The poor, the oppressed and those living in despair in this world are in desperate need to hear good news. They need to hear that they are loved, and that those of us more fortunate do care. This is the mission statement of the Omicron Orphan Initiative - an organisation committed to help the many orphans throughout Sirius.
Headquartered on Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49, Omicron Orphan Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of orphaned children all over Sirius.
Through donations of concerned individuals, businesses, and organizations, we help feed, educate, and improve the lives of the orphans which are in our care.
On-site program
Urgent Care
To move the children we work with from one statistical pool to another: Every child is an individual, with individual dreams and goals. Orphan children are no different. Once their environment has been stabilized, i.e., they have shelter, adequate food, medical care, love and nurturing, their basic critical needs have been fulfilled.
Beyond Urgent Care
The next phase of our program provides opportunities for the children to act upon their own individual dreams and goals. We make sure that they receive a complete and thorough primary education, access to counseling and mentoring and nurturing. Whenever the natural resources of the geographic location of the home allow, we use agriculture and animal husbandry, sewing, baking, woodworking and metal working to provide the children with additional skills and make the home and community more self-sufficient. This sets the foundation for them to be an educated, and mentally, physically and spiritually healthy young adult ready for higher education, vocational training or immediate entry into the workforce based upon their individual abilities and achievements.
Integration into Society
Becoming a productive member of their society in turn provides self-actualization and the ability to provide for themselves and a family.
Self-sufficient settlement
In NervaGen villages, household food waste is composted and fed to flies, which in turn feeds fish, which then fertilizes aquaponic gardens (multi-layered systems that combine fish farming and hydroponic agriculture, with plant roots submerged in nutrient-rich solution rather than soil). Those aquaponic farms grow products for residents to eat, as do seasonal gardens, which are be fertilized by waste from livestock raised to feed residents. Rainwater is harvested and filtered for use in the farms and gardens, and on-site solar panels power the homes.
What is special about the our concept are the separate grids for district heating and electricity supplies, via which the heat and electricity produced locally are fed straight to consumers. This saves costs and achieves independence from the grids of conventional power utility companies.
Maximum independence
An appropriate overall energy concept and an essentially autarchic supply grid puts the regional end-users connected to it in a position where they can free themselves from spiraling prices for fossil fuels and from over-powerful energy suppliers. This shows that renewable energies allow the creation of totally new value cycles at regional level.
I've been searching the forum something similar, and since I did not find anything.. I decided to make one. It's my first try, obviously I will make a lot of mistakes.
Most probably I will just run it from my main Char, Prof.Nerva.
I would really like to know if there would be any organizations that would like to fund/support(by any means) something like this.
Hello. I'm glad you pick Gran Canaria for your Initiative. There are lot of Corsairs there and you can count on my char when you need bad examples, like children abuse, bribery, robbery and other kinds of troubles.
Corsairs are known for high orphan production, as they care less for birth control during their long siestas. Mortality rate is also high in Empire. There are lot of orphanages on Crete, with really low nursery standards. Kids are badly educated and food and soap are on short supply all the time.
Situation at Gran Canaria is a bit better, as there are Corsair Chili Sausage factories, keeping the unemployment as low as it could. But, two unlawful factions are competing for ownership of the planet. There was a big mess some years ago, so called O-49 conflict. Collateral damage was inevitable. No one knows what could happened next time.
I'm sure someone will support your Initiative, after what I wrote
(11-23-2017, 12:22 AM)Nerva Regis (i'm on a break) Wrote: I would really like to know if there would be any organizations that would like to fund/support(by any means) something like this.
If you contact The Seraphim, I will support this kind of RP with pleasure. There was an RP regarding an orphanage on Crete between The Seraphim and a Corsair religious person. Didn't go anywhere, but was fun.
@casualty I'll be writing some coms later today.
@Pepe We'll solve some of your problems... who knows... with some luck, we could get a Nuttela factory,
That's a lot of glass for a community wanting to move themselves off the grid and use solar energy....
I understand the greenhouses but it's not always best to merge that with buildings and expect the solar panels to be efficient. Especially in the renderings you show, that's gonna a loose a lot of heat...
Ofc it depends on the climate but if you picked greenhouses then I bet you suspect snow. Otherwise why a greenhouse?
Furthering this, solar panels should not be the only source of power you generate. Think of other ways like geo thermal energy, wind power, etc to provide your home's with needed supply.
Look up net 0 homes and stuff of that nature. Good luck.
Small bumpy bump. Since I've already got some feedback here, I will keep this as a feedback thread.
Currently working on setting up a nice info page with stuff.