<"Fairchild"> *salutes* Evening. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Kenzie I do know. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Kenzie? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> McKenzie, sorry. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> The guy on the bridge of the Odyssee *She laughs* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I see. <"Fairchild"> What? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Apologies. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Hello, pilot. <"Fairchild"> *sniffs* Accepted. But please be careful, this Scimitar is fragile as hell. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> But ... why does it feel weird Troy? I mean, some time has passed already and all... <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Well... It's just weird. I can't forget things as easily as you do, I suppose. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Hm. I hear a sound that's somewhat more common in Taus and Omicrons. <"Fairchild"> Who are you 'Forlorn' lot anyway, out of sheer human curiousity? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I guess it's time to sum up things again. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> You're the boss, so you explain. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I'll just enjoy being a lazy underling with no duties. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We're a private mercenary company, specialized in a few things, from escort work to military scale actions. <"Fairchild"> "Private mercenary company". Aha. <"Fairchild"> Well that didn't require that much explaining, did it. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Yes. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> So, you wanna know more huh? <"Fairchild"> Well I don't know, I met some group of freelancers like that some time ago. <"Fairchild"> 'Auxesia' they called themselves. <"Fairchild"> Kinda sad they turned out to be non-human garbage of the worst sort. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Except, our main strength is the beauty of our women. Not how crazy they could be. <"Fairchild"> "Trans-humans" *spits* <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Many thanks, Troy. *She chuckles* <"Fairchild"> Smooth. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Though, they DO get pretty crazy sometime. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Crazy is my second name. *She laughs* <"Fairchild"> Where are you lot based off, anyway? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Liberty. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Obviously. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> That's not a target... <"Fairchild"> Quite specific, really. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I suppose we all have our own favored locations. <"Fairchild"> I don't have one. I don't think so at least. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I like that new butique burger sho? in Trenton, for example. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> And Elena likes to shop for shoes. A lot of them. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> There's a lot of shoes to be bought on Manhattan. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> *sigh* <"Fairchild"> Sounds... vain. Extremely so. <Forlorn|-Akuma.Kotegawa> Konnichiwa. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> At least she didn't yet start to pirate people for designer clothes, like those girls in Kusari. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Hello, Kotegawa. <"Fairchild"> Eh, generous calling GC "girls". <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> They are not women? <"Fairchild"> For some very broad definitions of "women" I suppose. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Oh? Do they pack something extra? *raises an eyebrow* <"Fairchild"> Tsk. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Hey Akuma. <"Fairchild"> Something extra orange, maybe. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> What's your name, anyway? <Forlorn|-Akuma.Kotegawa> Hey Elena. <"Fairchild"> Mine? Well, I've been calling myself Fairchild for a while now. <"Fairchild"> Might as well stick. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Don't wanna tell me your other name? Suit yourself. <"Fairchild"> Which "other" name? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> The one that's not Fairchild. <"Fairchild"> There are two that aren't Fairchild. But no, not really. <"Fairchild"> Besides, it's more complicated than that. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Oh well. <"Fairchild"> Fairchild is not one person. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Are you carrying an invasive alien being within yourself? <"Fairchild"> That's supposed to be an insult or something? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> What am I supposed to understand from what you're suggesting? <"Fairchild"> I've killed Nomads, Outcasts, GC and assorted orange menace for long enough to think about words like that as such. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> And? I really don't care what you take it as. Though I speak literally, don't need to think too hard. <"Fairchild"> Heh. Maybe what they say about the abyss and killing dragons is true. <"Fairchild"> But no. You're wrong. <"Fairchild"> It's been a... well, a favour for someone dear to my heart. <"Fairchild"> Long story. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I have a lot of time, especially for interesting long stories. <"Fairchild"> It might be the time, but it's definitely not the place. <"Fairchild"> I would not like to blow my cover that quickly, especially considering there's Navy here. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> And I have the freedom to move anywhere I wish. <"Fairchild"> Pick a different place then. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Not 10 clicks over the sun, maybe? <"Fairchild"> I don't know if I trust you enough to go 10K above the sun with you, if you catch my drift. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Why, what could I do to you? <"Fairchild"> I don't know. And unknown is something I don't really like. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> You killed nomads, sniffers, and all kinds of assorted things. I bet you can handle me. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> No comment. <"Fairchild"> *chuckles* Fair enough. If you think of yourself so low. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Well, you have been quite silent, Elena. <"Fairchild"> See you there. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I had an incoming message from Nick. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Could my friends follow as well? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> They might be bored otherwise. If they want to come, that is. <"Fairchild"> Eh, why not. You seem like a good bunch. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> *takes a swig from a bottle* <"Fairchild"> It's a nice view up here.. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Urgh... Don't tell the cops, please. <"Fairchild"> Eh. Sure. <"Fairchild"> Well, you wanted to know about me. What exactly? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> *takes another swig* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> You said you have an interesting story to tell. I like to listen to them. <"Fairchild"> Well, as I said... I don't think I trust you enough to tell it all. <"Fairchild"> But, I guess a bit of it might be in order. <"Fairchild"> You ever heard of a company called Wisp Innovations? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Don't worry, we're good at building up trust with others. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Hm... Nope. <"Fairchild"> Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> It's kinda our business after all. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> The only thing is ... we don't lie about trust. <"Fairchild"> Well. *scratches her cheek* Wisp is a subsidiary of Cryer that I worked for. <"Fairchild"> Well, it used to be. It no longer exists as far as I know. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Ahh... <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Those stabiline producers... And baby pills. <"Fairchild"> Yeah. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I should have gotten those damn baby pills, yes. <"Fairchild"> But Wisp didn't deal in that. They made... more... powerful things. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Like... weapons of mass destruction? <"Fairchild"> No, gods, no. <"Fairchild"> More advanced drugs. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Troy ... always interested in that stuff. *She laughs* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Well, I am tryna' think big. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Hmm... Drugs. <"Fairchild"> We've engineered something called Vergil. Cryer now calls it a recreational drug, but Vergil is something much, /much/ more. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> A ... recreationial drug? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She raises an eyebrow* <"Fairchild"> Well, you see. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> If it gets you high, they call it recreational, Elena. <"Fairchild"> That's the thing. It doesn't get you high. Quite the opposite actually. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I'm Rheinlandian, don't blame on me. <"Fairchild"> Some time ago, through some contacts in the Omicrons, we managed to find a species of alien bacteria. <"Fairchild"> Turned out that this bacteria had some special properties. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Ooh, alien bacteria ... always a dangerous thing. <"Fairchild"> Not really dangerous. Useful as hell, though. Or so I was told. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> If there's a chance for things to go things south, they always do. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> So what happened with this drug of yours? <"Fairchild"> Well, long story short. A professor at Wisp, and a good friend of mine, figured out that these bacteria- <"Fairchild"> -could be paired with nanites to create something quite extraordinary. <"Fairchild"> Specifically, an interface to the human brain. <"Fairchild"> Wisp worked with some top scientists from Ageira to make this happen and it did, eventually. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Wow... So I could mind control Elena, finally. <"Fairchild"> Well, you see. No. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You always wanted that, didn't you? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> My most secret desire. <"Fairchild"> We've worked as hard as possible to make sure this doesn't happen. There were... casualties. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I see. <"Fairchild"> But eventually, yes. We engieered a secure system which, essentially, allowed you to launch an instance of nexOS- <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Wouldn't you want to be one of those casualties, Troy? <"Fairchild"> -literally in your head. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Let me think... Nope... I'd not want to be one of those casualties. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You under my control ... man, a killing machine. <"Fairchild"> You lot seriously have strange fantasies. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Elena is a playful one, simply. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Strange only when Troy is around. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Don't mind her. She's teasing. She's in a very healthy relationship with another guy. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You got it. *She laughs* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Well. Reviewing what you said, it's incredibly... well... scary. <"Fairchild"> Depends how you spin it. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> What happened to that thing? <"Fairchild"> But soon after Vergil was released, some... problems started. <"Fairchild"> But, well, before that. <"Fairchild"> I was the first subject on which Vergil was tested fully. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> So you literally released a drug? <"Fairchild"> It's... well. It's available for consumers, yes. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> So, uh... How does it feel? <"Fairchild"> Could probably venture out into any Cryer-operated drug store and get it. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Uhm ... alright. <"Fairchild"> My experience is different, and from what I know it's different for everyone. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> How was it for you then? <"Fairchild"> The integration, while generally painless, is quite interesting though. <"Fairchild"> It's... personal though, so I'd rather not talk about it. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She nods* I see. That's alright. <"Fairchild"> But, well. <"Fairchild"> There was a problem in Wisp after Vergil was finished. <"Fairchild"> Something Cryer called "corporate restructuring". <"Fairchild"> Something I would call a "hostile takeover". <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Uhm... *She frowns* ... what the hell? <"Fairchild"> Basically all of the assets of Wisp were bought out and seized by Cryer. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Ah... Well... so you mean to say that there's a drug out there which installs an operating system in people's brains and which- <"Fairchild"> The professor who led Vergil, Nikita Nagrebetskiy, was outright refused any rights to his research. <"Fairchild"> So, well, he asked me for help. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> in turn allow those people to be mind controlled or something? <"Fairchild"> No, no, gods. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I am somewhat tipsy, sorry. <"Fairchild"> Mind control is impossible. We made sure of that. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Still sad about that, Troy? <"Fairchild"> There always is a 'master override'. <"Fairchild"> This is the reason why casualties happened. <"Fairchild"> One, specifically, some expendable Outcast we found too close to Atrka. