--- Opening log file "Miller1" ---
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Hello, my name is Jonathan Miller. I've recently inherited this Starflier-class vessel from my mother, who was a civilian pilot who worked as a freelancer, basically taking jobs from whoever was offering them. My father was a major in the Manhattan defense unit, but the only time he flew into space was when my mother needed a pair of extra pair of hands on board, whereas I, on the other hand, flew a lot. Sometimes, my mother would show me how to pilot the ship, saying that someday it would be mine, so I might as well learn to use it. Anyways, my family was quite middle-class. We weren't too poor to be missing food, or to be able to pay off our debts, but we weren't rich either. Maybe it helped that I'm an only child; less mouths to feed.
As I was saying, I've acquired this ship recently, but I won't have the chance to use it very much: my job as a computer technician, though well-paying, binds me almost permanently to Manhattan. I'm looking into getting a job as a pilot, but I don't know what I would do. So, I'm setting aside money from my pay each month so that eventually, I can leave Manhattan and search in the great dark emptiness for something that suits me better. I'll admit, I like working with computers, and I'm rather good at it too, but the only pilot I had known in my youth was my idol, and so I want to follow her example. Hm... I think that's all for now, really. I'll continue this log if something comes up. Miller out.
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