On the 18th of April the Volgograd News Agency announced the annexation of the Corsair colony on Planet Gran Canaria and the possible future annexation of the Bowex colony of Port Jackson, which is inhabited by Bretonian civilians. According to that, Armed Forces are due to ensure them that we will defend them if the need arises.
The Admiralty, however, did not take this proclamation seriously at once, but instead monitored the recent behaviour of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. Having witnessed their numerous strikes in Dublin in unison with the Mollies, even employing a carrier, having been shown the existence of the Molly Garvagh Base in Omega-49 and having found out that the Corsair Fes Fleet had retreated from Omega-49 to Poole, the Admiralty have concluded the following:
1) Omega-49 is at danger of succumbing to the occupation of the Coalition.
2) If that happens, the alliance of the Mollies, the Red Hessians and the Coalition will be united in a single territory.
To counter this, the Admiralty have decided to take the following action:
1) The operation is named Sevastopol after the British victory in the Crimean War on Earth. The commander-in-chief of the Norfolk Fleet is in charge of it. The operation will be performed by the Norfolk Fleet, the Cambridge Planetary Fleet and the Essex Fleet.
2) Contact the Zoners regarding Step 3, so that it does not slight them. Find out if they oppose the Coalition's claim of Omega-49.
3) Disembark 5,000 marines, 5,000 side arms, light arms or armaments and 400 military vehicles in Port Jackson.
4) With this successfully accomplished and should the latter of Step 2 be favourable, advertise our success to the Zoners and persuade them to stand on our side with offers of help. If possible, persuade them to convince the Corsairs to withdraw the Fes Fleet from Poole to Omega-49 in defense of their colony on Gran Canaria, and persuade them to rise up against the Coalition.
5) Should this be successful, do not actively engage in combat, but send military supplies to the Zoners of Gran Canaria with heavily escorted convoys. Monitor the Corsairs and the Coalition fighting against each other. Do not appear too strong, as that could give them the idea to unite against us.
6) Defeat what remains of the victor.
7) Demand more land for Port Jackson from the Zoners due to our help provided to them.
All updates and suggestions on this matter will be uploaded to this frequency.