Outside the bar, dust billows in small clouds as a freighter touches down. A ruffled looking bloke with a cigar in his mouth walks the bar, casting his gaze cautiously before sitting down. He adjusts his eyepatch (ooc: if you didnt figure this out, he is will earnshaw) and drops the tip of his hat above his face.
"Just give me whatever you've got back there," he mutters as he sees the rules sign. "No insults? No smoking?! No fighting?!?! What kind of a low-class garbage dump crap shoot bar is this?"
He takes a puff of his cigar defiantly before realizing he just violated the first two rules. Chuckling nervously, he puts out his cigar and takes a swig of the cheap liquor before dumping a credit chip on the table and taking off again.
Returning with a Vengeance June 2007 Sirius Universal Time.
We are coming.
BDBC-Yamato - Talarca Light Battlecruiser
BDBS-Musashi - Kusari Heavy Battleship (to be stolen)
BDF-Shinano - Blood Dragon Fighter *
FL-Monarch (to be commissioned) **
</span> The 大和, Battlecruiser Yamato, is Admiral Yamato's personal yacht and primary combat ship.
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'> The 武蔵, Battleship Musashi, is Admiral Yamato's command center and mobile base of operations for his personal fleet. * The 信濃, Fighter Shinano, is Admiral Yamato's personal fighter and reconnaisance ship, used for backup purposes. ** The Monarch is a freelance freighter captained by Bretonian Navy veteran, William Earnshaw Jr.
Hold up young man! I know you, I know you from the news! You are just the man i was looking for! I am Colonel Thomas of the Lane Hackers and i am looking for a man named Nakazawa. I think you or some one you have with you can help me. Lets have a few drinks and discuse this a little more.
Liam walked in.
He serves himself a chair and looks at the table in front of him.
"Eh - 'Bar-Rules' - what the .... . "
As he notices the 'non-smoking' and 'don't litter' rules, his first reflex is, to stand up and
ask the bar-maid, if it is possible to throw her on the floor (just to have something laying there).
He starts grinning, when the maid comes and asks for his wishes. "Scotch, lady"
It was good not to ask her. "She looks like a weasel from Sprague", he murmurs,
"So, where the hell is that man, having informations about the (ELF)-guys..."
The Scotch burns in his throat. It's not old enough - maybe 6 years.
"Lady, you got something older then 12 yrs ? Scotch, I mean......"
Better be careful with your questions at Malta.....
"Frikin pesky troublemakers" the bar owner said to himself and replaced the bar rules sign with a new one: No uncivilized people allowed into the bar.
The bar owner does'nt want any of those kind of people in his bar because many
famous/important or the big families of Malta often visits this bar to do business
or meetings.
Liberty Rogues - Stockholm_FCS - Osiris - Liberty Rogue commander Pike Zoners - [MiD]Lajeust.bank - Osiris - MiD bank Xenos - {NG}Spacefrog - Eagle - lazy terrorist guy
*Pike and his two crew members Ronald and Carlson entered the bar*
"Welcome back commander Pike!" the bar employee Ralph said.
Pike:"Thanks , where is the Toruella cartel agents?"
Ralph:At the table over there ,*and pointed at a table on the other side.*
Pike: Bring 3 liberty rogue cocktails over there in a min please.
Ralph:Sure sure be right there.
*Pike walked over to the table with Ron and Carl behind him*
Toruella agent:Excellent work commander with that cardamine shipment ,1000ton is very much in so short time.
Pike: Got the money?
Toruella agent: Be patient commander ,meet Eddie on the way out he gots the breifcase, hope you are enjoying our hospitality here on Malta.
Ronald: Oh yes ,the cardamine is very good here.
Pike:"Shh Ron let me do the talking".
Toruella agent: What do you want? he said when Ralph came with the drinks.
Ralph: 3 rogue cocktails for our guests here.
*Carl and Ron grabbed thier drinks*
Toruella agent: If you have time theres another shipment of 1000tons cardamine.
**occ : (1 ton of cardamine = 1 unit ingame)**.
Pike: I'm always avaliable.
*Pike ,Carl and Ron leaves the bar*
*The Toruella agent Eddie hands over the breifcase*
*Pike opens it and find lots of credit cards and several bags of cardamine*
Hand out these to the boys when we get back to our mansion.
Liberty Rogues - Stockholm_FCS - Osiris - Liberty Rogue commander Pike Zoners - [MiD]Lajeust.bank - Osiris - MiD bank Xenos - {NG}Spacefrog - Eagle - lazy terrorist guy
A man walks in in a Hessian uniform, with a ciggarete in his left hand. There was a pistol hosted onto his right side of the belt, and he seemed to have a rough day. Some people turned around to look at him, as they had no visitors from Rheinland in some time. He walked up to the bar. "Some cardamine, please" he asked.
Jose Marie strolls into the bar, buzzing his face off on cardamine and a concoction of synthetic marijuana and the finest preserved columbian. Most of Jose's drugs come from Mr Fokke, the local cardamine baron, but the columbian is found elsewhere. "
"If anyone wants any of the white stuff, browning has it, I've got a number but he'll be here shortly *twitch**Grin*" said Jose, eyeing up the clientele.
There were some pretty women in today, but none of them were battered enough to give Jose a second look and so he walked to the bar and bought a Sex on the Hispania cocktail. It went down well with the Screaming Corsair he had before leaving Ruiz.
Just then, someone caught his eye. At the end of the bar was a shady looking character, clearly sporting a fashionably ****e Hessian uniform and obviously unable to handle his cardamine. The sight of a Hessian on planet Malta was unheard of, they are sworn enemies of the Outcasts and Jose couldn't beleive that noone had noticed the intruder!
In a matter of seconds Jose had his gun out and had fired a round of sweet justice towards the now literally Red Hessian. It was only a matter of time before he was a cold Blue Hessian.