I would like to send the best regards of the IMG and thank you and especially your courageous engineers for the successful installation of the main mooring module to the O47 Madeira asteroid in close cooperation with our IMG construction crews. We could not have done it without the assistance and the Red Hessians security assets.
This is what the current installation looks like. Picture taken while the first IMG convoy delivered the necessary building material to reinforce the mooring installation.
The first IMG flight to deliver the material needed for upgrading has been delivered and we also delivered a load of necessary supplies to Viernheim before we sent the ships towards the IMG installation. I hope you like the little gift that the ships brought, and the docking masters on Viernheim confirmed that they have use for it.
Anyway, the IMG is looking forward to working together in Omega 47. If we can assist you in return, just let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
I'm pleased to see the installation is completed, the station will serve as an olive branch for miners looking for equal treatment, and not theft from Corporate influence. The SOA will dispatch war assets to defend the station from any Imperial raiding parties while the station undergoes its final stages of construction. Additionally, the SOA will read you restrictions and unique access to Planet Tangier. Should any drastic changes or developments occur, notify me directly.
Finally, there is something the Army requires your assistance with. You've proven yourselves a valued ally in the construction of additional mining sites on Planet Tangier, however the Army would appreciate your assistance in fortifying a captured Daumann installation.
Leipzig station has served as a military complex to station raids, and provide first response to any developments in Omega-55 and Omega-11 that might affect Dresden. However, studies and reports from Freital show that the Red Sun in Omega-11 is bound to collapse, and undergo a supernova. Mining assets are on the scene currently, and plans are in motion to cripple as many Daumann assets as possible before the system becomes temporarily unreachable. Reports show that Daumann is unaware, as they're still conducting regular patrols and shipment patterns. Frietal's assets are being evacuated to Leipzig station, the issue here is that Leipzig is not made to house more than it's current population, and Vogtland is receiving exterior construction as well. Leipzig needs to be repaired, and re-fortified to holster more assets for the evacuation process to prove successful. Should we succeed, we will have saved hundreds of assets as well as cripple the Corporate oppressors that would seek to put you in ruin. Once the supernova explosion encompasses the system, military assets will move in to secure more resources, and ensure the Federal forces do not re-gain any significant presence in the system.
In short, this is our chance to liberate another system, to liberate all the oppressed miners in need in Omega-11, a large portion of the outcome of these events rests on your decision. Make no mistake, you will be rewarded.
Further details regarding the operation are best discussed in person, as you can imagine the magnitude of the situation is very high. Should we succeed, we will gain an enormous upper-hand in this war. Both against the Corporations, and the Imperials.