Encryption:Unbreakable ~ [LN] 5th| Leaderships EYES ONLY ID:Admiral Claire Chandler Location:Coronado, Sabah Shipyard Subject:Communique
Fleet Admirals of the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet and 5th Fleet,
I am Admiral Claire Chandler, I am coming to you with something rather important which I believe you need to know about. A Bounty Hunter Guilds pilot named Godspeed came into Crayterian space earlier this morning threatening Auxesian pilots and refusing to comply to the demands of one of my gunboat captains. Not only this but Godspeed open fired on my pilot and damaged the shields of the gunboats. I am more than happy to send the recordings to you on the matter but I don't think you are too interested in that. But what you should be interested in is the fact this Guild pilot had in his cargo bay a Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy and two Navy pilots.
We have told the Guild they do not have any access into Crayterian space for 72 hours until we get our answers as to why they are having act of hostility towards my people, refusing to comply and giving attitude to my pilots. Not only that but trying to act innocent when they came to Crayterian space wanting to be hostile.
This was important and I believe that you should know about it. All the best.