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I am not sad. It's simply nice to be a drunk. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> That's true though. Being drunk is funny. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I see. <"Fairchild"> We had to investigate brain patterns for various negative emotions, like panic, terror, extreme fear, et cetera. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Uh... <"Fairchild"> It would require very deep, wetware programming to change these patterns. Not something anyone would be able to do. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> That's not so ethical, is it? <"Fairchild"> Well, depends who you ask. <"Fairchild"> Of course, it violates human rights. <"Fairchild"> Such experimentation that is. <"Fairchild"> But Outcasts aren't humans. At least they aren't for Cryer. <"Fairchild"> They aren't for me either. <"Fairchild"> Nobody who voluntarily puts themselves under the influence of Cardamine is human. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I have a soft spot for animals as well. But uh... I guess such happened anyway, no need to argue about it now. <"Fairchild"> Well. <"Fairchild"> Regardles. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> So, what would happen if I decided to go to a pharmacy now, and swallowed some of those drugs? <"Fairchild"> I couldn't tell you. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> In fact, I just might. Because you won't tell me. <"Fairchild"> Neither me, nor Nagrebetskiy knows what they changed. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I wouldn't risk that to be honest. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> You don't want me to be your personal toy of destruction? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I'd rather like to see you safe. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Also, wow. Am I just a killer toy for you, Elena? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> And not on a complete killing spree. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Oh, for a second, I thought you thought weird things about me. <"Fairchild"> They may have removed our overrides. Who knows. <"Fairchild"> Maybe Cryer is indeed planning mind control on a massive scale. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> No I wouldn't ever. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I wonder what else you're not telling me, Fairchild. Because this info is massive. <"Fairchild"> Well. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> And you told me that you'd not tell me everything, before. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> It kinda makes my brain getting more tired and tired. <"Fairchild"> We still have the original code for Vergil. <"Fairchild"> And the nano-replicator recipes for the nanobots. <"Fairchild"> We don't have any of the bacteria, but that requires just an expedition to the Omicrons with appropriate equipment. <"Fairchild"> And, of course, an AR lab to produce the clean version of Vergil. <"Fairchild"> That's what we want to do, in a nutshell.. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> "You"? <"Fairchild"> Oh. I haven't told you something, yeah. <"Fairchild"> Nagrebetskiy, the professor who made Vergil, right? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Right. <"Fairchild"> He... Well, he became ill. After all, he was an old man. <"Fairchild"> But thanks to Vergil, he undergone a quite dangerous operation, he called it 'Brain-in-a-jar'. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Uhm ... I guess I can imagine what happened. <"Fairchild"> Do... Well, do I have to tell you what that might have been or is your imagination good enough to envision that yourself? <"Fairchild"> Yeah. And, thanks to Vergil, we are now... well... connected. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> But that's just ... oh well, weird I guess. <"Fairchild"> He sees with my eyes, hears with my ears, feels with my skin. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You are ... -connected-?! <"Fairchild"> This is why I said, Fairchild is not one person. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> My god. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Uh... I suppose it would feel very weird to the old man if you ever had a lover. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She sighs* <"Fairchild"> I couldn't know, we don't share memories. <"Fairchild"> You see, once you start Vergil for the first time, your memories are kind of separated. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> It's like a switch? He can just become you, at times, or something? <"Fairchild"> You obviously keep your human brain as normal, but what you see and hear goes into Q-coherence storage. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> So is it like a nomad incubus or something ... can he take control over you at times? <"Fairchild"> Your thoughts, if you so desire, as well. <"Fairchild"> No, of course not. <"Fairchild"> Only if I agree. <"Fairchild"> It's /my/ body after all. <"Fairchild"> But there are certain implications of this. <"Fairchild"> Indeed, I was the one who performed the surgery on his brain. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> That's actually ... woah. Mind blowing <"Fairchild"> Having /absoultely no idea/ about neurobiology. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She laughs* <"Fairchild"> Imagine that./ <"Fairchild"> Well, bloody hell. I've said a lot more than I meant to. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Yeah, I have such an effect on people. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Yes ... yes you did. *She sighs* And my brain hurts now. <"Fairchild"> But now that I've told you this. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> But it is quite interesting, ma'am. I am glad I heard it all. <"Fairchild"> I guess I'd have to join up with you, eh? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Uhh.. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Oh why, do you think so? <"Fairchild"> Well, you can help me out with my mission. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> That's up to the bosses, I suppose. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Oh, and what's your mission again exactly? <"Fairchild"> Provide the 'clean', early version of Vergil, open-source to anyone who desires. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> To be honest, this Vergil sounds really troublesome to me. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We're not exactly ... the people to produce drugs, so I wonder why you think we could even help you? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> It sounds like a revolutionary, yet still dangerous idea <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Like, sure, it certainly does SOMETHING to your brain. Which surely /won't/ allow you to be mind controlled. But what- <"Fairchild"> You're mercenaries and freelancers.. You've got contacts, probably. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> advantages does it bring to a person, you never tell me. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Or provide, that is. <"Fairchild"> *sighs* You ever used a computer. Or a console, or a PAD or anything like that? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Yes we did. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Oh yes, why don't you tell me that? I was expecting that explanation from the start. <"Fairchild"> Imagine skipping the entire "chair, keyboard, monitor" process. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Oh wait. <"Fairchild"> Vergil is an /interface/. It uses your brain to communicate with the console. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She raises both eyebrows in awe* <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> That's ... *she whistles* ... something! <"Fairchild"> There are many ways to do this. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You know what, I'll make sure to talk about this with the other leaders. <"Fairchild"> I, for example, have a subdermal chip implanted somewhere, uh... Here. <"Fairchild"> *she points to her neck*' <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Cause, if I hear right, this actually could become a great and enduring business. <"Fairchild"> That chip is basically a low-end quantum console which I can use through Vergil. <"Fairchild"> Well. The code you aren't going to get for yourselves. <"Fairchild"> The code is for everyone. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Of course. <"Fairchild"> But, if you get a head start on pumping out <"Fairchild"> -clean Vergil nodes and cores, then you might get a lot of clientelle. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> So, my blackbox is recording that conversation anyways. I'll make sure the others gonna see it too. <"Fairchild"> My eyes are recording as well. Don't worry. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She whistles again in surprise* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I am fine with her joining us. The more the merrier, huh? <"Fairchild"> We both have ways to blackmail each other I guess. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Oh, she doesn't necessarilly have to join us. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> But, it's up to these three, very choosy, Knight Captains of ours. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Cooperation would be just as fine. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> But we'll see. <"Fairchild"> *sniffs* Quite a name, "Knight Captain". <"Fairchild"> Reminds me of the Core. *she chuckles* <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We're not as choosy as Troy thinks we are though. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We're anything but the Core, ma'am. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Very, very fancy, these show ponies are, I tell you. <"Fairchild"> Good, because Core is a bunch of incompetent idiots. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We are neither incompetent nor idiots. <"Fairchild"> I figured. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Though I guess we all have our "phases" at times, at least that's the case with me. <"Fairchild"> Else I wouldn't have told you my story, eh? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Not sure about my competence, but I sure want to be flashy. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> You're competent, Troy. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Don't doubt that. *She laughs* <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Oh, you're making me blush. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Didn't intend to. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Anyways, I must thank you for the information you gave us, they all sound very interesting to me. <"Fairchild"> Don't mention it. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> If only you could give us your comm details, so we can message you directly over a private channel? <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We're good at keeping secret stuff secret, ma'am. <"Fairchild"> Sure. *sends the communication codes* <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Very well. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> I swear, Elena, you really are not that good at keeping secret things secret. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Do you know what I heard from this Mary Dross, person? <"Fairchild"> I would watch out if I were you, with sharing this information. <"Fairchild"> Pick the people you share this with carefully, you're in possession of Cryer's trade secret now. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Uhm, what? <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Nevermind. I have no idea how she knew that. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> *She sighs* Starting with stuff but not ending it. Typical. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> And, pilot, I'll keep my mouth shut, don't worry. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> I will so as well. <"Fairchild"> Fair enough. *salutes* Catch me on the Net if you wish to help out. <"Fairchild"> There's probably cash in it too. <"Fairchild"> Farewell, for now. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> We'll sure do. <Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin> Have a safe flight. <Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt> Farewell to you as well, See ya around.
<Forlorn|-Seraph.3> Greetings. <''Fairchild"> Well, here we are again. <''Fairchild"> Afternoon. <Forlorn|-Seraph.3> Again? <''Fairchild"> Well, I've talked to a couple of your friends yesterday, Mr Question Mark. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> Ah. <Forlorn|-Seraph.3> We can leave the question mark as it is if it bothers you. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> Interesting choice of ship <''Fairchild"> Well. <Forlorn|-Seraph.3> One, do you want to speak? <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> Mmm, depends. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> I assume you were not expecting us out here? <''Fairchild"> Not really. <''Fairchild"> I've been expecing a transmission from Voigt though, that hasn't come through though. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> Ah, and what do you believe will be in the transmission? <''Fairchild"> Well, ask her, she can tell you, hm? <''Fairchild"> You seem to be from one bunch. <Forlorn|-Seraph.3> I'll make sure to ask her the next time I see her. <''Fairchild"> Well. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> Oh, I could easily do that, but I'm curious as to what you believe will be in it. <''Fairchild"> *shrugs* No clue. <''Fairchild"> I'm not in her head. <Forlorn|-Seraph.1> No, thats true *laughs*
# Time 04 May 824 A.S, 19:05 SMT # Location Pennsylvania, Liberty
# Involvement
• "Fairchild"
• Paragon
