The Mark of Heaven Bar is a Bar on the Recreational Concourse of Bethlehem managed directly by the Administration of the Station. That isn't to say it's a dull spot. Many traders and freelancers who started out in the bustling Pennsylvania System working for the Growing helium mining groups in the System found themselves at the bottom of a tall glass of Liberty Ale here after the long nights of working with those in the fields.
Usually here you'll find the occasional Drunkard or group of LPI officers chilling out here before they either get kicked out or the every changing tides of Sirius call them into the stars once more.
The bartender keeps to himself only speaking up when needed, unbecoming of someone of the trade.
Nodoka is seen entering the bar in her usual ensemble, Black Bodysuit and Long boots, and looks about for the person who called her here.
"Now.. Where is that Davidson guy who contacted me... I said for him to meet me here on Bethlehem at the bar. I'm here, where is he?"
She keeps looking, a little upset over being led to Bethlehem where nothing seemed to await her.
That Davidson guy, as it turned out, was counting doors in the station halls - it was a nicer place than most of the holes he'd spent the last few weeks frequenting. Ah, that's the one - he paused before the polished metal door with its little neon sign, staring hard at his blurry reflection. Bright blue eyes stared back, aquiline features and a small vertical scar at the corner of his mouth. He extracted a small comb from his pocket and straightened an errant lock of hair so dark it looked almost blue. Alright, Donnie. Fashionably late.
The doors hissed open and he strode into the establishment beyond with his head on a swivel, seeming rather out of place in immaculate business-casual. Finding his date didn't take long - in her own way, the purple-haired beauty stood out from the sparse gathering of weary spacers as much as he did. Mouth suddenly dry, Donnie licked his lips, swallowed twice - moved ahead.
"Hullo, luv," he greets, the Bretonnian accent to his smooth tenor more pronounced than usual. "I hope you've not waited long - Customs gave me some trouble on the approach. Shall we?" And he gestured expansively towards a booth.
She turns around to see Davidson, noticing his outfit, much like hers - was a irregular sight amongst the regulars of the bar. "Hello there." she replies, slightly giggling as she finishes her statement, clearly aware of the Bretonian charm of the man before her. "I'm not surprised - When I came in from Galileo, Liberty Ships were concerned about my Neural Net GUID - Hadn't seen it on any database before, so I was escorted to Planet Denver once I was in Colorado to explain myself. But given the war in Bretonia, what with Leeds being compromised by Gallia, I'm not suprised that Liberty is on High Alert, a while back, Apparently Gallian Capital Ships were in California, started firing on Civilians.. bastards. At least, the Colony News Service said there was. I can't believe there wasn't a single damn Liberty Navy ship in the system when they reported it." She sighs, and walks with him over to the Booth, her body swaying every so gently as she leads.
"But..." she says as she sits herself down in the seat. "I don't think you called me here to discuss politics, right? Let's start with you - Who are you with, pray tell?
"Right, I think I remember Williams saying something about a capital fight in Cali a few days ago. He was drunk at the time, so I didn't pay attention - but then, he usually is," Donnie returns with a lopsided smile that pulls at his faded old scar. Lowering himself carefully into the seat opposite his companion - and taking the opportunity to get a proper eyeful, hot damn - he shrugs out of his jacket and loosens his navy-blue tie.
"Are you asking in a professional capacity, or personal?" He returns her question, laying his hands palm-down on the table between them. "Because I'm single as hell, but married to my job," and he laughs, a light sound that does more to flag down a waiter - twentysomething, sandy-haired, and uniformed - than any hand-waving. The man leaves a pair of menus and departs with his own smile, and Donnie twists his head, a muffled 'pop' of realigning ligament rising from beneath his starched collar.
"In seriousness, I represent Williams-Mordhauser in legal affairs, but I'm not here for them, Ms. Hanamura - may I call you Nodoka?" One eye on the menu, he drags a finger down the list of drinks and finger-foods, the other on the frankly astonishing specimen sat across the booth. "Tonight I'm not the chief legal officer of a shipping firm - I am merely the man buying you a drink."
