The Texas <---> Bering Jumpgate is in danger.
There are large groups of people, an alliance called the Cabal Consortium, wanting to blow it sky high.
Let's just say the threat is closer than you think.
Take the info as you see fit.
Keep the info to yourself. Anonymous.
Want more? We can talk.
Incoming Transmission Liberty Security Force
Dept. of Internal Affairs
Sr. Agent 'Veritas'
An interesting development.
As you seem to be well-acquainted with this organization, we would be understandably enthused if more information made its way to us. I'm sure you have your price, but such needless details can most certainly be arranged, if the info checks out. Your call.
In the meantime, I believe I have some forces to reorganize.
In service to the Republic.
Senior Agent 'Veritas'
Agent in Command
Dept. of Internal Affairs
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
To be fair, I had the assumption that this message would be blown over.
I'm glad we can see eye to eye. It costed us a good amount to get this info to you, though I understand the validness of this information only applies if it comes true.
I hope, though, that it won't.
The Consortium calls themselves The Cabal of Independent Worlds Systems. The Cabal for short. A fresh group.
You might know some of their members: The Harmony Separatists, The Unioners, The Rat Pack, The Junker Congress.
Keeping it short and sweet, The Harmony Separatists are working together with the locals of Bering as well as their dear neighbors in Peuto Rico.
They have already taken over Freeport 2, placing a certain "Jimmy" as it's apparent administrator.
We only know about this because our residence on Freeport 2 was interrupted with the Bering Chapter's removal from the station. They offered us to join in their little group, though we refused. We didn't want any part of it. We only cared to have a place on the station in peace as we have done. I wont bore you of it all. It's not important right now.
There is more to this story, though me telling you more without the initial event happening wont prove what I say, unless you have other evidence to back up these claims.
The goal is to have Freeport 2, what they call "Freeport Providence" protected. Their little hide-away. The the destruction of the Jump Gate in their view will play in halting any threatening advances, and I probably don't need to tell you directly what one needs in order to perform such a feat of "ingenuity".
Be sure, they seek to remove Liberty from the equation.