Sender: Dr. Ghor Fitzgerald
Subject: Jump Gate Information
Location: Mannheim Station
Encryption: Figure 9.6
Greetings, Auxesia. I am Dr. Ghor Fitzgerald, a researcher who graduated from the University of Cambridge. A few days ago, I decided to begin research regarding jump gates, in order to accomplish something that's extremely beneficial to Sirius. Something that can improve travel by a longshot... hypergates.
I need the assistance of good people...not corporations who are only in it for the money. A few rumors I've picked up involve your group being for the benefit and technological future of Sirius, am I correct? Either way, your help would be much appreciated. I know it's weird to be contacted by some random researcher from Cambridge, but hear me out.
When I began my research, I was directed to Ageira Innovations for jump gate functionality information. Of course, they gave me the corporate rundown of "stop or I'll sue you". Just what I expected. I've been directed towards you by several people here aboard the station. Most were travelers, but I digress. Some rumors says your group has some kind of "research team". I don't know if this is fact or fiction, but clarification would be excellent. I was also directed towards the IRG, but they usually are too busy doing other projects.
Closing this up, I obviously ain't expecting you to just cooperate immediately, so I have a bit of incentive for you. If you can help me make this hypergate dream a reality, your goals will be much more easily achieved, as you will have the fastest method of transportation at your disposal. All the research I uncover will be shared with you, for your benefit.
Think about it.
- Dr. Ghor Fitzgerald
P.S. Apologies for the lack of "professionalism" in this message. I prefer to keep it straight and simple.
Sender: Dr. Ghor Fitzgerald
Subject: Jump Gate Information
Location: Mannheim Station
Encryption: Figure 9.6
Clearly, you don't give a damn about the future of humanity. Guess I should've expected less of you guys. Enjoy whatever you're doing, looks like I have a different group in mind.
Too bad you missed out on the future of transportation.
Funnily enough, we were in the process of formulating a response yet we have been busy - but as it appears, patience wasn't your virtue. You expect us to respond within a timeframe of two days when we have much more pressing matters to attend to? Pahahahah.
Don't expect hypergates to be an easy theory. It'll probably cost you billions down the road - especially as an individual, thus, I can only wish you good luck - as it is even outside of our reach. We're not Ageira, we don't have the prints or knowhow of jump technology.
Good luck on your journey to technological advances.
Sender: Dr. Ghor Fitzgerald
Subject: Jump Gate Information
Location: Mannheim Station
Encryption: Figure 9.6
You can hear the sound of someone repeatedly slamming their head against the wall, quite fast and violently.
REALLY? You chose NOW to respond? Ugh...pardon my outburst. I didn't expect you to finally get to this when I explode. Perfect...
I haven't made the new transmission to my next target yet...perhaps we can still organize a deal regarding the hypergate situation? I mean sure, it costs money, but again, I'm purely doing the research for now. Building it is another thing.