After a Hydrogen run to Rashiri returned to Pen with some Multiplexors. Tried to dock at Erie and to my surprise found myself instantly docked back at the base in Rashiri. Didnt loose any cargo or anything else just fund myself docked 7 system back along my track.
Something I did wrong or is it a known bug?
Its not worth doing If it doesnt scare you at least a bit!
If you lose connection or the Game crashes, as you dock, this will tend to happen.
Very frustrating, especially if you have done a long trip. It has happened for years.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
is it supposed to be instant coz there wasn't any obvious crash or connection loss? Didn't have to restart the game or reconnect or reload the character. Totally identical to normal docking except to wrong base.
Its not worth doing If it doesnt scare you at least a bit!