Feedback thread for any & all my RP - both on the forum and ingame
Current Forum RP stories;
Sil'fer - Note that this RP story is based on my nomad character from the old UK server in 4.85, 4.86 and 4.87. All the events actually took place ingame, but was written up into an actual readable story format, rather than the more "normal" forum RP usually given for the Nomads - I've nothing against that style, I just prefer what I write to be readable and easily understandable. Hopefully it gives some of you the viewpoint from the Nomads perspective a bit clearer.
I would like to note that Sil'fer has been created on this server, but as a Nomad Trial ship, rather than a Nomad ID'd character - as I wanted to have the freedom to move around Sirius - and that I'm more interested in RP than PvP.