I have been hired to deliver you something, in two parts.
More than one individual were participating in this plan. Any tracks of the transfer of credits and certain messages which were related to this plan, between said individuals, have been already deleted, before this message has been sent to you. This one will aswell, delete itself and any tracks, between my location, your location and any certain information of used devices and names, once you have opened, read and closed this message. Don't bother to reply upon this, nor try to wait for me, since I'll be long gone before you have read this message.
An IDkey which is used to open up and use the other part of your gift.
It has a sensor which is only reading the fingerprint of your thumb.
Without this it won't work, and might seem to be a nice accessoir.
Anyways, once you open the other gift, the blue parts of this IDkey lighten up blue, briefly. When you stick it into the other gift's device, it will glow blue and activate your second gift.
External Equipment
Equipment Type 2: Free
Equipment Type 3: Free
Equipment Type 4: Free
SG-e2 "Advanced Champion" Heavy Fighter Graviton Shield (Class 10)
Cheetah Thruster
Internal Equipment
VP-E9 MOX Intermix Chamber MkI
Advanced Deep Scanner
Freelancer IDentification
61 Nanobots
61 Shieldbatteries
Universal Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
Overall 70
Occupied 24
Free 46
Other Upgrades
Docking Lights SlowMediumBlue
Signal Lights SmallBlue
Front Light: SpecialWhiteLarge
With the usage of this, some conditions are applied:
There is a pentaly in the core power efficiency of 25%.
Use a codename/nickname for this ship.
Only use the initials of your Name in your transponder sign.
Do NOT say you own this vessle in public and communication channel.
Do NOT use this vessle in Rheinland Space, including Rheinland sovereign in Omega and Sigma.
Do NOT mention your real name in public, while using this vessle.
Always check the law before entering a house space, since this vessle might be prohibited there.
Even in house space, where this vessle is not prohibited, law enforcing authorities might ask you about this vessle.