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Well, today has been a very rough day for me, My true first day on the job. I started out good, i have made around four million credits today. good for a beginner. But, i found an opportunity today, that i tried to take, and i failed. Today when i was in New London scanning the Southampton Shipyard for unsecured monetary transfers, i overheard a transaction between Liberty and Britonian higher ups. I tuned into the security systems of the place they were signing some kind of document.
I knew right then and there i had to get my hands on that document. I could make all kinds of credits if I got it. i could sell it to the highest bidder. So, the liberty warship that was carrying the papers was headed back for Liberty when I ran ahead and waited for it in the Cortez system. I found the ship mid lane between Planet Curacao and the California jumpgate, i pursued it until the gate when i then engaged the ship. Unfortunately, the BAF were still in the system and came to assist the Liberty warship. I had to eject my vessel and let it float adrift in space.
After several hours, me and a new friend of mine were scanning the area i left my ship. we found it and towed it back to Mactan. Where we fixed up the Burns and rips in the hull from the battle. I then finally got the ship back in flying order when i heard word the same liberty vessel was coming back from another trip to Britonia. I sped as fast as i could physically go to reach the California system.
As i entered the system i began a sweep to Riverside station. I noted that the ship had not passed by this station yet so i headed for Planet Los Angelas. Again, mid lane i say the gun boat fly past me, i quickly de-routed my vessel from the trade lane and pursued. I then came back to Riverside when i spotted two rogues nearby, they assisted me in trying to capture the ship.
We then chased the Liberty ship with the papers to the California gate. It had called for backup. we spotted an Assault frigate and another Gunboat jumping in as the document carrier left the system for New York. I quickly pursued the document carrier to New York and engaged it. But, the vessel was heavily gunned and i could not seem to penetrate its shields with my current weapon load out. I jumped the system and re-entered California.
As i re-entered the system, i noticed the naval force grew by a fighter. I passed by and saw the two rogues engaged. My ship was badly damaged and i could not risk loosing it. I told one of the Rogue vessels to come and i would give them my Nano bots and shield batteries that i had left. Bad choice on my part. I moved in to help on the kill of the fighter, i tried to stay away from the heavier ships. the fighter was destroyed and we backed off a bit to the Asteroid field.
As we sat there, we began conversation with the naval forces, i told them, another bad move on my part. what i had wanted. As we talked over the comms. my scanners detected a bomber coming in hot. As quick as that happened the naval forces attacked again. We managed to take out the bomber before one of the two rogues ships was blasted to a smoldering hunk. And, then the Assault frigate targeted me. This is where i wish i had my bots and batteries, my ship got pummeled, my servers over heated. and my life support went offline. i tried to engage my cruise engines. but as they were around fifty percent charged. i was knocked back into my pods and ejected. I looked out of my pod before i went blank, i saw my ship in the same smoldering messed as the rogues ship. Then i went blank.
So, now i am here, Back on Mactan. Thankfully, a passing rogue fighter wing found my pods distress beacon before i ran out of air. I spent a very, very short time on the medical bay in Alcatraz. before i was shipped back here. So, tomorrow, me and my friend are going to go out looking for my hunk of junk ship. I'm so worried about my servers. I cannot afford to get new hardware twice a day. I need to be more clever.
Well, this is it for today, i'm hitting the bed. i have my little kitty to keep me company for the night, such a cutey!
Joran Serv'laya out......
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WE set out today, my friend and I, looking for my smoldering vessel. We found it near the edge of a asteroid field close to Alcatraz. and towed it once again back to Mactan. Where i spent a whopping five million credits to get it fixed up again. I'm down to twenty-two million credits. i need to be more careful.
So, i began my day with a patrol around liberty space. I found nothing and went back to Britonia. Figured if nothing else i could hack into the Southampton shipyards files and have a look see at what they are carrying out in there. The system was oddly empty, side for a few light police patrols and a few small freighters here and there.
I finally reached Southampton Shipyard about an hour after i took off from Mactan. I shut off my engines and powered up my servers to begin the hacking. Wasn't long before i bypassed the weak firewall, and crippled the unsecured Virus and spy ware programs. I found twenty-three files and began to transfer the documents over when i spotted that two of the documents had Warship plans. I jump in an extreme amount of enjoyment.
As soon as the last file was being transferred i had to power down my servers and engage cruise. i had three hostiles on my long range scanners. So i fled to leeds, the one followed. i fled to the Edinburgh jump hole. but about twelve kilometers away i was cruise disrupted by a incoming wing of bounty hunters. their ships were too weak to break my shields but i engaged the BAF pilot. As i looked down at my scanners i noticed another contact coming in hot. I dis-engaged and powered up the cruise engines again and fled to the jump hole.
I jumped into Edinburgh and began to flee to the Lewis System, but i had never been here, it was a system loaded up on navigational maps from the ex pilot of my vessel. it had shown a secret route out of Britonia to Kusari, and i was taking it. As i jumped into the Lewis system, i was met with a hail of gunfire, i saw a base in the distance but it showed as hostile. I engaged cruise as my shields were being ripped apart. i finally found another jump hole, and it was to the Orkney system. i jumped, the place was empty. but the nav map said a jump hole to tua 23 was ahead about thirty-four kilometers.
Good i thought, only two systems away from the Outcasts home system, and one away from Kusari. So, long story short. i jumped through many, many systems today, and finally made it back to Mactan base after flying all over gods creation. So, i'm hold those new files close, they could be worth millions. I'll wait for tomorrow and see what happens when i confront the Britonian forces again.
For now, I'm going to cook up some food. Beef burgers and French fries, an old earth classic, and fish for my little kitty.
Joran Serv'laya out......
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Bill from Mactan Ships repair and electronics service
Replaced all guns: 1.3million credits
Servers replaced: 500,000 credits
Life support replaced:2.5million credits
Engines replaced and left engine fixed: 1.7 million credits
New viewscreen: 34,000 credits
New control panel: 370,000 credits
Total cost of repairs:6404000 credits
Joran Serv'laya out......
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