Character Names and Ranks: Rank Name Surname
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Rnk.Name.Surname (Class), BAF|HMS-Name (Class); BAF| shared ships don't count
Activity: None/Low/Medium/High
Interest: None/Low/Medium/High
Skype Address: Skype_Address
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: The Hessians are so stupid that they hire blondes to replace their light bulbs.
Character Names and Ranks: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall,, Captain John Khatri, Commander Seeley French, Lieutenant Lowden Graves
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk), BAF|Cdr.Seeley.French (Challenger), BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves (Templar), BAF|Norfolk-Fr-024 (Clydesdale)
Activity: Low
Interest: Low
Skype Address: debeli_boda
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Capture every blonde in existence and keep them in a secret facility. The Hessians will get lost in the dark. I'm open to suggestions about what could be a smarter thing to hire all the blondes for.
Character Names and Ranks: Lieutenant Commander & Secretary of the Board Sid Fire
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Lt.Cdr.Sid.Fire (Templar) BAF|Lt.Cdr.Sid,Fire (Challenger)
Activity: medium
Interest: high
Skype Address: Piombo65
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Boh, you know it. The same of before...
Character Names and Ranks: Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Cdre.Kaze.Dagon (Several snubcraft)
Activity: Medium
Interest: High
Skype Address: kall.silv
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: A charity event to give Hall a new finger. He needs it, the poor man. So let us all give him the finger.
Character Names and Ranks: //Character is on a hiatus atm
Ships in Possession and their Class :NA at the moment
Activity: Low
Interest: High
Skype Address: the_rookieman
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Down with Admiral Hall. #Gaga4Queen
Character Names and Ranks: Admiral Jacob McIntire, Commander Ian Graham
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|HMS-Elephant (Dunkirk), BAF|HMS-Victoria (LABC), BAF|HMS-Avon (Crecy), BAF|HMS-Golden.Gate (Defiant), BAF|Adm.Jacob.McIntire (Templar) , BAF|Cdr.Ian.Graham /variations (Templar/Challenger), BAF|Havoc.VII (HavocMkII), BAF|Dragoon-1 (Templar)
Activity: Medium
Interest: High
Skype Address: gagadug1213
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: More power for McIntire, what could possibly go wrong?
Character Names and Ranks: Captain Nicole Brennan
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|HMS-Enterprise (Dunkirk), BAF|Cpt.Nicole.Brennan (templar), BAF|Cpt.Nicole,Brennan (Manta), BAF|Cpt.Nicole;Brennan (Templar)
Activity: Medium
Interest: High
Skype Address: albert.wesker96
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: Promote me
Character Names and Ranks: Commander Henry Talbot
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Cdr.Henry.Talbot Templar
Activity: low
Interest: low
Skype Address: xx1klasxx
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: meh.
Character Names and Ranks: Commander Adolf Acker
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|Cdr.Adolf.Acker(Templar)
Skype Address: derp123
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: promote me for no reason
Character Names and Ranks: LtCdr. V. Steiner (Templar and challenger)
Ships in Possession and their Class: BAF|LtCdr,V,Steiner (Challenger Bomber) BAF|LtCdr.V.Steiner (Templar VHF)
Activity: Medium
Interest: Medium
Skype Address: You have it (hamish.hamilton6)
Recommendations, Advice, Comments: We need more Joe.