_______________________________________________________ ::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--:::: ::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--:::: _______________________________________________________
Kallisti and Greetings to all.
This is a notice to let all current Administrators of Freeports and Stations within the Confederation to state whether or not they are still on the job.
You have 48 hours to respond to this memo of your current status or we shall take such that your position has been lost to the beaches of Baden Baden.
Signed. Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 2 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-
On behalf of the Ingenuus Research Group, we're reporting the status of Ames Research Station, Corinth Research Station, and Bethlehem Station as Green. Administration is handled on the organizational level as of late.
Best regards,
Dr. James Erzie
Director; Acting CEO
Ingenuus Research Group
As some of you might remember, I used to be the Administrator of Freeport 15, which did not survive that cataclysm that fused the Omicron-74 and Omicron Kappa systen. So far the Confederation of Freeports has not assigned me a different post. So I assume to be first pick for the open position you have advertised here, due to my previous experience administrating a Freeport.
My name is Maria Shelby and i'm the current Vice-Administrator of Freeport 1.
Our official Administrator, mr. Gypsie Skripto is currently missing and his whereabouts are unknown. But, rest assured, Freeport 1 is in good hands.
_______________________________________________________ ::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--:::: ::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--:::: _______________________________________________________
The Following Freeport's are now registered as 'Administration Absent':
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Cmdr. Blaine Chara
Location: Administrator's Office, Freeport 6
To: Grand Pooba of Apples
RE: Freeport 6
Good Evening,
I am Blaine Chara and have assumed the role as Administrator. With the passing of my former boss, Commander Matok, his people chose to depart with their own kind and left all assets in my charge. We are undergoing some command staff changes as well as ship registries and such so we'll be in a bit of a lull for a bit.
Fortunately, things have been quiet so we can afford to take our time and do things right. For the time, all current laws remain in effect.