COMMs Officer: Sir, we are resiving a transmition from a General Nakazawa. Should i play it on the mane screen or patch it threw to you.
Coronal Thomas: Patch it threw to me, Il take it in my ready room.
------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSMITION :
Transmition ID:Nakazawa's personal line
Transmition To:Colonel Benjamin Thomas
This is General Nakazawa, I am seald in my ready room. I only have a few minuts at the most. All of my comand staf have eather been captured or killed. Inform the Lane Haker hight comand of my situation. They shold know what to do.
Transmition lost...
OMFG! COMMs, contact General Blackwood.
I have him sir.
General, I have terible news! Nakazawa Has been captured by the Kusari Navy. He said to contact you and that you wold know what to do. Please, send me in to get him back! He is my like my brother to me.
General Blackwood:Sun, no ofenc but no Colonel can take on the Kusari Navy---
BUT! Sir---
AND this is why I am giving you a Field Comition as General. I have a new Spyglass here whaiting for you. You will be given comand of the operation to retrieve Nakazawa. You are to build up an atack force and fined him. Your ship is the only one we can spair so you may have to look for pilots from other plases.
Sir, im onered that you will trust me with such a responsibility. I dont know what to say.
Well you can start with "I accept". Then you can say "I'l be there as soon as posible to get my ship". Now, as for the rest of your crew, it is up to you to diside wether or not to keep them with you or to keep them on the Yaht.
Yes Sir! I think il ceep my crew, we have grown to know each other well and i wold hate to have to start over with a new crew.
Well then its setled, Il see you soon. General Blackwood out
Transmition terminated...
------------------------------------------------- ATENTION CREW
I have just recived word that we are to return to the Omega systems for a NEW SPYGLASS Battle ship! I have also been given Field Comistion of General.
From the Omega systems we are going to go to planit Malta to start planing and scouting for a raid on Kusari to rescue General Yuko Nakazawa.
You will resive further anouncements as we come to them.
That is all, thank you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC :feel free to post RP here if it pertains to the rescue.
As for further info on the situation or on my chars then take a look at the links in my sig.
**OOC** so, have we gotten an arrangement with WA for the event? well, its not for a few months (i think...). brilliant idea.
Returning with a Vengeance June 2007 Sirius Universal Time.
We are coming.
BDBC-Yamato - Talarca Light Battlecruiser
BDBS-Musashi - Kusari Heavy Battleship (to be stolen)
BDF-Shinano - Blood Dragon Fighter *
FL-Monarch (to be commissioned) **
</span> The 大和, Battlecruiser Yamato, is Admiral Yamato's personal yacht and primary combat ship.
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'> The 武蔵, Battleship Musashi, is Admiral Yamato's command center and mobile base of operations for his personal fleet. * The 信濃, Fighter Shinano, is Admiral Yamato's personal fighter and reconnaisance ship, used for backup purposes. ** The Monarch is a freelance freighter captained by Bretonian Navy veteran, William Earnshaw Jr.
OOC:I have spoken to Skaldi but nothing definut has been set yet. Althow he did asentaly say yes, im going to try and get him to conferm and discuse axact terms eather over PM or on another thred
Oh and if you are reading this, please do one or the other
ok, the rescue event will take plase in Tohoku at the Arch. Yamato and Coronel Thomas will be the only atacking capships. i have placed the General's FS in the center of the arch and the goals of the atacking forces will be to reach and hold that position for 1 minute. The goals of the difenders will be to keep us from that station at all costs, and if we reach it to kill us before we acomplish our goals. Fleet sizes shold be keept secret from both sides to add a little flavor to the battle.
The time this will take plase is still up in the air.