<Paragon> And so we meet at last <"Fairchild"> Welcome. <Paragon> Glad to finally find you <"Fairchild"> It's mutual, although I still don't know who you are. <Paragon> Just as I don't know much more about you than you've shared with my associates in the Forlorn. <Paragon> I prefer to keep anonymous, being an information collector and broker. <"Fairchild"> That is still more. <"Fairchild"> And I did reveal quite a bit to the Forlorn. <Paragon> I do hope you don't want my life story. I'm more interested in Wisp and all such things. <"Fairchild"> Well, haven't the Forlorn shared their conversation logs with you? <"Fairchild"> I'm sure that would have been in order. <Paragon> They have, but my own investigation into the matter has left me with exactly no results. <Paragon> Wisp very much exists, but more than that, I can't find anything. Which makes me very curious <"Fairchild"> Wisp very much doesn't exist, that's the problem. <"Fairchild"> At least not anymore. <Paragon> And then theres the substance! Such wonderful technology. Full integration of a human mind with that of a machine? <Paragon> Or did I misunderstand it? <"Fairchild"> Well, groundwork for it, at least.. <"Fairchild"> If there were people to write software for it. <Paragon> I assume you've approached the obvious choices already? <"Fairchild"> I'm curious what you mean by obvious choices. <"Fairchild"> To me, there are none. <Paragon> The Order, the Core, the LSF. I know you spoke to Auxesia. These all seem like logical choices for the development of <Paragon> the software <Paragon> Perhaps the question the Forlorn forgot to ask, was what do you need to further your own goals? <"Fairchild"> None of the ones you listed, perhaps with the exception of the LSF, aren't going to cut it. <"Fairchild"> Order are widely regarded as terrorists and if we approached them for help, even /assuming/ they came up- <"Fairchild"> -with something, it would instantly be discarded and labeled as contraband in all of the Houses. The exact- <"Fairchild"> -opposite of what I want. <"Fairchild"> The Core are too power hungry and too blinded by their chase for chrome to understand the power of this technology. <"Fairchild"> And the LSF... Well, I don't trust Libertonians. I fear they might be colluding with Cryer and I'd rather avoid that. <"Fairchild"> If there are no other options though, they are probably the ones who I'd approach. <"Fairchild"> The technology proficiency of Liberty is unparalleled, sadly. <Paragon> Ah, I understand. Well, there may be some who are better when it comes to software and hardware regardless. <Paragon> The Prime AI out in Gamma come to mind. Although they are supicious at the best of times. <"Fairchild"> What I need is a visionary. Someone with the reach and reliability to put this out to the world. <Paragon> Even in its framework stage? <"Fairchild"> Someone has to carry it out of this stage, no? <"Fairchild"> Of course it could just be the two of us, me and Professor. <"Fairchild"> But that would take ages and we don't have that kind of time. <"Fairchild"> Not until Cryer gains popularity with their own version. And that would be rather tragic. <Paragon> Indeed. Well, I have contact with the Primes, far away and suspicious they may be, and I have... contacts... within the <Paragon> Lane Hackers as well, that may help with the software as well. <"Fairchild"> If the Hackers learn about this, I will personally make sure to eviscerate you in the most painful way possible. <"Fairchild"> Understand? <Paragon> Don't worry, the Hackers won't hear a thing from me. <"Fairchild"> This is not a game. <Paragon> I was entertaining thoughts out loud. <"Fairchild"> Well anyway. <Paragon> You and the Professor are linked, yes? <"Fairchild"> In a manner of speaking. <Paragon> So its functional, and applicable already? <"Fairchild"> In its base form, just to serve as a communication tool, yes. <Paragon> Did it hurt? Does it hurt? <"Fairchild"> A lot of it is based on existing technology already as Vergil itself is... well, not very elaborate. <"Fairchild"> It doesn't, no. The synchronisation itself knocks you out for a couple of hours and that's it. <"Fairchild"> It's different for everyone though. <"Fairchild"> As far as I know, anyway. We haven't had that many subjects though and it was difficult to understand how- <"Fairchild"> -exactly they felt. <Paragon> Intriguing. This process, you can carry it out still? You have the facilities? <"Fairchild"> Well, technically speaking, what we need is access to several things. <"Fairchild"> None of which we have currently. <Paragon> I ask because I find myself drawn to the idea. <Paragon> I have a friend. A member of an LSF agency. <"Fairchild"> Oh. <Paragon> You know the 404? <"Fairchild"> Well, I heard the name, but that's about it. <Paragon> They may be the steps needed to achieve what you seek. <"Fairchild"> Who are they, exactly? <Paragon> They fly the LSF flag, but are seperate from them. <Paragon> Libertonian, but with distrust towards the government <"Fairchild"> Interesting. <Paragon> In their own words. "Anything nessacery to protect liberty" <Paragon> They have ties to the Forlorn as well, allowing you to make use of a mutual friendship. <"Fairchild"> It does sound promising, yes. <Paragon> I can put you in touch without a problem. <Paragon> In fact, I find myself unearthly curious about the process. <Paragon> I have to ask, and forgive me for being so blunt. But would it be possible for myself to undergo the operation? <"Fairchild"> Not at the present. <Paragon> A pity. But understandable nonetheless. <"Fairchild"> As I said, we don't have the resources and machinery to produce additional working sets of Vergil nodes. <Paragon> What equipment would you require for this? <"Fairchild"> Well, the Vergil itself is made of three distinct parts. <Paragon> And I assume the equipment itself would be vital to furthering your goals in general? <"Fairchild"> The equipment, not really. It would help everyone who wanted access to this technology though. <"Fairchild"> And if any brilliant software developers got interested, well, then they perhaps could contribute. <"Fairchild"> So I suppose, in an indirect way, yes. <Paragon> And it would prevent Cryer from gaining a foothold with it in advance if you were already producing for consumption. <"Fairchild"> You got it. <Paragon> Any adverse effects in its current stages that would harm its reputation? <"Fairchild"> None that we found. <Paragon> I need a list of the equipment you need. <"Fairchild"> The professor has gone to great lengths to ensure nothing bad can happen. <Paragon> Interesting cargo you have there. <"Fairchild"> There are quite a few precautions put in place to ensure the user themselves has the largest control over it. <"Fairchild"> Anyway, the equipment. <"Fairchild"> First, to produce the node shells, we need nanofiber alloy as the material. That's what the tiny nanite spiders use- <"Fairchild"> -to settle in your synapses. <"Fairchild"> Or, what they're made of, not use. <"Fairchild"> We would also need a nanoreplicator to actually make them. <"Fairchild"> What powers the nodes and gives them their ability to read electric pulses from synapses- <"Fairchild"> -is a special kind of bacteria found in the Omicrons. <Paragon> Alien organisms? <"Fairchild"> Yeah, from a place in the Omicrons. <"Fairchild"> A special kind though, not those used on Junyo to help rice grow or whatever. <Paragon> Interesting. So nanofibers, a nanoreplicator, and alien bacteria. <Paragon> A lot of travel coming through here at the moment. <"Fairchild"> Well, the alien bacteria won't do because I don't expect your friends to know where exactly to mine and what equipment- <"Fairchild"> -to use. <"Fairchild"> Rather, someone with an appropriate mining ship and mining equipment. <"Fairchild"> Leading a sortie to the Omicrons is not a problem for me. <Paragon> The Athena is out in the Omicrons at the moment I believe. <"Fairchild"> What or who is that? <Paragon> Its a Forlorn exploration ship. Its possible they have made contact with miners in their travels. <"Fairchild"> Perhaps, but using any ordinary miner for this task might not be the best idea. <"Fairchild"> Space is dangerous. <Paragon> Indeed. <Paragon> So, I'll leave the Bacteria off the list for now then <"Fairchild"> Anyway, I suppose if those 404 people you are talking about... <"Fairchild"> ...are worth anything, they might be able to get all of this without an issue. <"Fairchild"> Anyone with a deep enough wallet can probably get it from Ageira without a problem.. <Paragon> Aye, thats true as well. <"Fairchild"> After all, it was Ageira who engineered the shell. <Paragon> Interesting. Are there more materials required for this, or is it just those few? <"Fairchild"> Just those. <"Fairchild"> As I said, it's not a complicated machine. <Paragon> So simple, and yet so powerful. <Paragon> Very well, I'll see what I can do to help you. I'll contact 404, and I'll set things in motion with a few of my friends in <Paragon> terms of materials. Do you have any idea how much we would need to begin with? <"Fairchild"> It's difficult to judge, depends on how many sets of nodes we need. <"Fairchild"> Or want. <"Fairchild"> And, well, Nanofibre is expensive. <Paragon> As mentioned, I find myself wanting to undergo the process. Further than that, any we produce could be used to begin <Paragon> establishing its name. <"Fairchild"> I suppose the 404 will want some for themselves as well. <"Fairchild"> And this also depends on what kind of nanoreplicator is used. <Paragon> An interfaced network to communication channels would be invaluable to military assests. <"Fairchild"> Undoubtedly. <Paragon> Say myself, and two or three members of the 404 want to be upgraded. How much would need to be acquired? <"Fairchild"> This requires some specific caluclation, but I would estimate one needs about ten to fifteen cubic centimetres of nanofibre to- <"Fairchild"> -make one set of nodes. <"Fairchild"> Our testing showed that one freighter-full of mined bacteria can also do it for one set. <"Fairchild"> That, and any sort of consumer-grade q-chip for the server. <"Fairchild"> But that's the least problematic part of this. <Paragon> Looks like we have a plan here then. <"Fairchild"> Fair enough. <Paragon> I'll get in touch with 404, see if theyre open to the idea. I'll also get hold of Nanofibers and a Replicator. <"Fairchild"> Very well. Do let me know if the 404 responds. <Paragon> I expect I'll have an answer in a day or two, three at the most. <"Fairchild"> *she nods* All right. <"Fairchild"> I suppose that's all then? <Paragon> It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Fairchild. Unless theres anything else, I'll get to work. <"Fairchild"> It was a pleasure. <"Fairchild"> See you in a while, then. <Paragon> Stay safe out here.
# Time 05 July 824 A.S, 11:11 SMT # Location Pennsylvania, Liberty
# Involvement
• "Fairchild"
• Paragon
<"Fairchild"> "He has the data, should I copy it over to you as well?" <Paragon> You are hard to find, and he has been busy with a more civilian life recently. I'm waiting for final confirmation from him. <"Fairchild"> "I've been away." <Paragon> That would be appreciated. But what I was really curious about is if you would be willing to use the Forlorn as a cover to <Paragon> continue with this project. <"Fairchild"> "I don't think I understand." <Paragon> No one else has the experience or knowledge that you do. <Paragon> It would be a shame to not try and tap that when we work on this. <"Fairchild"> "I agree." <"Fairchild"> "But what am I needed for? You'll have the technical documentation, the white paper, everything." <Paragon> Well, in that sense, not much. In a more, is personal the right word, sense, it would help with getting the labs up to 100% <Paragon> You already know how it works, how to use it. We'll be teaching our people that knowledge first. <Paragon> You're the expert on the subject. The only one as well I believe. <"Fairchild"> "Well, if you need it." <"Fairchild"> "However I still need to show you the place in the Omicrons to mine the bacteria from." <Paragon> It's an offer. Feel free to take your time in making a decision. We'll continue as planned either way. <Paragon> And yes, that would definitely help the efforts. <"Fairchild"> "I'll work with you on this, sure." <"Fairchild"> "And the bacteria is the only significantly difficult part of producing the nodes, realistically speaking." <"Fairchild"> "I mean, I think a trained monkey or a Bretonian could deal with plugging a nanoreplicator to a socket and pressing a few- <"Fairchild"> -buttons." <Paragon> I'm glad to hear that Miss Fairchild. And yea, I can imagine. Luckily, we have more than enough Bretonians around for the <Paragon> easy parts. <"Fairchild"> *she sighs* <"Fairchild"> "I would like to help you with this, as I said, however there is still one thing that I need to do before I commit myself to- <Paragon> Oh? <"Fairchild"> -anything. Ageira is being slow with an order, of course, as usual." <Paragon> Yeah, while their products are quality, they do tend to linger. <Paragon> Unfortunately, such are corporations. I assume the order is of a rarer item? <"Fairchild"> "Custom android shell, nothing particularly special." <"Fairchild"> "The only special thing is we wanted full technical documentation for it and for that reason they apparently <"Fairchild"> had to make a fully new thing, or something. I don't know, really, it's for Nick." <Paragon> Just special enough to take longer than desired. <Paragon> Well, if Ageira continues to fail to deliver, the Crayterians do have Yuma Robotics. <"Fairchild"> "We'll see." <Paragon> Indeed. Your ship should be arriving soon, and I've brought the access codes for it. <"Fairchild"> "Good." <Paragon> When you're ready to work with us on Vergil, you know how to find us. <"Fairchild"> "Right." <Paragon> All that remains is the location of the bacteria? <"Fairchild"> "Ah, right." <"Fairchild"> "I'll lead you to it, it's in Omicron Sigma." <"Fairchild"> "I'll know the place when I see it." <Paragon> Works for me. <"Fairchild"> "You probably want to arrange a party of some sort, though.." <"Fairchild"> "Let me know once you have at least a mining ship and a few escorts.." <Paragon> I'll do so. I assume we'll meet here? <"Fairchild"> "Wherever you might prefer." <Paragon> Don't believe I've ever been to Omicron Sigma, but where we meet can be decided closer to the time. <Paragon> I do hope you enjoy your new home, and I trust you'll get in touch should you need anything more. <"Fairchild"> "I'll be fine. Thanks for your help." <Paragon> Stay safe out here Miss. <"Fairchild"> "Cheers."
