The ship of the line class is a Bretonian unique warship, and is among some of the most feared sight the Sirius sector has ever known. The most massive vessel of Bretonian built, this ship is so heavily armoured it is reputed to be indestructible, and packs such a tremendous firepower (although most of its firepower are only available from its side canons), no capital vessel could ever outclass it.
The enormous cost of these ships have limited the number to only 3 known in active service within the imperial fleet, one of which is the flagship of Queen Carinna.
based on what the infocard 5 would be too many perhaps. For instance all those with dessies right now, this would be a better choice according to what that says.
Oh man this ship rocks! If only I was a BAF/BPA. You know the Mollys could use their own unique ship too Xing.
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura
Yay, erm, maybe a fully gold ship hehe just a thought.
EDIT: Oh and grats to the new forum name
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura
mehehe, Dopa, always the one with the negative comment, eh? =P
Yes, the horns sort of make it dragon-like - although I wanted it more western dragon mixed with something of a train and a galleon.