Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835
To:Oberkommande der Roten Hessen Armee Sender:Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin der Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin:Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:High
04.09.824 A.S.
Treue Verbündete der Roten Hessen Armee,
it is a pleasure for me to address you from my position. I am Helena Wunderbring, Oberst of the Weiße Rose Widerstandsbewegung and Generalsekretär of the Partei für ein neues Rheinland. It is now time that we finally reach out our hands to the closest allies that the Bundschuh movement has within Rheinland. First a small summary about our movement, so you don't confuse us. The Weiße Rose is an own political and militant movement in the Bundschuh, we wish to bring our ideas and ideology to the top of the Bundschuh to represent the movement and lead the way into the direction we find suitable. One of the most diplomatic changes is the "De-hessianization", which was a Parteiprogramm started by Oberst Erich Klugmann of the VWA. We consider this move comparable to treachery, the Hessen have been a loyal and strong ally of the Bundschuh for years already, our movements benefit from one another and we want to savor this and work together with you instead of splitting away more than necessary. We may have our differences but too many things in common to sacrifice such a chance. Consider the Weiße Rose as always available to help with operations as long as we can expect this as well, economic support might be rather low from our side but we are expanding our possibilities right now, so that our movement can prosper mainly on its own.
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I hope that we can replace the spot that the Widerstandsarmee has taken and wish for a common future.
Sender:SOA agent Lævateinn, Generalmajor's personal guard. Recipient:Die Weiße Rose Topic:Status update
The Generalmajor extends her gratitude for contacting us, unfortunately she is quite pre-occupied with the current state of affairs in Rheinland. The Alster bombing and tension in the sigma systems as you must know is developing towards more conflict hastily. However, your group could prove very helpful in the Volksrevolution's affairs regarding these incidents, specifically the Sigma situation. The Generalmajor has decided to dispatch agents of the Spezialoperationsabteilung to the Sigmas to oversee, and if necessary, intervene in the current situation between the Imperials and the GMG. SOA agents are among the best pilots the Army can offer, however to remain illusive to the public the SOA would require a station to base their operation from that is not located in the Sigma systems. The SOA would like to know the Die Weiße Rose's position on potentially working with the SOA in the sigma conflict. Our agendas may intertwine on most cases, but the SOA does have some other reasons for being in the sector. Specifics can be given once you comply.
SOA agent Lævateinn,
Generalmajor's personal guard
Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835
To:Oberkommande der Roten Hessen Armee Sender:Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin der Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin:Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:High
11.09.824 A.S.
Treue Verbündete der Roten Hessen Armee,
assuring that the Sigmas are being defended thoroughly should the Rheinland warmachine set its feet into the Sigmas is truly a matter of high priority. The leader of the ALG has already spoken with us about intervention against Rheinland, which was kind of surprising for us but given that we had a common past, it was easy to believe. If the SOA sees fit, stationing ships on Bruchsal should not be a problem, although I am not the person in charge of the station, yet, at least. We are generally ready to help the Hessen and the GMG against an invasion of the Sigmas, therefore you can say that we comply with you.
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So what specific reasons could you have in the sector, if not only to fight against the Rheinwehr? Wunderbring Ende.
Sender:SOA agent Lævateinn, Generalmajor's personal guard. Recipient:Die Weiße Rose Topic:Status update
Specifications regarding operations that intertwine with your agenda include raids against corporate assets, Imperial presence, and Imperial supporters. Combat missions that require extra support fall in line with what the SOA can provide. Operations that do not intertwine with your agenda will remain confidential for the time being, the Army is entering a new state of affairs with different assets. None of the operations that do not involve the DWR will affect it or the Bundschuh in a drastic manner.
SOA agent Lævateinn,
Generalmajor's personal guard
Message Received - Neural Net access code 9472001835
To:Oberkommande der Roten Hessen Armee Sender:Oberst Helena Wunderbring, Generalsekretärin der Partei für ein neues Rheinland Origin:Rheinland, Frankfurt system, Bruchsal base Encryption:High
22.09.824 A.S.
Agent Lævateinn,
you can be sure that any form of attack against any imperial supporter, mainly the Unioners in this case, though, will be supported by us as much as possible. After what they've done to the people on Alster Werft, I have no more mercy left for them. If one can kill like this, they can die like this. That is justice. Although I cannot tell you what to do and what not to do, I hope you are considerate with the Bundschuh while being busy with your operations. There is still a reasonable anti-Hessen opposition within the movement that won't be too happy about your presence. Make sure that these people are not being told right in their assumption that you are terrorists by ruining the rather good reputation amongst the population. Make sure that you have a word with the ALG, they are more or less on our side in this conflict. About Daumann, Krüger and RGS, I cannot say as much and won't wiggle the finger at you about the way you operate, you have your own agenda for that.
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If you need something from us, feel free to ask and I will do as much as I can to provide you with assistance. Wunderbring, Ende.