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I was granted permission by his watchful eye to forward this to you. Fulda is very much within the focus of many Sirian civilians who seek to make a profit off the scrap and the waste. But there is definitely more lurking in that cloud than just mere salvage.
Upon performing a recon flight about the vicinity of the impacted area, we were met with weapons fire from crazed guild pilots, none of them were capable of communication. Several had to be put down to ensure civilian safety.
Upon giving the order to retreat after several moments of holding our position, we were met by the blue entities themselves, armed with beam weapons and extremely advanced engine technology, they nearly slaughtered a salvager had it not been for our timely intervention.
This is more than likely information of interest to you, so I trust these facts can amount to some use and perhaps lead us to the true perpetrator of this uncharacteristic assault.
Sirius Coalition Сириуса Коалиция
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"Knowing Humanity - We will be duty, bloody and unavoidable."