*A light symphonic overture plays with the current image.*
*The screen bluntly displays an older man. In garments of strange and esoteric design. He stares out into the camera as the titling below appears.*
Welcome all and everyone. Faithfuls, Seekers, and Oracles.
Those of you know me as Three Winds will not be too surprised that i had planned to address everyone willing to watch and listen about the path and the tenants of the church.
We have been accused of being overly mysterious that we only deal with the most desperate and hopeless. Well this is correct.. for it was said once by a great healer that.. The sick are the ones that require healing. We deal with many in dire straights to get them and those they love out of their situations and unto a path of a normal life.
Many go on living on Malta... were low income living with an addiction is possible.. it is not ideal but is it better than being someone's human pet.. only getting what's your "worth" in order to survive.
Other information highly suppressed by house governments and corporate concerns have been in the nets presence for too long I am speaking loosely of ancient and current alien life.. from so called protected worlds and their wildlife to more conscious and protective beings...
We seek merely to shed the light of truth about these things.. We are a church only.. we have no political aspirations of power nor would we be in a position to start.. Our mandate is mankind.. you..are our business.
*the Screen changes to a tour or walk through the "Cathedral of the Plains" and a few of the Oracles buildings on malt many of which are beyond old and historic*
The order of the faithful has resided on Malta for centuries, sheltering the poor and needy as well as providing a spiritual path of improvement and freedom.
The Church currently employs and aids with the knowledge about cardamine addiction and persecution rife in the colonies by providing a shelter where the addicted can rest and be safe.
But that's not all. Omicron culture has always had run ins with the mysterious... and as they reside in the omicrons the church and its agents have learned how to interact with these forces.
The mysteries of the taboo have been used to misguide and subjugate mankind and manage the masses as slave labour and a resource to exploit profits. One of these schemes is the entrapment of valuable talented people both useful and attractive into the slave market by making them dependant on a supply of life altering substences only available light years away.
*A decloaking bustard carrier cristened "Sanctuary" appears in a flyby shot heading towards an unknown station.*
An errand of mercy one of many temples and shrines with advanced stealth technology moves into the fabled slave pens of the dark market... not everyone can be saved before being trafficked to destinations outside our reach, but the influence and the reach of the holy faithful is ever growing....
Speedily and with enough time we have been able to save not only the subjugated but the entire families of those threatened by a life of slavery inflicted upon them.
While the church does not have the facilities to cure the addiction we can assist with its abuses. Far and wide Oracles trained in the path of the four tenants seek to put their unique abilities to help others... and thus assure that they themselves walk then enlightened path. of right action.
"It can be said that pain is unavoidable,,, but we teach suffering is your choice.... you deserve love and that to lose is only painful if you cling without consciousness to things, ideas, and thoughts that do not serve you. Mind is the builder and reality are the results of those emanations."
We hope that you can now understand more about the church, the path, and our Oracles. We do not harm of right for causes. We dont believe there is a blood price for results to change the world for the better. Love.. not hate can save a relationship. Peace not war brings progress.
If you're willing to sacrifice... everything in this old world for what you truly are and what you fully deserve... Then we will all meet in a place where no shadows fall. Together. As family.
Thank you and may whatever gods you believe in shelter you and love you. We do.
*the show fades out. with a small message at the bottom.*
Paid for by generous contributions of the Maltese civic trust and the Freeport society for humanism. And private sponsors like you.