Considering the present Nomad lore is a wishy-washy mishmash of outdated, unclear, half-retconned rubbish and that K'Hara have been doing little (read: nothing) to fix any of that, I wonder what 'being in charge' of the Nomad lore even entailed in the first place. Is it a bit like letting your pet dog starve to death? :thinking:
(02-13-2017, 08:59 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Nah, it's more. Information about nomad lore by different people and all that. Also it's Inverness.
Are you trying to trick me into wasting 2 hours? Also I swear I saw him looking at L\-'Canalla' so it's conn. I know where my playerbase resides way better than you, Sombra. :^)