She looks over the menu, and seeks something to eat and drink. her blue eyes glowing somewhat in the light of not just the Bar's lighting, but the lava of Planet Tyrone, visible in the windows to the left of her. "I can safely say I am here for both really. I found this to be a.. opportunity to get a start in Sirius, mainly through making new friends, as well as new connections." she finds what she wants, and looks to Donovan. "I'm well aware of Williams-Mordhauser - One of their employees, uh.. shimata, what was her name again, Caroline Convair, gave me a gift as I was departing Erie on one of my mining runs - 5 million Credits." She readjusts herself in the seat, her chest slightly shaking alongside the movements. "And yes, you may call me Nodoka. And very well then. I hope you do not mind me having something to eat as well, Donovan, I've yet to eat since I left Erie this morning. Sake and some.. hmm. Some of this stuff i've never seen before." she proceeds to whisper to herself, but you can hear her somewhat clearly. "Rheinland Beer burger? I'm not suprised, the Rhinelanders haven't lost that german touch from earth. I guess." She proceeds to speak normally. "A Rheinland beerburger with mayo, onions, Cheese and lettuce." she proceeds to whisper again "Unless none of those things exist anymore.. in that case, crap."
"Not at all," the sharp-dressed man says, dismissing his dinner date's worries with a small wave of the hand. "Spaceflight is hungry work and I could use some grub myself." Donnie looks at the menu again, then places his order for a pint of Dubliner Whisky and a blooming onion before leaning back in the polished leather seat.
"I haven't been working with the esteemed Williams and Mordhauser long," he confesses. "Convair, though, I'd met before. It was her idea to take me on, so I know a thing or two about her impulsive generosity." The lawyer flashes Nodoka a grin, pearly whites gleaming in the light of planet below. The motion of her chest draws his eyes inexorably, like a snub-fighter caught in the gravity of a binary star, but with an effort of will that would have been beyond his younger self, Donovan tears his gaze away. His prior train of thought is not so fortunate, lost forever in the crush of-
He shakes his head and refocuses determinedly on the woman's face. Eye contact, Davidson, don't screw this up. "Well, if it's connections you're after, you've come to the right man." He fishes in his breast pocket, retrieving a silver case wider than it is long. "I know people who know people, we could probably set something up. And I happen to know that Williams-Mordhauser might need a courier at some point in the near future. Mind if I smoke?" Donovan pauses after popping open the case, fingers on the white cylinders within. "Would you like one yourself?"
"Thank you Kindly." she says, as she relaxes in the seat, placing the menu on the table. she looks to the nearby planet and then, returns her eyes to Donovan. "I can see what you mean. She was quite kind with me when she passed on the credits - I told her to give my gratitude and thanks to Mr. Williams."
She proceeds to sigh, her voice having a sensual allure to it. "Anywho, as for the connections - I have had a interest in WMD's operations, especially after rumor spread that one of your guys made off with a Liberty Navy Capital ship. I consider myself a Lawful person, but, given recent things I've learned as of late, it may be in my best interest to maintain a.. how would it be.. Quasi-lawful mindset, much like that of WMD. You see, I was originally from earth, and was kept in Stasis onboard the Kusari, and, after the Kusari was about to be scrapped, I was put into a small facility built by a Research Branch of the Kusari Government, they wanted to see how a Earth Human would react to such a drastic change in their scope of reality. Up until around 820 AS was I unfrozen. I was taught most of the history of Sirius space, From 1 A.S. Onward, for the past two years. I've gotten used to it.. relatively well. I still don't really know what's been going on in Sol, let alone if the Coalition took over there." she shakes her head sideways, not minding smoking, if anything - she was a casual smoker. "And yes, Please. I'd love one."
She twiddles her fingers, still lingering on the question of her home planet, the origin of humanity in Sirius.
Donovan settles for watching her lips as she talks - and man, this one is pleasant to listen to. He reaches up to further loosen his collar. The tale, while outlandish, is far from the strangest he'd heard... And frankly, it doesn't matter to him whether or not it's true. Instead of interrupting he pulls two cigarettes from his case and offers one to Nodoka, fishing in that same pocket for his lighter - this, too, is silver, engraved with a stylized 'D'.
