I thought that todays collected information might be useful for you and the Division itself.
Let me keep it short. Cortez. Unfar Curacao. A pilot of the Liberty Navy's ESRD Division fighting back two Auxesian snubcrafts.
All fine I know. They keep disrupting each other and let us have less trouble later.
Amusingly is the fact that Auxesia apparently openly allies with the Xenos.
03.09.2016 14:37:59] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: What the hell is even going on here?
[03.09.2016 14:38:01] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: Heeey.
[03.09.2016 14:38:08] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Oh - ow.
[03.09.2016 14:38:11] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Fine, I'll shoot back
[03.09.2016 14:38:14] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: You stepping into Liberty.
[03.09.2016 14:38:28] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: There was a perfectly valid reason for it,.
[03.09.2016 14:38:33] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Do you recall what happened at Erie?
[03.09.2016 14:38:42] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: Doesn't matter.
[03.09.2016 14:38:45] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Kinda does.
[03.09.2016 14:38:58] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Or else do you want Nomads continuing to terrorize Liberty and - you know - opening anomalies.
[03.09.2016 14:39:09] John.McMurphy: Cute thoughts.
[03.09.2016 14:39:10] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Right. Infront. Of. Planets.
[03.09.2016 14:39:14] John.McMurphy: You know..
[03.09.2016 14:39:16] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: Riight. *chuckle.*
[03.09.2016 14:39:23] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Do you want me to forward you the scan data?
[03.09.2016 14:39:35] John.McMurphy: I am very sure Auxesia is unable to prevent the Slomon K'Hara from their business.
[03.09.2016 14:39:36] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: Already have enough of them.
[03.09.2016 14:39:46] [LN]-ESRD|Hunter: Just like they open them we blast em.
[03.09.2016 14:40:26] Infernis: I'm going to wipe away the stain you've left behind. Priming weaponry!
I guess I should delay my return to Malta and stay around for a bit longer, don't you think?
Being known by them as someone who strongly opposed the Spirits surely will be helpful and I bet you can't have enough agents out there to gather information.
1011:10:0010:1001 Sender ID: Milly Stone
Location: Lyoko Gunship Subject: Thank you.. 1011:10:0010:1001 "It would be nice to have another agent in the field helping us out and your offer is gladly accepted. Its strange to see Auxiesan pilots allying with the Xeno Alliance, last I knew, only the Hellfire legion did such but I have yet to see such myself. Moving on, I would like to ask you to see an audience with my bosses, and by that, I mean sending them a communications as well, I'll send this date to their archives and keep some of it in my own as well, for now I welcome you to work for myself and show how helpful you can be to my bosses, and once they're satisfied with you, they shall tell you want to do next. I'll give you a relay to speak with them, Alpha Zero D, D, Nine L..this is for you to speak with them...welcome aboard John, I hope to see you in space."