Battleship Missouri 26.July 824.A.S. Tia stood in her room as she was getting ready to free her friend. Everything was fine and prepared. She changed into her Navy uniform and took on the Fake ID. For the next 48 hours she was ready to take on the role of Commander Lyla Hughes who served on LNS-Memphis. She took all the equipment needed for the job. Everything had to be done within one hour when it all starts. Tia was nervous about this because she went right into the worst place possible. Prison Station Fairbanks. She left the room and went for the others. She found them in the changing rooms ready for the job to be done. "I need you to call out your Navy names so I know who is who. Each of you will be given a role in this job and it needs to be done perfectly. That is why you signed up for The Blackguard. My life matters the least in this mission. I want all of you to survive and to get John Darius out of here. If I die, he takes The Blackguard. If he dies, we are in deep shit. Is everyone ready?" Tia stood strong on the door as she told everyone what they were in for. She hoped they were ready.
Each member that is within this RP will have 2 names. (His/Her original and navy fake).
@thisDerius- Tia Stormclaw (Lyla Hughes) [Cmdr.]
@TheShooter36 - Adam RIchard (Jeffrey Longstar) [Lt.]
@Spectre- Felix Shroeder (Vincent Meyer) [Lt.]
@DarkTails- John Miller (Mike Johnson) [Lt.]
@Ikarus_Hagen - Attila Sirius (Roland Jenkins) [Lt.Cmdr.]
I hope this will end up good in the end.
Adam Richard turned to Tia just after he changed to his Navy uniform and took his Fake ID. For the next 2 days or so he was Jeffrey Longstar. a Fighter pilot served on LNS-Memphis. "Tia, you wont die. We will pull you from deepest of ****s and make it home with Darius with us too. I swear." He grabbed his sidearm and a combat knife and put his Fake ID to his cloth. "Jeffrey Longstar reporting for duty, sir!"
Attlia was already in his Navy uniform as Tia stepped in. He took the ID and put it on. With the other hand he grabbed his gun and put it around his shoulder. Then he took the rank signs and mounted them on his shoulders, after that the logo of the L.N.S. Memphis, it showed an Upholder with a golden ring around it, the name of the ship was written in that ring. The fake ID made him to a leader of a bomber wing. Commander, Lieutenant Commander Roland Jenkins reporting for duty, we all will go in there and all will go out. He took his gun, loaded it and but it back on his back.
John adjusted his uniform, perfecting it. "Lieutenant Mike Johnson, Memphis engineering team, reporting in. Don't worry, Tia. We're all going home." He said, making his uniform properly formed, up to 'Navy code'. "Will never understand how they can be in these things all day. Oh well." He strapped on his sidearm, looking the rest of the team over.
Felix stood off to the side, fiddling with the small rank pin on his lapel. He looked up, zipping up the rest of his uniform and smirking as he looked himself over. "Mein got, this ist a nice uniform.."
He slipped his ID into his pocket, taking a few steps towards Tia and the others. "Heh.." He gave her a rather half-stuck salute, smirking at the rest of them. "Leutnant Vincent Mayer, berichtet. Fear not, frau Tia."
He stepped back a little, fidgeting with some of the parts of his uniform, making sure they were up to the Navy's SOP. If one thing was out of place, not only would it risk something happening, but his ego would also take a rather blunt hit.
Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he reached over and grabbed the stubby sidearm he was 'issued', slipping it into the small clip on his belt. He hoped to his god above that he wouldn't need it, but he was ready to do anything for John's sake.
Fairbanks prison station - Alaska 30.July 824.A.S. 2 days after getting ready Tia and her crew set on to the Fairbanks prison. After some time and patrol and check-ups along the way, they have reached the station without any problems. "Fairbanks prison station, this is Alpha-7 Guardian on Vice Admiral Collins's orders to transfer prisoner John Darius to Washington shipyard for further questioning. We are seeking permission to dock." After a few minutes of waiting an answer came. "Alpha-7, this is Fairbanks. You are clear to dock. The prisoner will be ready and the paperwork will be done while he is leaving for your vessel. Welcome to the dead-end prison." Tia proceeded to the docking port on the side of the station. "Listen up. We have the equipment to access everything in the station from the ship. Once we free Darius, he will be given access too for better coordination. Atilla, you are staying on the ship in case we need to get the hell out fast. Others are with me. Understood?" Tia said just before they docked. This was one of the riskiest missions done by The Blackguard yet, but they were ready.