<"Fairchild"> "Greetings." <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Ah, there's our rendez vous. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Greetings to you. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: The rest is going to arrive in just a second. They had some problems with that dumb drone. <"Fairchild"> "Sure." <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Don't look at me like that, I ain't that drunk. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Crew, Scientiest, or whatever, prepare to unmoor. <Forlorn|-Picket.2: Nick> Sorry, I'm late. Got stuck with an over zealous LPI. <"Fairchild"> "Hello there." <Forlorn|-Athena: Pilot> Sidethrusters engaged. Airlock closed. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Get us off that station. <Forlorn|-Picket.2: N> Good to see you again. <Forlorn|-Picket.2: N> All's been well I assume? <"Fairchild"> "I haven't had issues, no." <Forlorn|-Athena: Pilot> We reached a safe distance. The ship is yours. <Forlorn|-Picket.2: N> Excellent. Athena, will be carrying the samples, and Gerald will be mapping for the database. We're all good and ready to go <Forlorn|-Picket.2> when you are . <"Fairchild"> "If you are ready, let's depart." <"Fairchild"> "I'll lead the way." <Forlorn|-Picket.2: Nick> Right behind you. <"Fairchild"> "Greetings, Freelancer." <Forlorn|-Picket.2: Nick> Hey there <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Yeehaw. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Hail. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Suppose I shouldn't ask how you found out about this stuff. <"Fairchild"> It's a long story. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Fair enough. What matters is we can get to it. <"Fairchild"> We should be able to. <"Fairchild"> I haven't been in that region for a couple of years. <"Fairchild"> ## Jumped to Shikoku. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> I doubt memory will be a problem given your implants. <"Fairchild"> You wouldn't believe. <"Fairchild"> Besides, at the time when we first went to the place I did not have Vergil yet. <"Fairchild"> And we haven't tackled the memory issue until, like, two days ago. <"Fairchild"> So pretty much everything I remember up to this point has been in my natural brain. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> I see. That is good news. I'll admit, I am leaning towards the implantation myself. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Heads up. Cloaker. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Well, we should be fine. <"Fairchild"> Auxesia seems to be interested in us. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> I'll divert to Shinjuku. <"Fairchild"> ## Jumped to New Tokyo. <"Fairchild"> Seems like my concern about Auxesia following us has proven to be unsubstantiated. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> As intrusive as they can be, sometimes they act half-decent. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Good, just more eggheads that are complaining about something. Just like the whole crew of this "thing" I'm commanding <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Easy, Garrus. You knew the job when you signed on. <"Fairchild"> They are useful for removing Outcasts. Not much else. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: I did. *rolls eyes* <"Fairchild"> Despite not being much different from Outcasts themselves. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> *an empty vodka bottle floats by Gerald's face, he slaps it away* <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Its a galaxy of hypocrites at times. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: *Over the ship comms* No, I won't care to fly eays when it comes to a fight. Screw your equipment, a fight is about <Forlorn|-Athena> lives. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Rowdy as they might be, theyre good at their jobs. Although Garrus seems to have gotten too used to combat runs. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: *coughs* Exuse me, I'm not used to fly with scientists. <"Fairchild"> Having one for two years inside your head changes your view about them. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Point. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Did it hurt? <"Fairchild"> What hurt? <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Y'know, putting it in? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> I'm curious about the procedure. We've assembled a lab since we last spoke, and if you believe it possible, I would be willing <"Fairchild"> Not really. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> to volunteer for the first operation. <"Fairchild"> From our experience you just pass out for a couple of hours. <"Fairchild"> There are also some hallucinations involved. Nothing too terrible though. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Huh, hey Nicky you think I can get me one of those? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> lets first see if Miss. Fairchild can use our labs to do so. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> No jumping the gun on this one. <"Fairchild"> *sighs* Sigmas... <"Fairchild"> I know these systems like the back of my hand. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> But if she thinks its possible and is willing. I don't see why not. History? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> There's always a history with a sigh like that. <"Fairchild"> Well, when I worked with Wisp, we used to secure those systems from Outcasts. <"Fairchild"> Intercepted their transports, killed their pilots. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Quite a bit of history then. <"Fairchild"> Some of my fondest and worst memories are involved with Atka. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Sounds like its been a ride. <"Fairchild"> It has. <"Fairchild"> Right. We're about to jump to Omicron Sigma. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Luckily this could be the last time you're forced to come out here. From here on out, it'll be at will. <"Fairchild"> I'm not entirely sure what's on the other side. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Roger that. High alert everyone. <"Fairchild"> As I said, I haven't been here for a while. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: I'd say I go first, but that thing is as armed as a potato. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> *Gerald makes a spooky noise* <"Fairchild"> Angels... <"Fairchild"> I don't remember this place looking like this. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Hey y'all, look down. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Lets hope its only the visuals that have changed. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Well damn. A black hole. <"Fairchild"> *she gasps* <"Fairchild"> This is concerning. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Now this is a sight. Kinda reminds me of an explosion. <"Fairchild"> We should move, and keep together. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Holding thumbs. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> I'm cookin' in this damn thing. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We'll need to look into improved rad-shielding when we get back.' <"Fairchild"> Has this entire system been abandoned? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> I see a station over there. <"Fairchild"> Before there were some Zoners here at least. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> By the planet. <"Fairchild"> And Core. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: At least that potato has an Air Conditioner. It even is chilly in here. <"Fairchild"> Oh. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Gerald, do a sweep. <"Fairchild"> Bad idea. <"Fairchild"> Keep together. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Alright then, you heard the lady. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Fine. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We'll sweep it next time. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Got somethin' strange on my scanner. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Whats that? <"Fairchild"> A Nomad Lair. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Four o'clock high. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Just like the one in Inverness. <"Fairchild"> This wasn't here the last time I visited. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Explains why the area's deserted. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Maybe we should go faster? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> These thing's are popping up everywhere. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: If these scientiest didn't draw half of the engines power, I'd catch up with you in no time. But no, "we got important <Forlorn|-Athena> stuff that needs the power". *sighs* <Forlorn|-Picket.2> This was the area? <"Fairchild"> Yeah. <"Fairchild"> All right. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Heads up. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Incomming signatures. <"Fairchild"> Nick, you start with the mining. Me and Gerald will secure the area. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Prepare the weapons for defense. <"Fairchild"> Let's hurry up and get the hell out. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Alright, I've got some samples. Garrus, get ready while I load you up. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> On it. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> My ears are startin' to ring. Not sure if its the drink or the radiation. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> How much did you say you need for a single operation? <"Fairchild"> A few containers. <"Fairchild"> Depends how many sets you want to make. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> This should be good for now. Now that we know where it is, we can always come back as needed. <"Fairchild"> *she nods* <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We have enough for two, three sets at least. That'll suffice. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: *to a scientist* Good, I'll tell them. <"Fairchild"> We should get out, then. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Agreed. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: One of the egg, erm I mean, scientist just told me that stuff is perishable without propper containers. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> That just makes it more fun. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Lets get moving. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Them some pretty mean guns you got there. <"Fairchild"> Let's go then. <"Fairchild"> We got what we came for. At least a bit of it. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Mason, rendevous in normal space. We'll fill you in then. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Enough to get the wheels in motion. <Forlorn|-Mason.Coleman> Alright, where to? I'm almost in New Tokyo <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Once we've got the labs running at full speed, these trips will become more routine for our logistics. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We'll meet you there Mason. <"Fairchild"> Does any one of you know whose base that is over there? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Afraid not. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> I can check. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Gerald, go ahead. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> I can outrun anything if it comes. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Breaking off. <"Fairchild"> Right. <"Fairchild"> Where did Athena go? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Testing out our newest addition to the ship I believe. <"Fairchild"> Huh? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Cloak drive. <"Fairchild"> Ah. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: What do you mean I plotted the wrong course? You typed it in the computers! Correct it! <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Or he just flew the wrong way... <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: I clearly said Sigma 17 Jumphole. <"Fairchild"> We should wait for Gerald. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> And Garrus. <Forlorn|-Mason.Coleman> Waiting for you by the planet. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: I got you on the scanners now. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Cairo Station, an order base. OCV Sesmu, a cruiser platform. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Roger that Mason, let us know if you see anything suspicious headed out way. <"Fairchild"> Right. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> There's no one around it though. <"Fairchild"> Order should not cause problems, at least not me. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Lights are on. They ain't shootin' at me <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Nor to use. We have... and understanding. <"Fairchild"> Good. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Finnally, remember me to send the navigator back to training when we're home. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Dont drift too far now Miss. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Its quite the view thought. <"Fairchild"> Let's go. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Screw the view. I'm cookin' <"Fairchild"> It makes me uneasy. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> We're outta there for now at least. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> wow cant dock. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Find anything useful there Garrus? <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Nothing, just useless crap. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Gerald on the overtake! Athena falls to second place! <"Fairchild"> Oh. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Can't take the race out of a racer. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Srcew that potato. It aint flyin' under my command anymore. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> So far so good. <"Fairchild"> I think we're out of the woods. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Seems so. Heading back to liberty Miss. Fairchild? <"Fairchild"> Might as well. <Forlorn|-Mason.Coleman> altough <Forlorn|-Mason.Coleman> By the way, there's a police officer at the planet. Not sure if she will make problems with that cargo <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Garrus, you have a cloak. Use it when we get close. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: He won't, or I turn this potato into a battleship. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Heh, just kidding, those scientist would disect me. *laughs* <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Mason, we're on our way to you now. <"Fairchild"> "Greetings." <Akina.Suzuki> Konbanwa. <Forlorn|-Gerald.Carry> Yeehaw. <Forlorn|-Picket.2: Nick> Officer. *nods* <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Alright Mason, lets go. <Forlorn|-Athena> Hendrix: Hail. <Akina.Suzuki> Kon'nichiwa to you all. <"Fairchild"> Where are you planning to store these? <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Glendalough Orbital. The labs there, as is a storage. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Coronado system. <Forlorn|-Mason.Coleman> Pretty sure Barrier Pass would have been faster <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Riskier, draws attention from the wrong types of people <Forlorn|-Picket.2> I assume we'll be seeing you around when the labs are ready? <"Fairchild"> We will visit, surely. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Glad to hear it. My offer from the other day still stands when you are ready. <"Fairchild"> We will see about that. <"Fairchild"> We still have a few things to take care of before we can help you with this. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Entirely understandable. We'll get started as best we can of course. <"Fairchild"> Right, here we are, right where we started. <Forlorn|-Picket.2> Indeed. A quiet trip. <"Fairchild"> I hope you'll have a good run with those. <"Fairchild"> Have a good day.
<"Fairchild"> "Greetings." <LSS-Fearsome> Good day to you. <6th|LNS-Hampshire> Michael: Greetings. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> But every stone leaves a paperchase. <"Fairchild"> "Greetings." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *suddenly all proffessionalism.* Unknown contact in the Freeport Two defense zone - identify yourself. <"Fairchild"> "I was under the impression this was a Freeport, to be honest." <H|-Delta-3> Its more like a Harmony Port, but same thing for you. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Squinting close* Oh yea'? Well, freedom ain't Fre'.... wait - is that a reaper ship? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> You don't say - I thought you types had died off with the era. <"Fairchild"> "Is it?" <"Fairchild"> "I don't know, I bought it four days ago on Barrier Gate." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Apparrently. *suddenly meditative, lip-chewing* Unless you're fudging your IFF real good and proper - I know my ships. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> That's no raggedy-ass Maltese-vintage stock sabre. <"Fairchild"> "Was in good condition and for a low price, eh?" <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *snorts* Yea', can't argue with that logic. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> There's a buttload of old LWB flying barns on the Rheinland greymarket retail nowadays, as well. Mostly whatever... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Die Union didn't mannage to hoover up during the grand merge. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> We've got whole squadrons of the things nowadays without a hangar to compartmentalise 'em in. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> But ya', where are my manners? This sure is a freeport - of sorts. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> The Locals call it Freeport Providence. <"Fairchild"> "I wouldn't know, I don't frequent this place." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Nobody of any right mind would - this is a hellhole that only those of us without any other place to go, crawl to, to be safe. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> It's the closest thing to the far edgeworlds you'll get in the centre of the sector. <"Fairchild"> "I don't know, seems like a fine travel destination to me." <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: I'm back. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *laughs* Hah! Well, barring the general hive of scum and villainy, present company excepted, of course. <"Fairchild"> "Though Edge Worlds are more welcoming than Liberty as far as I'm concerned." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> ....Unioner gravimetric mines littered everywhere, Rheinland Liberty war wreckage <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Did I miss something here ?, Who's that ? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> ...The blown jumpgate.... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> ....The utterly worthless pasalt asteroids. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Sure, it's practically candyland. <"Fairchild"> "I've had worse." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *demurring* 'Don't doubt you. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> You'll get a drink here. Most of the local rogues, Seppies, of both the Rhein and the Libbie varieties, Ratpackers, Junks, and <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Syndics, don't bother one another. <"Fairchild"> "You get Outcasts here?" <UN|Gunda.Riehl> We've got something of a gentleman's agreement to keep this sector outta' the hands of the houses as long as we can... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> undermine them. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *grins* No 'casts. They're not the most welcome characters. This is the last pitstop of Corsair fairweather before... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Bridging over into their zone of control. Cardamine runs through here on occasion, but the Rhein's got little market for it. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> We don't buy, what doesn't sell. Why, you got a beef with the Malts'? <"Fairchild"> "To a degree." <"Vault.Torn": L-41> Hayo <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Contact. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Suddenly all professionalism* <"Vault.Torn"> L-41:Unioners and Harmony <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Eyes up, eyes up, we have crimson ping - possible tango. Throttling drives. <H|-Delta-3> This one fired on the Harmony correct? <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Commonwealth on scanner. <H|-SNS-Harmony> We have an unknown target in the area. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Intercepting ! <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Ugh. *hissing* Frickin' Commonwealth traitor scum., <"Vault.Torn": L-41> What& <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Run back to Kansas, Dorothy, because you sure ain't there anymore. <"Vault.Torn": L-41> Don't you like a travellers? <H|-Delta-3> Why on earth you would come all the out here after firing on the Harmony is beyond me. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: A Lancer that is shown as Comonwealth... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> We like travellers, sonny-Jim. We're not fond of Commonwealth spies. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> He's a 'Lancer? Well, your sensors probe deeper than mine. *she slackens off, still naturally suspicious.* <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Leave the area, its better for your life. <"Vault.Torn": L-41> Hey. I going to leave <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Look, 'Lancer - I'd be lenient to fellow gentlemen of leisure, but that's Commonwealth hardware you're packing. Run back... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> To Liberty - don't take the strait. <"Vault.Torn": L-41> Do you like to follow me foreve? <H|-Delta-3> I'm waiting for you to give me the excuse I need. <H|-Delta-3> You're doing a great job of not leaving so far. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: The vessel refuses to run, weapons warming up. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Frequency matching Fairchild* By way of explaination - the Syndicalist Unions used to be bonded with the Legion, and its... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> puppet 'Commonwealth'. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> About a year ago, the Legion betrayed us without givin' due cause. Apparently a new party came in power in the... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Commonwealth, that didn't take too kindly to our methods, nor our mutual affair with the Cretian Empire.
