope you like dogs."
Balados places his identification on the counter, and scans his iris at the terminal, and then proceeds to wait for 15 minutes.
The clerk returns, and places a blue crate on the counter. Inside, a small pure bred dachshund is fast asleep.
"So, apparently, the dog's name is Haku. He's a barker. Also, we have to give you this data file, it's encoded."
The clerk hands over an electronic chip.
"Sorrontis had paid for feeding and holding, but you took a little longer than we expected, so the cost were higher than what was prepaid. We've already deducted the fees from your account."
Balados takes the dog and data chip, and returns to his ship.
"Alright dog, let's see what you look like."
Balados opens the door of the crate. Haku quickly runs out of the crate, running freely around the command station of the ship. Every few seconds, it stops to sniff this, or that.
"Well, your cute, but, I didn't volunteer for this. Doesn't matter, who doesn't love dogs. Anyways, I wonder what the disk is has on it."
Balados inserts the disk into the comms computer, and inputs the security code.
Sorrontis Wrote:Hello Jeremy.
Sorry about this, but I'm in a little bit of trouble. I did some things that the Liberty Navy isn't too happy about. I attack the Rheinland military out of anger, and... well.. boredom.
So, right now, my ship is impounded and I'm grounded on Pittsburgh. I'll still be getting your messages, but I'd advise that you stop sending me information until you hear from me again. Just be careful out there.
I'm giving you the dog, mostly because he likes flying, and well, who knows when I'll get back up there. Good luck, and keep the dog happy. Send me pictures once in a while.