As Im sure you all have noticed the Alma and her fleet moved froward onto California Minors Orbit in order to prepare for the inevitable invasion from the Gallic's. My question to you all is what precautions and preparations on your end are being done to reinforce California?
[Communications ID: Admiral Mark Ferguson Liberty Navy Third Fleet
[Recipient ID: Commodore Johnathan Kalh Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
[Subject: RE: Battleship Alma and her Fleet
[Priority: Theta - Normal
[Encryption: Alpha - High
Good day, Commodore.
I'm more than aware of our new addition to the California blockade. Truthfully, I'm more than thankful that the First Fleet has taken up guard at California Minor, as it gives my men more breathing room should another incursion take place.
Considering the Third Fleet itself is constructing a shipyard in orbit of Los Angeles, we have a fairly large garrison in place at the planet. The entirety of Battlegroup Montana, commanded by our own Commodore Bixly, has been in place to keep the planet and everything west of it guarded, and Battlegroup Enterprise is being kept on guard in the event that Montana suffers casualties. Rest assured, we're more than prepared to keep our holdings secured, and once Pearl Harbor is underway, we'll be even more dug into the area. As insurance, I'm also going to have Battlegroup Omaha, commanded by Commodore Bradley, to be stationed near Riverside to act as buffer if one side should fall.
The Third Fleet isn't leaving California anytime soon, Commodore. I'm sure the Police and LSF are more than prepared to keep Los Angeles from falling, as well as yourself.
Stay safe out there, Commodore. Make Liberty proud.
Regards, Admiral Mark Ferguson
Battlegroup Enterprise
Liberty Navy Third Fleet Commanding.
[Communications ID: Admiral Mark Ferguson Liberty Navy Third Fleet
[Recipient ID: Commodore Johnathan Kalh Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
[Subject: RE: 3rd Fleet
[Priority: Theta - Normal
[Encryption: Alpha - High
As it stands right now, no. The shipyard is still undergoing planning, but from the report by Commodore Hayes, the construction should begin soon. I predict within the end of the month thst construction will begin, and should all go well, she will be fully constructed by mid-late January. While it's not hasty, it's still much faster than Norfolk took, and with the same capabilities.
However, I remain confident in our warships over a station designed to merely fairy them to battle. Hope this helps.
Regards, Admiral Mark Ferguson
Battlegroup Enterprise
Liberty Navy Third Fleet Commanding.
Thank you for the update Admiral, at times like these its good to have communication. Makes things run much smoother, if you need anything from me, you know where to find me.
From: Commissioner Chun-Mai Dawn To: Commodore Kalh Subj: Re: "Battleship Alma and her Fleet"
Commodore Kalh,
The Police is currently too busy catching smugglers and investigating criminal cases to defend our land against a foreign invasion. I'm quite sure that was the Navy's job.
Yours sincerely,
Commissioner Dawn
Liberty Police, Inc.
If we have no "land" then all will be for not. Take the stick out of your behind and get with the program Commissioner. I expected more from you, Yes the Navy is up to task here but every little bit helps. Pathetic.
I'll admit, I refrained from making any statements until now purely because I wished to see how you'd orchestrate this and the recipients into being productive contributors.
I'll do you a favour and be blunt when I say this. You'll only make matters worse by being so arrogant towards other officers of Liberty, nobody would want to willingly co-operate with you when you imply that they have something up their posterior and that they are supposedly pathetic, infact, I'm currently questioning what the agency's involvement with this should even be given your presented behaviour.
You can start by rendering an apology to the good commissioner and meeting officers of our house with some amount of respect and courtesy, especially when the discussion you've pulled them into doesn't fall under the purview of their actual duties.
I wont apologize for trying to ensure our survival, I don't want a incident like Leeds to happen here. This crap about "its the Navy's job" is ridiculous. Everyone thought i was the crazy one preaching about nomads and look, constant invasions are coming more and more frequent yet I am the one who seems to care the most about it. Now we have an enemy at our damn door steps and here we are again. I dont understand why I am the one putting myself my ship and crew on the line when the Navy is the only one who seems generally concerned on the topic. We are supposed to pull all resources in defending California, Even an extra police patrol would have been a nice gesture. But apparently they are to busy sipping coffee to do anything useful.
Did you think i wanted to pull people into this discussion Director Avery Reeves? No, quite frankly i prefer to keep to myself but when a damn Armada is knocking on our door I tend to get a little concerned. but hell with what the crazy Commodore has to say.
I would go further and suggest that you find another figure of authority in the Navy to head this co-operative effort, you very frankly lack the temperament to pull off such a broad organisational task. The Agency will spare the assets it has towards deep reconnaissance and target elimination, but given our small disposition and your evidently volatile behavior, I'm not sure what else there is to help with.
If you could take a moment to unplug the stick from your own rump, perhaps people would be more willing to listen to you and find compromises so as to accomplish the objectives you seem to be setting here. While you raise a valid concern, you've done the most terrible job of putting it across that could possibly be achieved, take a step back and calm yourself before you decide to mouth off to another official.
Lest breeding disunity and other negative impressions of our Republic's method of operation is what you want.