Once they're both puffing little plumes of white, Donnie flashes her another smile and speaks. "Well, you probably know local history better than I do in that case - I learned this stuff the old-fashioned way, and it was a while ago besides. Best I can do is current events." He taps loose some flakes of ash over the tray included for that purpose. "I don't know that you'd like what we do in our full capacity. It is not always a pleasant business, no matter how good the money is." And, oh, is the money good. "The employment contract is also pretty harsh. I should know, I wrote the thing myself."
Inhale. Exhale. Watch her do the same. No, bad Donnie. The smile slides off his face, leaving him looking uncharacteristically grim. "Your best bet for working with WMD is remaining an outside contractor. I mean it, Nodoka. You want to work with us, not for us." And it's back, a little glimmer in his eye. "As for the WMD Thunderchild, I can neither confirm nor deny any allegations as to the acquisition of that fine vessel. But enough about work - I see our drinks have arrived." And so they have, accompanied by their food and carried by that same waiter. Service with a smile, and off he goes. Donnie sips his whisky.
"What was Earth like?" He suddenly asks, surprising even himself. It's a curiosity many Sirians probably entertain - records and historical documents are one thing, but... If she's telling the truth, Nodoka had been there.
She looks to Donovan and nods with his words, mainly pertaining to working with WMD, instead of for them, a serious connotation to her face.
"I can tell you're a very lucrative lawyer, Donovan. As for someone who is quite liberal with my employment, I honestly hope to have a good connection with WMD. Not as a Employee, but more as how you put it.. a Outside Contractor. She says, before taking a bite of the large burger. "Oh gods above.. I've missed this. Synth Paste is okay for a quick pinch, but nothing beats actual food." She sighs as she takes another bite. She then proceeds to take a drink of the Sake and, take another puff of the cigarette.
"Anywho, as for business being pleasant, I honestly don't mind the unpleasantries. I dealt with a Blood Dragon Flight on my way out of Kusari Space heading to Pennsylvania, had no problem with them. But from the looks of what their ships were, I think they were fresh out of flight school, barely survived, and that was my first ever spaceflight as a pilot as well." She takes another drink of the Sake, then proceeding to continue with the burger.
She swallows the contents of her mouth, and continues. "Earth was.. Unique, compared to planets in Sirius. Hell, it was Unique compared to Planets in Sol. All sorts of plants, Animals in what little forestal areas were left, as well as deserts and tundras. As for the.. Political matter of things, Well, It was around the time the houses left Sol. I was one of the Few amongst the Kusari Population that was chosen to leave Earth Behind for Sirius. I hope we get a chance to go back there one day." She finishes her burger, and gulps down the last bit of the Sake.
Donnie munches on slices of deep-fried onion dipped in garlic sauce and washes them down with measured sips of golden liquor while listening to Nodoka speak. He might not be up to her hips in white powder just now, but the lawyer can definitely think of worse ways to pass an evening. The food is delicious, the whisky cheap, and the company exquisite.
"Synth paste is never okay," he tells her, and waits for the rest. "If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty I'm sure WMD can find you something exciting and deniable with plenty of hazard pay. Our outreach to Kusari businesses has been less than successful, so we might need you to run the occasional message or delivery - or simply scout."
Her tale of old Earth is much as he'd expected - but hearing it from someone who'd lived it, who'd seen those things with her own eyes, is not the same as some sterile recitation of names and dates. There is feeling in her lilting voice, and not the kind he often hears from anyone he has cause to speak with. "It sounds like paradise," he says softly, turning to face the yawning void beyond a thin transparent sheet. "I'm sure humanity will go back someday, but somehow I doubt I'll live to see it."
Damn it, Davidson, look what you've done to the mood. He stubs out the remains of his cigarette, drains the last of his whiskey and turns back to Nodoka. "Another round? Or would you rather blow this joint?"