We are in need of a new map, to go along with @Error's awesome NavMap, inspired partly by this old 4.86 Regional Map.
With one big difference - political boundaries. The idea is that the system circle's ring will designate the region the system is a part of, and the bubbles will illustrate political control. Whoever enters into this contest should take note that these borders change over time, so you should save your work in such a way where it may be edited at a later date. Also, the bubbles should be on a layer behind everything, except the background star map. There will not be regional titles as on the 4.86 map, but instead titles (Agency FB, bold, white, and whatever size works) for factions that have territory.
Here are the colors you should use. I realize that this may change the existing ring markers somewhat from the old days, but it will probably make things much easier in the long run. Also, by giving you broad color ranges (light, medium, and dark can be ambiguous), sufficient leeway is granted to make it work well and be visually appealing.
- Region Ring Marker: Medium red
- House Government Territory Bubble: Medium red
- Molly Owned Territory Bubble: Dark red
- Region Ring Marker: Medium purple
- House Government Territory Bubble: Medium purple
- Council Owned Territory Bubble: Dark purple
- Region Ring Marker: Medium Yellow
- House Government Territory Bubble: Medium Yellow
- Imperial Owned Territory Bubble: Light Yellow
- Dragon Owned Territory Bubble: Dark Yellow
- Region Ring Marker: Medium blue
- House Government Territory Bubble: Medium blue
- HF Legion Owned Territory Bubble: Dark blue
- Region Ring Marker: Medium green
- House Government Territory Bubble: Medium green
- Hessian Owned Territory Bubble: Dark green
- Region Ring Marker: Medium orange
- Corsair Territory Bubble: Medium orange
- Outcast Territory Bubble: Dark orange "Cardamine, cardamine ... everyone wants cardamine ... "
Independent Worlds, Ring Marker: White
Border Worlds, Ring Marker: Light Gray
Edge Worlds, Ring Marker: Dark Gray
Nomad Worlds, Ring Marker: Magenta
Crayter Republic Territory Bubble: Bronze (medium on the tan to brown scale)
Gas Miners Guild Territory Bubble: Cyan
Order Territory Bubble: Silver
Sirius Coalition Territory Bubble: Brown (dark on the tan to brown scale)
Core Territory Bubble: Tan (light on the tan to brown scale)
Nomads and Wild Territory Bubble: Magenta
For reference, here is the current territory/political situation. These are to designate bubble locations, not ring locations (use Space's NavMap for that). For the parts where I note that the other half of a system should be empty, or split between two factions, have the territory line simply bisect through/behind the system marker to indicate incomplete control. All systems not listed should be outside of the bubbles.
If I messed up the ownership of a system ("Nomads own Quebec, not Liberty") please just let me know. FYI for faction leaders, this is meant for objective and functional sovereign control, not propaganda or exaggerated claims.
Bretonia Government: New London, Newcastle, Manchester, Cambridge, half of Omega-3 (other half empty), half of Dublin, half of Poole, half of Cortez
Mollys: Half of Dublin, half of Poole
Gallia Government: All of Gallia sans Champagne, Orkney, Edinburgh, Tau-23, Tau-31, Leeds, Magellan
Council: Champagne, Roussillon
Kusari Government: New Tokyo, Shikoku, Hokkaido, Hiroshima, Rishiri, most of Honshu, most of Nagano, part of Tohoku
IKN: Kyushu, Tottori, half of Tau-29
BD: Chugoku, part of Nagano, part of Tohoku (thirds, KNF/BD/Wild)
Liberty: New York, California, Colorado, Texas, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alaska, New Hampshire, half/most of Alberta (other half/portion empty), half of Cortez, have the bubble touch/get close to Magellan.
HF Legion: Vespucci, half of Kansas (other half empty)
Rheinland: New Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Bremen, Hamburg, Munich, Koeln, half of Omega-7 (other half empty), half of Dresden, half of Omega-11, part of Sigma-13, half of Sigma-15
Hessians: Omega-54, most of Omega-47, half of Dresden, half of Omega-11, half of Omega-5
Corsairs: Omicron Gamma, Omicron Omega, Omicron Xi, Omega-41, half of Omega-5, half of Omicron Kappa (other half empty), part of Omega-47
Outcasts: Omicron Alpha, Omicron Beta, Omicron Phi, Omicron Tau
Crayter: Coronado, Tau-44
GMG: Sigma-17, Sigma-19, Sigma-59, most of Sigma-13, part of Honshu, Okinawa
Order: Omicron Mu, half of Omicron Epsilon, half of Omicron Sigma, part of Delta (thirds, Order/Core/Nomads)
Coalition: Omega-52
Core: Rho, part of Delta
Nomads/Wilde: Omicron Major, Omicron Iota, Omicron Psi, Omicron Chi, half of Omicron Epsilon, half of Omicron Sigma, part of Omicron Delta, Omega-58, Drake, Unknown, part of Inverness, part of Tohoku
EMPTY: Omicron Minor, Omicron Lost, Omicron Theta, Omega-55, half of Omega-3, half of Omega-7, Omega-49, Baffin, half of Tau-29, Tau-37, Sigma-21, half of Sigma-15, half of Kansas, most of Inverness, Cassini, Kepler, Galileo, Bering, Hudson, Puerto Rico, Cayman
Final Deliverables:
- Full nav map with political territory bubbles, at least 900x900 in size, PNG format, uploaded to a common imaging website such as imgur
- Background of nav map with political territory bubbles, same size/format/upload, but no system circles, rings, or jump connections. This will be for Error to potentially use as a toggleable background for the NavMap
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
I do hope this graphics competition thread doesn't silently drop under the table like the last time did after me taking two hours to work on a new title screen for the next version.