Base Helium-3 Trade Center TR destroyed <UN|Gunda.Riehl> The situation... degenerated... when they tried to move a task force in here. *With obvious pride* I say 'tried'. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Beringia looks after its own. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> They're no fans of the Seppie's either, since they tried to glass the Seppies when we aided 'em back in their hour of need... <"Vault.Torn": L-41> Heh. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> up in New Hampshire. <H|-Delta-3> You had a choice <UN|Gunda.Riehl> I guess it's hard to seem like the noble opposition to the Liberty Navy if you've got competitors around. *grins* <H|-SNS-Harmony> Delta 3 clear to engage. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Remove that thing. <"Fairchild"> "Politics are not very interesting to me, really." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Amen to that - they bore me to tears as well. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Unfortunately, I keep gettin' caught up in 'em. All I want at the end of the day is a fistfull of credits in one and a drink in <UN|Gunda.Riehl> the other. Or, y'know, other, non-Maltese sourced Narcotics. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> So, Lancer - what's your attitude to the Empire? You a friend of Crete? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Not that I'm quizzing you - you could be totally opposed to 'em and I wouldn't mind. <"Fairchild"> "I've got family on Crete." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Whistles* <UN|Gunda.Riehl> That was nearly me after shore leave in Xi. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> "You're a long way from home out here. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Listen, if you ever need a way back up there - I could get you sneaked into the return journey of one of our artifact transport <UN|Gunda.Riehl> s. <"Fairchild"> "I would hardly call Crete home nowadays." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> My sympathies. More of the wandering type? <"Fairchild"> "I have a... mobile home and a lab, parked not far from here." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Taking professional intrest* Hm-hm? Travellin' lab, 'eh? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> You cook anything intrestin' to the Union? We're in the process of restockpiling after an exaustive war with the damn Hesse.
Base Maryland Storage Facility destroyed <"Fairchild"> "Perhaps." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> If you're got so much as pain pills to market, we'll be happy to buy your wares. <"Fairchild"> "I suppose the technology we've developed might be used like that. You'd need a competent programmer though." <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *grins* Oh, trust me. We're the Unioners - best software slicers this side of 'The Man'. 'Cept the Hackers, 'course. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Harmony contact, harmony contact - I've got a Bowex transport pinged up here. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Looks like a super-train. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Copy that. what's your status? <Sherman.Grant> Harmony, Sean is one of my boys <Sean.Devlin> i work at Sherman <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Big damn ship to be loitering taking rads right in front of the sun. Status is clear - both me and the ship are immobile at <UN|Gunda.Riehl> three hundred metres VR. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Solid copy. *Squinting* Harmony - is this stiff supplying you? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> He's carrying Reinforced Alloy - looks like the good stuff. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Not us. But they're clear to pass by us. <Sherman.Grant> Stand clear, he's one of my boys <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Gunda, Position? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Roger, standing clear. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Mary, at ease. He's working for the Seppies'. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Additional contact, additional.... <H|-SNS-Harmony> This is Battleship Harmony for Civilian Armored Transport state your intentions. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> NTF.... *intakes* Neo Terran Front? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Out here?! <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: This is Neo-Terran gunboat Kimbilio, here to parlay. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: I wanted to set up an information exchange, if I could. <H|-SNS-Harmony> We don't know who you are. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Uhm, Roger, Neo-Terran. *with suspicion* Ah, your organisation has been flagged as assumed dormant or deceased... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> for a good few years now. Where did you come from? <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: We've been in hiding a while. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *switching bands, still audiable* I'm patching through the Union's files from when we were still in cahoots with the Legion, <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Admiral. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: The Belisarius tends to draw a fair bit of attention, so it's been parked in an outer system out of the way. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> According to what the Legion shared with us at the time, they're a fairly technically astute group in possession of some rather <UN|Gunda.Riehl> whack hardware. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Mostly we've been staying under the radar and gathering funds for our colony ship project. <H|-SNS-Harmony> So what do you wish to exchange? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Right. Uh, we don't have anything on file for the NTF less than four years old. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Third contact, third contact. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Yeah, after the internal Zoner mess in the Omicrons, we decided to get out of the fighting. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Man all defenses. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> LSF fighter varified! Delta three, on me! <H|-SNS-Harmony> We have hostiles in the area. Advise to defend. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> We're going in, weapons hot! <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Ah, hell. <H|-Delta-3> Weapons ready. <H|-Delta-3> On Wing. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Visual varify, visual varify! The LSF is using infected weapons! <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Wait, what? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> I repeat, the LSF is carrying frickin' hybrid guns. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Exhales* Great kill, Delta three. <"Fairchild"> "The absolute level of combat expertise of the LSF..." <H|-Delta-3> Ah, sorry, next time I'll wait for the scans. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: I see a few spaced pilots. We have medical facilities on board, but I'll let your search and rescue handle it. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *squinting* Uh, Fairchild, I don't mean to be an arse, but my fellow Unioners appear to have a beef with you. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> What did you do? <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Anyhow. <"Fairchild"> "I dunno." <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Good work by the way Delta 3 <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *exhales* Did I just see a whale? <H|-Delta-3> You did. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: The NTF has a whole bunch of files from the LSF, Order, and Outcasts, though a lot of them are fairly outdated. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *grinning* What have you mannaged to pull, Knight? To be able to get the Zoners to help us fortify against the damn... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Zoners. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: *starts laughing* <H|-SNS-Harmony> Well so far we didn't have to fight any Zoner. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> I'll say. All manner of occurances have happened since the incident with the NTF went down. <H|-SNS-Harmony> How did that lane just disrupt <H|-Delta-3> Feel free to keep moving Catport. I don't know why the cancelled the lane. <The.Catport: Hookier> Okay! <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *appears to be tapping into her Console* Neo Terran.... this is on-the-record, now. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: But the most pertinent info I'm looking for is this. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> What's your organisation's reputation regardin' the Syndicalist Union? We're a.... confederation between the LWB remmenant <UN|Gunda.Riehl> and the Unioners. It's a long story. The LWB disintegrated. Something of a civil war has been broiling... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> in the Rheinlandic underworld, and they were the victims. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: We, ah, haven't had much of any contact apart from trading farming data with the LWB a bunch of years back. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: They seemed like good folks, though, sorry to hear about this. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Gunda shrugs* People come, people go, causes rise, causes die. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> I lost enough good friends in the LWB to come to terms with it. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> You have to. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: True enough. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Speaking of friends... one of the reasons I'm here is to investigate rumors of a weird Arbiter-class ship in the area. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *grinning* Wierd Arbeiter class ship? That'd be mine, bub'. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Gun he said Arbiter not Arbeiter. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Learn the diffrence. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> And it's not wierd - it's majestic. Eight guns and the powercore of a titan. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *irritated* Mary, shaddup. <H|-Delta-3> Seven. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: You know what I mean. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Arse-gun counts as well, Delta three. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: The Legion battleship class. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: No it doesn't. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: There aren't many of those outside of Hellfire control. <Andrew.Coolins> ahoy lads <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: There isnt one here either. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Ours is one... and one of the others that isn't accounted for was the metropolis. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Salut, Junker. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: The Vagrant Raiders' old flagship. <UN|Gunda.Riehl: Gunn> *expressing sudden intrest* <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: *Nods* Scraper. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Ooh, I know that old gal'! <Andrew.Coolins> ae hav some intel at ney york, all navy camps out noforlk ey *light up the cigar* <UN|Gunda.Riehl> She made quite a ruckus up in Kansas back in the day. 'Course, the Natio Octavarium's buried now. The Metropolis is... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> lazing under a hundred feet of water in the Orinoco basin on Kansas's surface. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> She breaches the surface in low-tide. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Sad fate, but... movements come, movements go. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Sirius is dangerously darwinian. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Damn. I was hoping our old friends might have made it. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> The friends might - the ship? As far as we know, it got ditched. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> But it's mostly old, artifact smuggler's rumours. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Hmm. So are the rumors of an unknown Arbiter actually true, then? <Andrew.Coolins> ew my buddies floatin out space *sad* <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Take everything you hear from those clowns with a touch of salt. I once met a guy who pretended he knew Shawn... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Ashcroft. The Arse. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *Shaun <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *frowning* <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Well, apparently there's one of the things we've been.... <UN|Gunda.Riehl> It might solve a problem we've been having. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> What problem is that? <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Knight - remember what I said about the kraken in the mist? <H|-SNS-Harmony> Well certainly. <Andrew.Coolins> see ye lads *opens up the whiskey* <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Seems Die Union isn't the only group hunting a Kraken. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Isnt it weird that we just can sit here and talk ? I wonder how long we can continue. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> An E-war battleship would certainly fit the description of 'things that go bump in the night' <UN|Gunda.Riehl: Gunn> Roger, Mary - I don't like it either. Move yourself up near the Texas gate - we need someone to early warning picket. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Got it. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: If you don't mind, I'll offload this alloy to the station for a moment. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> So - you think we're hunting the same thing? <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Maybe. I was hoping it would be our old friends, but... <ApS|Lanzo.Walker> <Hailing all UN| Ships> <Initiating long range contact bandwidth> <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: If something is out there, it might be worth looking into. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> *cautious* We have contact. <CONSOLE> Possible cheating detected: Mango <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Who the hell are you, buster? <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: I've got pretty wide leeway out here. <ApS|Lanzo.Walker> Representative Lanzo Walker of the Apostatales. To whom am I addressing? *pauses <H|-Bravo-2> Time to kill. <H|-Bravo-2> Weapons are primed. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Man all defenses. <]NTF[-NTGB-Kimbilio> Rusk: Wow. That bounty hunter did not choose the right system to enter. <H|-SNS-Harmony> Hostile in the area, ready to defend. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Gunda Riehl, Oberarbeiter for the Hamburg cell - Many thanks to you, captain, but we're in the middle of a war here. <Abyss> Weapons hot <UN|Gunda.Riehl> we've got hostile hunters in system. <UN|KKS-"Curse.of.Koeln"> Mary: Uh lets see when they will overheat. <UN|Gunda.Riehl> Weapons free, going in on the Abyss. <6th|LNS-Hampshire> Michael: Alright, group. And... <6th|LNS-Hampshire> Barney: Damn it! <H|-SNS-Harmony> That's a lot of hostiles. Man all guns. <6th|LNS-Hampshire> Michael: How much them? <H|-SNS-Harmony> Ready to defend. <"Fairchild"> "I'll excuse myself, I suppose."
