I brought up that problem on ShoutBox yesterday and everything rolls up into one thing: Kansas System.
In-game, when you enter the system, it clearly states that you are in Independent Worlds. It would mean that Pirate ID can pirate every ship in there. However, both NavMap and System Classification rules (which on the other hand is heavily outdated) claim that Kansas is Liberty Space.
Is that an overseen update of the System Classification? Or it is a (in-game) label that was erroreously given to Kansas by Devs?
This little bird went to sleep forever. So long.
Thank you for everything.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Doesn't it make Kansas the only one of the systems without tradelanes and jumpgates in which Pirate ID cannot pirate all the guys though? I mean, Vespucci is an Independent Worlds system. It would make more sense for Pirate ID to be able to pirate everyone in Kansas, rather than in Vespucci - the latter being heavily guarded stronghold of Hellfire Legion and Commonwealth House of Liberty.
Edit: I mean, even AI ID can attack everyone in Kansas.