From: Commissioner Chun-Mai Dawn To: Director Avery Reeves Subj: Sleep at night.
Dear Director Reeves,
I apologise for sending you a message on such a short notice, but there is a matter I urgently require your help with.
A couple of days ago we received a recruitment application from an unassuming gentleman calling himself Christoph Lansen. Our recruitment officer didn't seem to pay much attention to who he was interviewing though, as he failed to run proper background checks on this bird. It is my fault as well as I was the person who let his application go through.
To make a long story short, cybersecurity systems at Fort Bush, which track all transmissions sent from our employees, found him attempting to forward a set of private cryptographic keys we use for our mainframes to an unknown address. I have absolutely no clue how he managed to obtain those keys, but rest assured that there will be some internal investigations within the LPI after this incident.
From how the rest of the transmission was worded I have a sneaking suspicion it might have been destined to someone in Rheinland, perhaps their Military or the MND. Regardless, the best way to catch a criminal is to catch him red-handed and if we tried to do something hastily, I'm afraid he would be able to escape. Having that in mind, I manually replaced the keys with random strings of characters and sent the message to its original destination.
From what I gathered from these transmissions, he will meet with his contact in two days, on October 20th, at 2000 hours SMT in the Bering system in the sector G4. If you manage to apprehend him then and there, and if everything goes smoothly, I believe we might have no problem with charging this bird with foreign espionage and make sure he doesn't see the world outside Sugarland, or worse, again.
It is imperative that we catch this snitch. It would be a matter of several days for all of our systems to replace their keys and if any of these are compromised, the results would be devastating. I would love to do it myself, but the gravity of this situation requires that someone more experienced handles this case. If I may, also, ask for something additional, please forward to me any audio logs you get from talking to him if you find him, this might greatly help in our investigation.
Please, Avery, my reputation and the security of the entire LPI rests on this case.
Yours sincerely,
Commissioner Dawn
Liberty Police, Inc.
"When one is made of glass, everything looks like a stone."
Allow me to first apologize to you on behalf of the Commodore who'd forgotten any semblance of manners and respect towards both a woman and a member of our law enforcement.
That said, I've thoroughly reviewed everything you put forward, and with as much haste as possible, I've fully briefed one Operative, codenamed "Winter" on the situation, on the day of the meeting, this operative will plant themselves within the system and remain in a low power surveillance state, allowing for us to collect solid evidence with which to charge the snitch with.
After acquiring said evidence, the Operative is authorized to use force and apprehend said suspect by any means necessary, with the only limitation being the obvious demise of the target. You needn't be so concerned, we'll nip this problem in the bud and save you the scandal. You do have my word that whatever Winter collects and forwards to my desk, will be delivered to your own the very second I have it.
The Agency cannot and will not allow this situation to escalate, trust in that and worry yourself no more, focus on the enforcement of Democracy within our own borders in the mean-time and wait for my next message.
Attached in this transmission is everything I think needs to be said.
Winter:404: Christoph Lansen.
LPI-C.Lansen[RO]: Greetings.
Winter:404: You've been charged with crimes amounting to espionage.
Winter:404: As such, consider this the execution of your arrest warrant.
LPI-C.Lansen[RO]: What the hell?
Winter:404: Do not resist this, it'll only make your trial that much harder.
LPI-C.Lansen[RO]: *sighs*
Winter:404: *Tractors in the target's pod*
Winter:404: You'll be tried fairly for your crimes, Lansen.
Winter:404: That much you can be sure of.
Winter:404: Espionage is no joke
Consider your snitch behind bars for treason. I still trust that they'll be given a fair trial by the system and that any evidence against them is properly reviewed. Despite Operative Winter remaining cloaked in the vicinity for a fair amount of time, we did not catch him with his accomplice, this person is still in the wind and so a part of the problem still persists, which greatly concerns me.
Efforts will be made to trace this person, but there's nothing to go on and the only person we have to question didn't appear very forthcoming.
From: Commissioner Chun-Mai Dawn To: Director Avery Reeves Subj: Re: Sleep at night.
Dear Director Reeves,
Thank you very much for your assistance. The prosecutor has been notified and subpoenas will be sent out as quickly as possible.
Inability to find his contact concerns me as well, as I'm not sure if there are more of such spies in the ranks of the LPI, Navy or even the LSF. However that will have to be considered after we've dealt with this bird.
I owe you a favor, Director.
Yours sincerely,
Commissioner Dawn
Liberty Police, Inc.