<"Fairchild"> "Hackers here?" <Kathie'Modest> Well, wait for the Administator response. <Kathie'Modest> And remember to ask him out. <Kathie'Modest> About me. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai but that seems to be taking an awefully long time, too long for my liking.... <"Fairchild"> "Why is this Hacker still alive, KNF?" <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> the hacker has done nothing to me nor this base so it seems, and i will not shoot down some one who.... <Kathie'Modest> Maybe because i stick to chase after the goals of this Freeport's administrator? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> is by ain all acounts, seen the error of her ways? <"Fairchild"> "Well, I will." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> im only here for reconesance so far, and this pilot may have usefull information <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> well by all means your quite free to do so how ever do not expect anyhelp from me pilot <"Fairchild"> "Cardamine sniffers and useful information, doesn't seem connected." <Kathie'Modest> Freelancer, contain your hatred for those residing at that rock chunk. <"Fairchild"> "I can kill a Hacker unassisted." <Kathie'Modest> Not for me. <"Fairchild"> "Pretty sure those in the rock chunk aren't Cardamine infested scum." <"Fairchild"> "You on the other hand..." <Kathie'Modest> What a stubborn fool. <Kathie'Modest> I have no desire to tolerate this nonsense. <Kathie'Modest> Bye <Sahiko.Masaki> Quite strange.. <"Fairchild"> "Interesting." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hmm indeed..... <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> maybe we should keep an eye on the goings on around this freeport a little bit more wouldnt you agree sahiko san? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> report what exactly? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai, but baised on what she said, she has turned against her former breathrin.. to protect that freeport <"Fairchild"> "You're trusting a Hacker." <"Fairchild"> "Tsk tsk." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> and seeing as we are here for "reconnacance" that is what i shall do unless hostile intentions are openly admited towards me or <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> this ship. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> callsigh fair child please identify yourself. <"Fairchild"> "Hello, I'm Fairchild." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hmmmm your name is just fairchild hai? thats not just your ship call sign? <"Fairchild"> "It's more complicated than that." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> please digress more information... <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> youve been hanging around like a bad smell... <"Fairchild"> "It is my name and it is my ship's name. Because I am more than one." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> more than one in what aspect? <"Fairchild"> "A scholar and a knight, a vagrant and a noble, a beauty and a beast." <"Fairchild"> "Many things." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> sahiko-san have you been given clearance to dock yet? <Sahiko.Masaki> I think yes. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> "fairchild" you are not making sense in the slightest <"Fairchild"> "Neither are you, to be honest." <"Fairchild"> "Either way, who I am is not important." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> proliminary scans of your ship indicate no other people onboard, nor any abnormalitys <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> it is very much important <"Fairchild"> "I work for the greater good." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> and so are your intentions in this system <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> is that so...... <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> and who prey tell is this greater good? <Sahiko.Masaki> You work for the greater good you said, and yet you refused to listen on someone who apparently wished to help. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai very confusing <"Fairchild"> "Part of the greater good is removing Cardamine." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> konnichiwa callsign deliquente <"Fairchild"> "Every crown needs a sword and every forest fire needs a firebrand." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai it would seem to me that your some sort of cultist? <"Fairchild"> "Far from it." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> then state your intentions more clearly in this system <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> besides your drivvle of cardamine <"Fairchild"> "But I don't really have intentions in here." <Delinquente> Ah.....CowNitzetWaa KNF forces. ah...Freelancer Del Inquente here onboard the Anki Freighter Delinquente. Copy? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> recieved comunications are coming through loud and clear, what is your perpous in this system? over? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> so what are you doing here if you have no intentions of being here? <"Fairchild"> "I told you, I am the firebrand. First of a kind, first of many." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> understood be sure to get it looked at when you dock at your destination <"Fairchild"> "Over in that orange cloud." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> firebrand?? never heard of you <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> your a very strange person hai? <"Fairchild"> "That's expected, fire needs a while to kindle." <"Fairchild"> "When it starts, though, it becomes unstoppable." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hmmm <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> i advise you to move along as your not being helpful <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> go back to your cardamine hunting <"Fairchild"> "Advice ignored." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> semi robotic then? <Sahiko.Masaki> But fire is often compared to evil or such. So if you claim working for a greater good.. Might not chose that. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai very strange indeed this one sahiko san <"Fairchild"> "Fire gives heat and light. Yet it also burns and destroys." <"Fairchild"> "The technology we wield is both good and evil, your choice what to do with it." <"Fairchild"> "We're just letting people use it." <"Fairchild"> "It's the next step." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> and what technologies are these? <Sahiko.Masaki> As water can be calm and peaceful and can destroy many things.. Quit using those words, really, it makes conversation weirder. <"Fairchild"> "Writing, priting press, radio, computers, Internet, BMI, faster-than-light, Neural Net, Vergil." <"Fairchild"> "All good, all evil. One more significant than the previous." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> what ever has happened to you fairchild, i have no idea..... but you should perhaps get looked at by medical at the next planet <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> or station you visit <"Fairchild"> "I can assure you, I'm perfectly well." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> konnichiwa fast turn <"Fairchild"> "When you experience communication beyond words, words become limiting." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> you certainly do not act it "fairchild" <Sahiko.Masaki> I'm actually wondering if you're human or.. <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> hai im starting to wonder the same thing.... <"Fairchild"> "I am. But I am more." <"Fairchild"> "Not this 'transhuman' or 'posthuman' or 'cyborg' or 'upgraded'." <"Fairchild"> "No." <"Fairchild"> "It's just more. I am /more/ human." <Sahiko.Masaki> Like a second stepped human ? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> your more human ? <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> how ever that may be fairchild.. your logic has let you get in the way of simple reconnisance to this system <"Fairchild"> "If you experience Vergil, you will understand." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> and your becoming more of a hinderance as time passes <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> who or what is vergil? <"Fairchild"> "We've devoted our lives to developing it. It's a wonder." <"Fairchild"> "It's a piece of technology, a means of communication." <"Fairchild"> "A drug, an interface, a medication, everything." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> a means of communication with who ? <"Fairchild"> "With anyone." <Sahiko.Masaki> Hum.. Like telepathy via technology ? <"Fairchild"> "With you, with me, with oneself, with the universe." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> the universe isnt self aware though.. so thats a physical impossibility <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> how ever your distractions have done more than enough to hinder my recon opperation <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> so i shall be terminating this comunication channel with you. <"Fairchild"> "In the ancient times, they burned books as well." <"Fairchild"> "Or the authors." <"Fairchild"> "It's your choice to remain in the dark." <Sahiko.Masaki> I'm kind of enjoying this little "game" of guess who. *Chuckles* <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> sahiko... as much as it may be entertaining... its also stopping us from reaching our objectives set out by HC <Sahiko.Masaki> You're right. <Sahiko.Masaki> Well, farewell, Fairchild. <"Fairchild"> "As you wish, we may perhaps meet again." <[KNF]li.M.N.Tametomo> perhaps... sayonara <"Fairchild"> "Contact the Vergil Foundation if you ever change your minds."
# Time 25 April 825 A.S. 21:35 SMT # Location Nemuro Dust Cloud, Sigma-17
# Involvement
• "Fairchild"
• [CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder
<"Fairchild""> "Thief." <"Fairchild""> "Thief fell asleep at the controls." <[CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder"> Phil : Not likely. <"Fairchild""> "Looter will become the looted." <[CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder"> Phil : Whatever. <"Fairchild""> "Cryer death merchants will pay for their machinations." <[CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder"> I surrender. <"Fairchild""> "No surrender necessary, death merchants will die." <[CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder"> Phil : You win , whoever you are. <[CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder"> Phil : I will pay. <"Fairchild""> "Stop working for Cryer, your ships will stop exploding." Death: [CryerP]-CMS-Pathfinder was put out of action by "Fairchild" (Mine).
<Olivia.Sable>Heya, cap. <CV-Palantir>Hello, Freelancer. <Olivia.Sable>There you are, Isla. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Hey there. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>How are you Olivia? <CV-Palantir>Greetings, Officer. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Are you alright? <Olivia.Sable>A little bruised. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Greetings Captain. <Olivia.Sable>Did things turn out alright? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Ugh... Not really, Olivia. <Olivia.Sable>Let me guess. She got you, too? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I hate to dissapoint you, but I can't lie to you. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>She did. <Olivia.Sable>Jesus, that bitch. <CV-Palantir>Wh-- Who are you talking about...? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Next time she shows up I'll bring the Elizabeth. <Olivia.Sable>Just some cunt who takes it upon herself to bother us as much as possible. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>An oddly disgusting Freelancer affiliated criminal. <Olivia.Sable>And succeeds at it. <CV-Palantir>That's... Uh. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I prefer the 'cunt' description. <CV-Palantir>There's someone I'm looking for that might sometimes fit that description... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Lyndon's coming by. <CV-Palantir>Do you remember the name of that ship? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Finally sometime to -actually- talk to, and not shoot us. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I hope, at least. <Olivia.Sable>Lilac. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Lilac. <Olivia.Sable>Ring a bell? <CV-Palantir>Not really, no... <Olivia.Sable>Consider yourself lucky. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Hey Lyndon. Good to see you again. <CV-Palantir>Hopefully it's not the woman I need to find. <Olivia.Sable>Unlike us... who have to deal with this guy now. <Olivia.Sable>Heya, Zoner. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Good day zoner. <Olivia.Sable>Lilac's name seems to be Haze. <CV-Palantir>Oh... <Olivia.Sable>If that's who you're looking for, cap. <CV-Palantir>Thank God, no, that's not the one, then. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Jennifer Haze, I believe. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Or... something. <CV-Palantir>My... uh. <CV-Palantir>Not sure how to even call her, to be honest... <CV-Palantir>"Other half" is a bit semantically charged... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>The name 'cunt' fits her perfectly, Captain. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>You can call her that. <Olivia.Sable>Having a good time down there, Sherburne? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>He seems to be doing alright against that gunboat patrol. <Olivia.Sable>It's almost like you're a hostile flying around right in their patrol path. <Olivia.Sable>Crazy. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Indeed crazy. *giggles* <CV-Palantir>Is nowhere safe these days... <Olivia.Sable>Liberty sure isn't. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Welcome to California. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Want a Vodka? <Olivia.Sable>*sighs* Damn it. <CV-Palantir>Liberty's got all manner of weird criminals... Bretonia is already run by Outcasts at this point... <Olivia.Sable>My cargo hold got breached in that fight with the bitch. <Olivia.Sable>There goes the wine... again. <CV-Palantir>Kusari's fighting, Gallia's fighting, Rheinland is kind of fighting but not really... <CV-Palantir>Very annoying. <CV-Palantir>Nowhere to settle down and do one's job right. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I actually had that in mind, Olivia. I kept some from the first box Jeanette gave me. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>So I made sure to pick up some to bring you. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>You can thank me later. <Olivia.Sable>*chuckles* Aren't you a thoughtful thing. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Not really thoughtful in general. <Olivia.Sable>Palantir, if you want a safe place you'll have to leave Sirius. *laughs* <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>But when it comes to you, -very- thoughtful. <CV-Palantir>Well, I don't know about that. Outside Sirius seems a bit more dangerous than in. <Olivia.Sable>I wouldn't count on it. <CV-Palantir>Also the name's... well, "Professor Nagrebetskiy", but "Nik" will do as well. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Nik -definitely- will do. <Olivia.Sable>Nagreb...iz...ky? <Olivia.Sable>Sounds an awful lot like Coalition to me. <CV-Palantir>I'm not talking about that part of my life. <Olivia.Sable>Fair enough. <CV-Palantir>Suffice to say, it's been in the past for a good decade now. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>The CV- does kinda remind of it. <CV-Palantir>Stands for "civilian vessel". <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Oh... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>My apologies. I had other things in mind seeing it. <Olivia.Sable>Isla and her prejudices. Tsk. <CV-Palantir>Not sure what the communists are up to these days. Nothing good, probably. <Olivia.Sable>Well, -Nik-, I'm Olivia and this lovely girl here is Isla. <Olivia.Sable>Pleased to meet you. <CV-Palantir>Nice to meet you both. <CV-Palantir>Hm <Olivia.Sable>And I thought we could have at least a -few- minutes of peace and quiet here... