ID: [ZMCS]-FP-66|Arcadia
From: Freeport 4, Magellan
Date of Send: 30/08/823 A.S.
Signal Strength:██████████100% Encryption:██████████ 100% Here is Captain Lars Dross Comander of the Zoner Mobile Colony Ship Arcadia that is used as Freeport 66,
Since the traffic around Freeport 1 in Omega 3 increased that much, the Owner asked me to help him out to guarantee that everyone respects the No Fire Zone around the Freeport. He had a lot issues the last Weeks with all kind of Pilots bringing their Problems to the Freeport. To follow his call I interrupted my explorations about a hunted Nomad Tribe in the Omicrons, to secure the Freeport and his Laws. This doesn't mean that the Zoners think the Bretonia Armed Forces can't handle this but it is our Freeport and maybe some Pilots should be reminded on that again. Still are all sorts of Pilots are allowed to Dock on Freeport 1 also the Bretonia Armed Forces and even if it is only for a Drink after a hard day of Work.
So I'm asking here now for the permission to travel through Manchester, New London, and Camebridge. I will guarantee that I will take the shortest way to Omega 3. But this request is about a timeless permission cause I have maybe to react quickly when there are Problems in Baffin. But I guarantee that I will stay in the shortest way.
Respectfully I close this Transmission now and hope for fast response.
End of transmission...
[img float=right][/img] Priority:Medium To: Captain Lars Dross From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Greetings Mr. Dross,
Your message has been recieved, expect and answer very soon.
[img float=right][/img] Priority:Medium To: Captain Lars Dross From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Mr. Dross,
I will grant you the passage from Magellan to Omega 3, on the shortest way of course, and the stay around Freeport 1.
I will not grant you the permanent allowance to move through Bretonian space, given that a vessel with a very similar set of papers attempted to shoot my own, and with this a vessel of an Admiral of the Armed Forces, down.
I hope you understand that we are suspicious.
Nevertheless you are always free to request to be escorted to another location by an Armed Forces Commander and I am also willing to renegotiate this conditions after some time, depending on if we hear of incidents regarding your vessel or not.
In other wortds, if you earn our trust, you get more freedoms in Bretonia.
in hope the above is sufficiently clear,
Jacob McIntire
[img float=right][/img] Priority:High To: Captain Lars Dross From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Captain Lars Dross,
I guess you are well aware why I send this message to you. I offered you stay in Bretonia around Freeport 1 and even opened a way for negotiations after your group already assaulted me and my ship.
I did this in the belief that (most) deserve a second chance. But since you are in Omega 3 I get word of problems regarding your ship nearly daily, even by organisations of Zoner origin.
Not only do you choose to threaten with violence, very similar to the vessel that opened fire on our ships once, word has it that you hide Aliens on your ship as well.
In other words, I am, to a certain point, forgiving about mistakes but not about betrayal. I hereby nullify your clearance to stay in Bretonia, and Omega 3 on the basis of the Treaty of Snowdown, the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law Article 4.7 and last but not least on the advice of other organizations not to be named here.
Should you refuse to meet the conditions, wich are your immediate and permanent leaving, you will not have the freedom to get escorted out since you are well aware of the situation, instead the ship will be disabled, be it by your crew surrendering or by fire.
In hope the above is sufficiently clear,
Jacob McIntire