Since Shelco is not willing to lead the Faction anymore and is not able to post this I will post for him. All assets of 343 will be disbanden, maybe someone else will create something new. Thanks for playing with us.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I will only say so much to this: Incompetence of the leader to give up his seat and pass it over to his 2ic (Black Smoke was 2ic) and go with "I will disband because he doesn't care anyways" attitude.
After a little drama I have given leadership to Black Smoke, although both of us know that this is just the thrive to not let this die completely he wanted this, I for myself, am not sad or angry or something, it was a logical decision, if the faction thinks trying to keep it alive somehow I wish you good luck but I don't want to be a bad leader in terms of sitting at the chair and doing nothing. The leader should be dedicated to his faction which I simply was not anymore, so bear with me, I am also just a human with ideas, now I got to sleep, havea good night, folks.
Edit: Additionally I want to say that I don't regret attempting to revive this, I had a lot of fun with my 343 guys and I think you are awesome peeps <3
Alright this is actually not going to happen and i am taking it over. Again 343 is not getting disbanded and all of the ships will be kept as they are.