I'm not in a position to personally grant much, but I could give a custom user title or some of my hard earned in-game cash if the Admins don't approve a cash reward from the server or some other bonus.
Please add: Unioner owned territory to Rheinland, since we regard Bering (Wesphalia) as what Düsseldorf once was, and will soon have our own Laws of Sirius post on the subject. RP is currently being done on the system. Besides, we are setting up the Unioners to be the anti-Hessians in Rheinland. Since the Unioners are the only faction that patrols the system InRply (despite both Rheinland and Liberty laying claim), it makes sense. It's an enclave of local control and is a de jure enforced claim with the Unioners attacking unregulated structures in the area.
There have been dev discussions underway to significantly deepen the Rheinland ideological guerrilla war.
Plus, why is Hessian territory not a shade of Red since their engines, guns and graphics (and even their name) is socialist red? Dark Green (conservatism) is a Unioner colour if anything. No more Unioner neglect, please.
Edit: I'm really irritated that the Hessians get continuous lore buffs whilst everybody else in unlawful Rheinland is meant to sit down and take it in the ass - you don't matter as much as the Hessians.
The Unioners are not yet considered a territory faction. Claim systems inRP for propaganda as you wish, but this contest, as mentioned in the original post, is for territory that is under immediate, sovereign control. The Unioners indeed have a strong presence in Bering, but that is all.
The Houses were each given a primary/secondary color, with the sitting governments getting medium. Most unlawfuls got a darker shade, but if a House has multiple one is lighter. Thus, the Hessians will not be red. Colors are not up for discussion here.
(04-30-2017, 09:44 PM)Teerin Wrote: The Unioners are not yet considered a territory faction. Claim systems inRP for propaganda as you wish, but this contest, as mentioned in the original post, is for territory that is under immediate, sovereign control. The Unioners indeed have a strong presence in Bering, but that is all.
The Houses were each given a primary/secondary color, with the sitting governments getting medium. Most unlawfuls got a darker shade, but if a House has multiple one is lighter. Thus, the Hessians will not be red. Colors are not up for discussion here.
You've done it now. I've had to battle tooth and nail against years of NPC neglect. I'm going to keep doing so until attitudes change.
Again, this is not InRP propaganda. Biggest population centre in the system, only enforcing power, going to add a frickin' laws of Sirius post.
As I stated in OFL Skype, I find the choice of "which factions are represented on the map" a little arbitrary.
I do not have anything against such a map, however I hope that it really only depicts systems "firmly under control" and leaves MANY systems open. For example it would be a mistake to make O7 Rheinland, O3 Bretonia, Delta Core, Tau 37 IMG, Tau 29 Kusari...
I already see problems when players oorply do not agree who "owns" systems that are not clear-cut like the old Guard systems, or Alpha and Gamma today. Map markers will be taken as "dev guarantees", etc. So... as a geographer I love maps. But... I fear this one has the potential to cause a lot of trouble, to be honest.
(05-01-2017, 12:28 AM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: As I stated in OFL Skype, I find the choice of "which factions are represented on the map" a little arbitrary.
I do not have anything against such a map, however I hope that it really only depicts systems "firmly under control" and leaves MANY systems open. For example it would be a mistake to make O7 Rheinland, O3 Bretonia, Delta Core, Tau 37 IMG, Tau 29 Kusari...
I already see problems when players oorply do not agree who "owns" systems that are not clear-cut like the old Guard systems, or Alpha and Gamma today. Map markers will be taken as "dev guarantees", etc. So... as a geographer I love maps. But... I fear this one has the potential to cause a lot of trouble, to be honest.
The factions which were chosen are the Houses, their full revolutionary factions (Rogues mostly running Cassini thus doesn't count), and additional factions which control decent amounts of space with a degree of sovereignty (that may or may not be construed as a small nation). Gaians, Farmers Alliance, Golden Chrysanthemums, Hogosha, Gallic Brigands, Unione Corse, Maquis, LWB, Unioners, Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers, Xenos, Bundschuh, Junkers, IMG and other corporations are not considered to fit within that category. I'm aware this leaves systems like Cassini, Puerto Rico, and Bering without their own bubbles.
Omega-3 and Omega-7 are only intended to be shown as part Bretonia and Rheinland, with the border touching/arcing through, instead of wholly encircling them. This should give the appearance of only partial control, however I will grant the individual artists a little leeway. If they can't make that effect look right, then they can simply not cover it. I understand the need to show that border systems are indeed such, however it would be a mistake (for example) to show that Bretonia has zero sovereign control over Omega-3. You make decent points about Omicron Delta and Tau-29.
If problems do arise about how systems are apportioned, or which larger territory-controlling factions are included, the final image can be cut down to just show the five main Houses and the split Hispania. I'd personally rather not resort to that, since it can be informative for (especially newer) players to a least get a gist of who owns what.
Also, I have been informed by the Admins that the person who creates this map can be given a reward as in-game currecny, the event contrails and engines, or a forum title. You may also propose you own reward, but they are not afraid to just say no.
Hello everybody. I've made the maps as per @Teerin info post.
It is made in Photoshop and everything is vectorial, therefore very easy to modify and scale. The size is 1900x1900px (better more than less!). Legend is not made, because I didn't know if it's needed, but can be done very easy. Just ask.
Just click on the images for the full version.
PS: I'm not into "bubble" things of graphics, therefore I preferred to follow the natural structure of the Sirius systems. And obviously, post any mistake you find in the maps. There are hundreds of objects and very easy to miss something.
1. Sirius systems connections
2. Sirius political map
2-bis. Sirius political map, zones only
“Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.”