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>got a little too close there! *laughs*. It's nice to meet you too, Nik. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I told you he's not looking for a fight, Olivia. <CV-Palantir>Today. <Olivia.Sable>The fight'll end up looking for him. <Olivia.Sable>This is Liberty, after all. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>He's taken me down enough times in Texas to fuel him for the next year. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Right, Lyndon? <Olivia.Sable>Right... <Olivia.Sable>So, Nik. <CV-Palantir>Yeah? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I'll at least give you the benefit that I was bloodthirsty too, back then. <Olivia.Sable>Who exactly are you looking for, if I may ask? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I didn't exactly act peaceful. <CV-Palantir>It's... a complicated situation. <Olivia.Sable>Maybe they're trying to tell you that you just shouldn't be here, Sherburne. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Happens, Lyndon. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>They are like that. <Olivia.Sable>Well, that's so complicated about it, Nik? <Olivia.Sable>What's, even. <CV-Palantir>It's a woman who has run away following an... accident. <CV-Palantir>She goes by 'Fairchild' these days. Or used to when she was still with me. <Olivia.Sable>Fairchild? Never heard that name before. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Same here. <Olivia.Sable>What sorta accident are we talking about? <Olivia.Sable>An -actual- accident? Or an "accident?" <CV-Palantir>It's... a little difficult to explain. And to be honest, I haven't had the opportunity to exactly examine what- <CV-Palantir>-went wrong. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Always the kindest, Lyndon. <CV-Palantir>In general, though, something bad happened with her brain. I think. She couldn't speak after the procedure. <Olivia.Sable>How kind, Sherburne. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Truly an amazing individual, no sarcasm intended. <Olivia.Sable>A failed brain surgery? <CV-Palantir>Not a surgery, no. <Olivia.Sable>Uh... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I hope, Lyndon. <CV-Palantir>As I said, it's a complicated situation. That would take a bit of time to explain in detail. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Take care. <Olivia.Sable>Well, I can't exactly say I have any better plans at the moment. <Olivia.Sable>Sure as hell not looking for any more work today. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>At least you got some cash. <Olivia.Sable>Yeah, I don't feel like I really earned that. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>You did. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>You were with me, sweety. <Olivia.Sable>-I- got spaced. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>That's all that matters to me. <Olivia.Sable>-You- got spaced. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Doesn't matter. You were there to support me. <CV-Palantir>I need to ask for my own safety though if perchance either of you have present dealings with Cryer Pharmaceuticals. <Olivia.Sable>*sighs* Fine, Isla. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>You more than earned it. <Olivia.Sable>Cryer? Can't say I've ever had any dealings with them at all. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>And no, Nik, Cryer is just a corporation. Why would we have dealings with them? <Olivia.Sable>Because you're a cop tasked with protecting their interests? <CV-Palantir>As I said, it's a very long story. <Olivia.Sable>Just saying. <CV-Palantir>But, suffice to say, Cryer is not exactly very fond of me. And my lost partner is not very fond of Cryer. <CV-Palantir>/Murderously/ not fond of Cryer, in fact. <Olivia.Sable>Ah... <CV-Palantir>That's why I'd rather know if I'm dealing with insiders, you know. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I mean, of course I'd defend them. But god damn... Haven't seen a Cryer ship in ages. <Olivia.Sable>Well, no need to worry about me. Just a merc. <CV-Palantir>Either way. Yeah, I used to work for them a few years ago. Or for a subsidiary of theirs. We had a whole- <CV-Palantir>-wing of Atka for our personal disposal. In the Sigmas. <CV-Palantir>*pauses and murmurs to himself* Been a while since I had to use /words/ to tell this story... <CV-Palantir>Anyway. Fairchild worked there as a sec pilot. I worked there as a researcher. <CV-Palantir>Ups and downs, but at the end of the day we developed a kind of tech... that's a little contrived to explain. <CV-Palantir>In essence, it allows you to use your own brain as an interface to a machine. A console, a PAD, a ship command module- <CV-Palantir>-stuff like that. Anything that has electronics in it and basic neural net support, you can network with. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Greetings, Jeanette. <Olivia.Sable>Bonjour again, Navarre. <CV-Palantir>Of course, a double edged sword, because it could be used for mind control and a whole bunch of other- <CV-Palantir>-nasty stuff that I really did not want to have to deal with. <CV-Palantir>The tech is called "Vergil" by the way. <Olivia.Sable>Haven't heard of it. <CV-Palantir>Somewhere in the middle of that Cryer got really upset with us because it was their product, and they had to- <CV-Palantir>-cut costs and wanted it out the door. With no security that I put in. That people /died/ to help research. <CV-Palantir>Actually, well, it was one person and he was an Outcast, so not much of a loss, but still. People died. <CV-Palantir>So we had to run. We developed it on our own and had some contacts with some groups. <Olivia.Sable>Ssshhh, Navarre. Let him tell his story. <CV-Palantir>Liberty Security Force was interested in it, some fellow named Avery Reeves, an agent. They supplied us. <CV-Palantir>Forlorn Hope, wherever they've gone, also were interested. A merc group, very good guys overall. Nick Stenn... if that- <CV-Palantir>-rings a bell. <Olivia.Sable>I can't say it does. <CV-Palantir>My last contact with either of them was about two years ago. I don't know what happened to the division of LSF that- <CV-Palantir>-Reeves was in charge of or what happened to Forlorn Hope. <CV-Palantir>In any case, well, Cryer doesn't really like me, but they can't do much to me. <CV-Palantir>As far as Vergil is concerned, what we wanted to do was to release it into the public. Open. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>That sounds like a terrible idea. <CV-Palantir>Schematics that anyone can make on their own with a nanoreplicator, open-source software, everything out there. <CV-Palantir>It's safe. If the code is open, it's safe. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Easy to build mind-control technology open to the public? <CV-Palantir>But Cryer wants their own version, a version they want to control. And that's indeed a terrible idea. <Olivia.Sable>I don't know much about programming, but that doesn't exactly sound right to me. <CV-Palantir>As I said, I worked on safeguards against this type of stuff. <CV-Palantir>I am not sure if ladies want to listen to the precise details of the story of how an Outcast died in a cell on Atka... <Olivia.Sable>*chuckles* Ladies. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I mean... <CV-Palantir>But generally speaking, my authority and frankly, my existence hinges on the fact that this stuff is safe. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I have no problem with it. <Olivia.Sable>Well, I guess we have little choice but to take your word for it. <CV-Palantir>And if you are unsure about my word, you could always look into the code. It's out there. It's free. It's for everyone. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>She did say she's not really into coding. <CV-Palantir>If Cryer releases their version, you won't have the code. You will have to take the word of some nameless executive for it <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>She probably won't even understand anything. <Olivia.Sable>Hey, come on. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>No offense, Olivia. I'm on the same level as you! <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>*giggles* <CV-Palantir>Well... Checksums exist, independent audits exist... You know... It's more solid than Cryer. <Olivia.Sable>Checksums, audits, of course. Yeah. -Totally-. <CV-Palantir>Anyway. That's the story of Vergil. <CV-Palantir>Very concise and with not much detail. <Olivia.Sable>Yeah... So, what does this have to do with your... Fairchild? <CV-Palantir>Oh, that. <CV-Palantir>Well, so, she is my test subject of sorts... Or used to be. <Olivia.Sable>Ah... right... <CV-Palantir>Willingly of course. We have a deal about this. Had. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>And how did that deal break exactly? <CV-Palantir>And it's safe... Most of the time. Up to that fatal mess-up, it was safe. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Yeah.... very safe. <CV-Palantir>I was working on a feature. Something she wanted, actually. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Take care Jeanette. <CV-Palantir>Err... It had to do with connecting to fighter controls and turrets... Generally. <CV-Palantir>Yes, yes, good bye. <Olivia.Sable>Au revoir, Navarre. <CV-Palantir>But something went wrong, wrong neuron fired or something... Fairchild went into a seizure. Normally we have- <CV-Palantir>-precautions against this, normally she's in a controlled environment, but that time she was in her fighter. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>That is just... a sad way to end a project, Nik. <Olivia.Sable>He's not done yet, let him finish. <CV-Palantir>*sniffles* I saw only the readings of her neural scan. <CV-Palantir>Through the roof. Epilepsy. For a good few minutes. <CV-Palantir>After it ended I tried asking her but she didn't even attempt to compose words, she just turned on her cruise and bolted. <CV-Palantir>I have no clue what happened exactly. I don't know what went wrong. <CV-Palantir>Last I saw her was in the Omicrons. <Olivia.Sable>Oh, Christ. <Olivia.Sable>Of course this kinda shit happens out there... <Olivia.Sable>And -when- did you last see her? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>And since then you've been looking everywhere for her? <CV-Palantir>It was... hell. Hard to say. More than a year. <CV-Palantir>Anyway, what was I saying...? <Olivia.Sable>It's been a year. <CV-Palantir>Oh, that. <CV-Palantir>Well, it has. And I'm not a valiant fighter or a hero to look for her in the Omicrons... <CV-Palantir>I'm hardly a <CV-Palantir>"person", even, at this point. <Olivia.Sable>What's... that supposed to mean? <CV-Palantir>Oh. Right. <CV-Palantir>I neglected to mention that fact. <Olivia.Sable>Uh oh. <CV-Palantir>I... kind of... haven't got a body anymore. <Olivia.Sable>Of -course-. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Oh god. <Olivia.Sable>That's just the plot twist that was missing from this nightmarish story. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Plus one. <Olivia.Sable>So, you're... integrated into your ship? <Olivia.Sable>Vergil worked that well? <CV-Palantir>Three years ago I was diagnosed with stage-four kidney cancer. <CV-Palantir>This might sound horrorish, but... With Vergil, Fairchild allowed me to take control of her own body and perform- <CV-Palantir>-a semi-automated brain surgery on myself. <Olivia.Sable>You... <Olivia.Sable>Fucking what? <CV-Palantir>Since then, I've been little more than a brain in a jar. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I feel like I'm going to puke. <CV-Palantir>We had a deal, with Fairchild. She would allow me to "use" her senses to experience the world. <CV-Palantir>In exchange, I would stay with her and work on Vergil to make it even more robust so that perhaps in future- <CV-Palantir>-I might somehow become a person again. <CV-Palantir>But, well, that's... That's not happening now. <Olivia.Sable>And -that's. why you're looking for her? <CV-Palantir>Yeah. Yeah, for the most part, yes. <Olivia.Sable>Okay. -Okay-... <Olivia.Sable>Now, I've been around. I've seen a lot, done a lot. <Olivia.Sable>But -that's- the most freaky shit I've ever heard. <CV-Palantir>I told you in the very beginning. I've been through things you people wouldn't believe. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Can't say I have the same experiences with Olivia here, but I'll agree with the last statement. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Well..... He -is- right about that. I mean.... 'it' is right? <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>I don't even know at this point. <CV-Palantir>I'm fine with "he". <Olivia.Sable>*sighs* Okay. <Olivia.Sable>So, you're too... afraid of going to the Omicrons, right? <Olivia.Sable>Understandable. I was there once and didn't like it myself. <CV-Palantir>I'm not a fighter, as I said. <CV-Palantir>And Palantir is a yacht, not a battleship. <Olivia.Sable>Do you... have anyone... <Olivia.Sable>Looking for her? <CV-Palantir>Cryer probably is. But I... no. I don't know of anyone doing that. <CV-Palantir>I would have asked my old friends but as I said, both Reeves's LSF division and Forlorn Hope are no longer around. <Olivia.Sable>So... are you -looking- for someone to look for her? <CV-Palantir>And, believe it or not, it's difficult to make interpersonal relationships in my state. <CV-Palantir>Well... <CV-Palantir>Well. I guess, so. <Olivia.Sable>Well. <Olivia.Sable>As I mentioned, I'm a mercenary. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Why do I feel like I know where this is going... <Olivia.Sable>But I have experience in all sorts of fields. <CV-Palantir>I am not wealthy, though. This is a non-profit project. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>*she sighs* <CV-Palantir>So this is a moot point. I have no way of paying you. <Olivia.Sable>Huh. That's a shame. <CV-Palantir>Unless you are interested in Vergil yourself. But seeing how you reacted... I'm not that sure about it. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>*whispers* Thank you lord almighty. <CV-Palantir>Seriously. <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>Those ion storms don't want to chill today. <Olivia.Sable>Alright, so we left off at you not being able to pay for any... services. <Olivia.Sable>Right? <CV-Palantir>Well. Not really, no. <Olivia.Sable>Anything -besides- credits you can offer? <CV-Palantir>I'm an expert in neuroscience and microbiology, not exactly a crafty field that. <CV-Palantir>Palantir is carrying some Vergil hardware, which is really the only thing I can deal with. <Olivia.Sable>*sighs* Well, I can't exactly work for free... <LPI-Isla.Nazumaki[Lt]>*Isla removes her helmet and grabs a peach, taking a bite as she observes.* <CV-Palantir>As I said, it's a moot point. <Olivia.Sable>So it would seem. <Olivia.Sable>I -do- feel for you. <CV-Palantir>Vergil Foundation is a non-profit, my entire work is based on an ideal. <CV-Palantir>I don't think much can be done without finding any other idealists. <Olivia.Sable>Well, the only idealists you'll find around here are nationalist terrorists. <CV-Palantir>Well. Perhaps they would be the people to take this up. <Olivia.Sable>I'm pretty sure their whole deal is -not- dealing with things outside of Liberty. <CV-Palantir>Although, if I'm honest, we met both the LSF and Forlorn in Liberty... And they both agreed to fund- <CV-Palantir>-the Foundation. Seems rather idealistic to me. <Olivia.Sable>*chuckles* If the LSF was interested in it, it wasn't out of idealism. <CV-Palantir>Well. Reeves seemed like a very honest man. At least so it seemed through Fairchild's eyes. <Olivia.Sable>Ugh, right... <CV-Palantir>Good day. <Olivia.Sable>Well, Nik. All I can say, I guess, is good luck. <CV-Palantir>Well, thanks. <CV-Palantir>If you do happen to find someone with that name, though, please do let me know.
