Corsair stepped up in his defense and Teaboy put a bounty on him.
You stepped up for Corsair. Now there's a bounty on you.
Can't say I'm surprised.
Returning with a Vengeance June 2007 Sirius Universal Time.
We are coming.
BDBC-Yamato - Talarca Light Battlecruiser
BDBS-Musashi - Kusari Heavy Battleship (to be stolen)
BDF-Shinano - Blood Dragon Fighter *
FL-Monarch (to be commissioned) **
</span> The 大和, Battlecruiser Yamato, is Admiral Yamato's personal yacht and primary combat ship.
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'> The 武蔵, Battleship Musashi, is Admiral Yamato's command center and mobile base of operations for his personal fleet. * The 信濃, Fighter Shinano, is Admiral Yamato's personal fighter and reconnaisance ship, used for backup purposes. ** The Monarch is a freelance freighter captained by Bretonian Navy veteran, William Earnshaw Jr.
I just read the Behemoth thread. I admit I should have reserved judgement on this matter... the bounty on Max is a fair one. Seeing as I myself am not a corsair, I shall not be defending Corsair420, or his friend Max, or McNeo. However, since I am a personal friend of Crosair's, I shall not make a move to collect any of the bounties on him or his friends.
Edit: If you wish to keep the bounty on my head, so be it. I shall defend myself to the best of my ability.