# Time 10 July 827 A.S. 18:49 SMT # Location Riverside Station, California
# Involvement
• CV-Palantir
• Little.Trashmaid
<Little.Trashmaid> Not much of a party, huh. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Good day. <Little.Trashmaid> Palantir, Palantir... <Little.Trashmaid> That sounds familiar. <Little.Trashmaid> Where did i see it? <Little.Trashmaid> Jeez, really. <Little.Trashmaid> Hey, you over there. Onboard the Democritus. <Little.Trashmaid> Where would i remember you from? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Sorry? <CV-Palantir> Nik: I haven't got a clue. <Little.Trashmaid> Uh-huh... <CV-Palantir> Nik: First time I see a little trashmaid. <Little.Trashmaid> The thingy changes callsigns every now and then. <Little.Trashmaid> Palantir, Pala... Oh! "Forlorn" rings a bell? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Well, Palantir has been Palantir forever. Or at least since Forlorn Hope gifted it to me. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Aha. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I see. <Little.Trashmaid> A-ha. One of those Stern's dolts. <Little.Trashmaid> Now i remember. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Stenn was a good man. No clue what happened to him, but he was always welcome aboard this ship. <Little.Trashmaid> Just not sure if you are from the proper Forlorn, when BLueberry was around - or from the rotten N.S. version. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I'm a bit lost, too. <Little.Trashmaid> Suppose it was the last, since i did not see you around Dice or Blueberry. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I was never a part of Forlorn, I merely worked with them. They financed my operations. <Little.Trashmaid> Callsigns, sweety. <Little.Trashmaid> Dice stands for Karin Walker. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I don't know any of the names you mentioned, other than that of Nick Stenn's. <Little.Trashmaid> Blueberry stands for Nick's girlfriend. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Girlfriend? <Little.Trashmaid> Mhm. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Hm. Never heard of a Nick Stenn's girlfriend, to be honest. <Little.Trashmaid> Elena Voigt. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Oh, that one. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Yeah, I know that one. <Little.Trashmaid> Blueberry, that was her callsign. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Seems like we operated under government names at the time. <Little.Trashmaid> Told her not to stick around Nick. She did not listen. <Little.Trashmaid> And then she ran to John Armada or something like that. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Seems like you are quite up to date with what's been going on with that lot. <Little.Trashmaid> Could not care less, since i did not care to start with. <Little.Trashmaid> Me? Huh. <Little.Trashmaid> If blueberry were around, she would have been running in circles by now. <CV-Palantir> Nik: What happened to them in the end? Stenn... Hasn't been returning my calls, so to speak. <Little.Trashmaid> Screaming something like "THAT PERVERT AGAIN". <Little.Trashmaid> But she is not around. So huh. <Little.Trashmaid> So. why are you around Liberty, then? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Where else could I be? <CV-Palantir> Nik: It's a place that generally is easiest to stay hidden in plain view. And I'm not one fond of attention. <Little.Trashmaid> Why so? <CV-Palantir> Nik: It's... a complicated matter. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Look, I've already told this story today once to those two, I don't really want to go through it again. <Little.Trashmaid> Impress me. I am curious. <Little.Trashmaid> Why, i am not fond of that either. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Hm. Well. Are you interested enough to do a favour in exchange for the story? <Little.Trashmaid> Depends on what it is. Sure you'd want a favor from someone like me, though? <CV-Palantir> Nik: You seem like a freelancer. Normally you work for money. But since I haven't got any, I can't offer you much. <CV-Palantir> Nik: A good story is the best I can do. <CV-Palantir> Nik: And the favour involves finding someone. <Little.Trashmaid> Sounds like something i can do so far. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Does the name "Fairchild" ring a bell to you? <Little.Trashmaid> Besides, it could possibly give me that feeling of... <Little.Trashmaid> Huh. <Little.Trashmaid> Yes. <CV-Palantir> Nik: What do you know about... about Fairchild? <Little.Trashmaid> Not much. Female, snubcraft pilot, used to stick around Blueberry. <Little.Trashmaid> They were looking for something with Blueberry in Omicrons, quite some time ago. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I see. Well. Yes, I know about that as well, because I was there to witness it. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Sort of... Anyway. That's the person I'm looking for. And I would... genuinely appreciate any help with it. <Little.Trashmaid> Given that i did not see that Fairchild in a while, suppose they found it. <Little.Trashmaid> *Shrugs audibly.* That's a bit problematic, though. <Little.Trashmaid> I mean, i have no problems looking for someone. But the moment they realize that's -ME- who is looking for them, umm.. <Little.Trashmaid> They'll probably rather not show up. <Little.Trashmaid> I have a certain kind of reputation people do not like. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I'm not sure Fairchild is going to remember you. In fact, I am almost certain she wouldn't. <Little.Trashmaid> Huh. Well, if you say so. <Little.Trashmaid> Any ideas where to check, then? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Last I saw her was in Omicron Theta. But that was over a year ago. <CV-Palantir> Nik: She flew a Lick equipped with Acrobatics. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Lich, even <Little.Trashmaid> Did you ask the right guys yet? <CV-Palantir> Nik: The right guys being...? <Little.Trashmaid> Like MND or 404. Those are the two sniffing around Omicrons, usually. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I don't know MND enough to trust them. <CV-Palantir> Nik: And as far as 404 is concerned, Reeves hasn't returned my call. <Little.Trashmaid> You don't need to trust them, though. And you can use my name to ask around, if you'd want to. <Little.Trashmaid> Normally, they at least read my messages. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I'm a bit apprehensive of asking well-connected organisations about this kind of stuff... <Little.Trashmaid> The one in charge of MND should be Enfield, if nothing changed from the last time i checked. <CV-Palantir> Nik: The thing about them is that agencies tend to have a very heavy-handed approach to this kind of stuff... <Little.Trashmaid> Tell Geoff that John Silverstone is looking for Fairchild. <Little.Trashmaid> He'll probably show some kind of reaction to that. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Huh. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Now, now. I know that name. <Little.Trashmaid> Same for Reeves. <Little.Trashmaid> *Shrugs audibly.* Yeah, yeah. That's me. Again. <Little.Trashmaid> What, gonna gross out and fly away yet? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Reeves... Reeves, I'm sure, will be willing to work with me without names thrown around. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Reeves needs to know that I'm looking for him, though, and as I said, I'm not even sure if he's around. <CV-Palantir> Nik: But if you claim that he is... I'm gonna keep my eyes, figuratively, open wider. <Little.Trashmaid> Last time i spotted 404 crafts was in Lost. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Fitting. <Little.Trashmaid> Normally they would not go to Lost unless someone tells them to. <Little.Trashmaid> Normally, that would be of someone with sufficient authority. <Little.Trashmaid> Other than Reeves, there are not many of those around. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I wonder if he might be looking for her, too... <Little.Trashmaid> At least in 404, that is. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I doubt that, but who knows. <Little.Trashmaid> I am curious, though. Why would you be looking for Fairchild? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Well. The answer to that question, and any others you might have, is the reward for finding her. <Little.Trashmaid> Aww, cute. You sure know how to make my kind interested in work. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Well. Learned from the best. <Little.Trashmaid> Best as? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Reeves. Stenn. Order. Cryer. <Little.Trashmaid> Aww, but those are... <Little.Trashmaid> Well, maybe Cryer. But they are rarely around now. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Thank God. <Little.Trashmaid> Oh come on, they sure were fun. <CV-Palantir> Nik: No, not really. Cryer is extremely dangerous. Best avoided, frankly. Or even better, shot on sight. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I wonder if Fairchild still has that murderously vicious dislike of them. <Little.Trashmaid> *Rubs his cheek.* Well, at least i did not see her where i usually go looking for troubles. <Little.Trashmaid> Means she has high chances of still being alive and human-shaped. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Hopefully. <CV-Palantir> Nik: She's... very important to my well-being, let's put it that way. <Little.Trashmaid> Hmm. <Little.Trashmaid> What about Omicrons, then? Did you ask the locals? <Little.Trashmaid> Such as freeport administrators. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I don't travel there. And they, even more than the agencies, have a very heavy handed approach. <Little.Trashmaid> Oh, but they are somewhat easy to ask for help? <CV-Palantir> Nik: Hmm... <Little.Trashmaid> The ones in Delta and Theta, at least. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I'll be honest with you, I'm every bit as worried about Fairchild herself as about those who would try- <CV-Palantir> -approaching her. <CV-Palantir> Nik: She is still /very/ deadly. <Little.Trashmaid> *Shrugs* Suppose any female is fine with bald lesbians or buddhists, right? <CV-Palantir> Nik: If she's alive... That's one thing I'm sure of. <Little.Trashmaid> Deadly, eh? <Little.Trashmaid> Hmm. Well, i suppose that Max or Sun won't be glad to see her, then. <Little.Trashmaid> Depends on your definition of deadly, however. <Little.Trashmaid> Might be quite different from my own. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I don't know. I haven't got the slightest clue, to be honest. I'm just guessing. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Look, the fact of the matter is, I don't know many things about this situation. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I would like to know more but I'm not a hero or a fighter, I'm careful enough not to venture too far away from Liberty- <CV-Palantir> -space. Not in this ship, which attracts various hostile borderworld elements like a magnet. <Little.Trashmaid> Let's see... On a scale from one to deadly, Harbringer was "angry when rubbed wrong way". She could not possibly beat that. <CV-Palantir> Nik: That's why I need help from daring heroes and fighters such as yourself. <Little.Trashmaid> *Shrugs once more.* Well, i am neither a hero or a fighter, but... <Little.Trashmaid> Nicole used to praise me for how indifferent i am to dangers. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Any information, I'll be grateful for. <Little.Trashmaid> Then again, dieing a couple of times for Nicole wasn't that much of a favor. <Little.Trashmaid> Well, i guess i'll look around. <Little.Trashmaid> Huh. <Little.Trashmaid> That one was familiar, too. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I'll get in touch with the people you mentioned... Those might've been avenues I haven't thought of. <Little.Trashmaid> Mhm. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Good talking to you, Silverstone. <Little.Trashmaid> Geoff Enfield, he owes me one. <Little.Trashmaid> Max Cosmo-something. <Little.Trashmaid> The one in Delta, FP11 administrator. <Little.Trashmaid> She would normally throw plates at you when you mention me, and she is bald. <Little.Trashmaid> But otherwise she is fine and kind. <Little.Trashmaid> Sun something-something. <Little.Trashmaid> A buddhist from Theta. <Little.Trashmaid> You can't possibly go wrong with a buddhist. <CV-Palantir> Nik: I think my present condition might throw even a buddhist for a loop. <Little.Trashmaid> I wonder who else... <Little.Trashmaid> Oh! <Little.Trashmaid> You can ask that flat excuse of a woman from Union. <Little.Trashmaid> She has some influence in Rheinland, too. Gunda Rhiel. <Little.Trashmaid> She is one of your shaved and tattoed bandits on the lanes, but she is a good person. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Hmm... I don't know about Union. <Little.Trashmaid> And she might know Fairchild's whereabouts, if Fairchild was or is dealing with rheinland criminals. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Enfield seems like the best bet out of all of them. <Little.Trashmaid> Just mention my name. Union will help. <Little.Trashmaid> They owe me one, too. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Thanks, Silverstone. <Little.Trashmaid> Did not do anything yet, i suppose. <CV-Palantir> Nik: If you hear anything about her yourself, too... Let me know. <Little.Trashmaid> Mhm. <CV-Palantir> Nik: Safe skies out there. <Little.Trashmaid> Will do. <Little.Trashmaid> I love stories, afterall.